I am

W. Scott-Elliot

The Story of Atlantis

That term may be conveniently used to denote the kind of clairvoyance I am now endeavouring to elucidate, the kind which, in some of its more magnificent developments, has been employed to carry out the investigations on the basis of which the present account of Atlantis has been compiled.

The decadence and ultimate disappearance[xi] of Atlantean civilisation is in turn as instructive as its rise and glory; but I have now accomplished the main purpose with which I sought leave to introduce the work now before the world, with a brief prefatory explanation, and if its contents fail to convey a sense of its importance to any listeners I am now addressing, that result could hardly be accomplished by further recommendations of mine.


Timaeus & Critias

"[Sokrates (Socrates) :] If I can sufficiently remember and report the tale once told by the priests and brought hither by Solon, I am wellnigh convinced that I shall appear to the present audience to have fulfilled my task adequately.

Matias de Stefano

Matias De Stefano Explains Traveling Through Dimensions

The ego, which translates to "I am" in Latin, is not something to be eradicated but something to be understood and used for personal growth and creation.

The Oera Linda Book

If any one comes and says, I am at war, you must help me; or another comes and says, My son is an infant and incompetent, and I am old, so I wish you to be his guardian, and to take charge of my property until he is of age, it is proper to refuse in order that we may not come into disputes about matters foreign to our free customs.

Wr-alda or Alvader has given me many years, and I have travelled over many lands and seas, and after all that I have seen, I am convinced that we alone [47]are chosen by Alvader to have laws.

What the dog is to the shepherd I am in Frya’s service.

Very good, said the Magy, swelling with rage; say that I am coming.

She was what I am now, a Burgtmaagd of this [129]place; is she, then, wiser and better than I and all the others?

So neither the earth nor any other created object can say, I am; but rather, I was.

Besides, everybody knows and must acknowledge that he is now changing, that he changes every minute even while he says, I am, and that his thoughts change even while he says, I think.

Instead, then, of imitating Finda’s wicked people, and saying, I am the best part of Wr-alda, and through us alone he can think, [143]we proclaim everywhere where it is necessary, We, Frya’s children, exist through Wr-alda’s life—in the beginning mean and base, but always advancing towards perfection without ever attaining the excellence of Wr-alda himself.

I have often done it myself, and yet I am as pious a Fryas man as any of you.

I am the maiden who came home with him from Saxsenmarken.

Owing to him many of the states had been joined together again, but that we were the better for it I am not prepared to certify.

Robert Nelson


If you would remove your mask,You would know that to you I give no test,For all I wish for you is that which I am, as you.

Robert Nelson

KEYS 46: Timelessness

The relationship with the "I am" is timeless, and it renews all things, including relationships with others and the world.

Robert Nelson

Birthright (#3 part 9) the Life of Robert Nelson

Nelson also suggests visualizing oneself as white light and using chants, such as "God is, I am," to ensure protection during spiritual practices.

Robert Nelson

Birthright series (#2 part 2) Robert Nelson

He encourages listeners to embrace their divinity and to use a simple mantra—"I am great, I am grateful, I am God"—as a tool for spiritual transformation.

Robert Nelson

Fear-Based Beliefs

Nelson recommended a daily exercise for spiritual growth: standing in front of a mirror and repeating the phrase, "I am God, I am great, and I am grateful." He suggested that doing this six to ten times a day would help reinforce the truth of one's divine nature, leading to a transformation in perception and self-awareness.

Ramana Maharshi

Ramana Maharshi’s Final Truth

I am purely Brahman, beyond all qualities.

Nisargadatta Maharaj

“I am” as the awareness before thoughts

While browsing a bookstore, they came across the book I Am That, purchased it, and skimmed through it.

Numerous books were compiled from his teachings, with I Am That being the most famous.

After receiving guidance from his Guru, Maharaj devoted all his spare time to meditation, dwelling on the sense of "I am." He advised seekers to do the same, stressing the importance of earnestness in the pursuit of self-realization.

Maharaj's most direct teaching method was to encourage seekers to dwell in the sense of "I am." Maharaj defined the "I am" as the awareness before thoughts, urging his followers to focus on the pure sense of existence before any self-definitions or judgments arise.

The practice of dwelling in the sense of "I am" was a key aspect of Maharaj's teachings.

Maharaj taught that the "I am" is the only certainty in life, as it represents one's existence.

Maharaj encouraged seekers to focus on their own experience of existence, to look beyond judgments, opinions, and self-concepts, and to dwell in the pure sense of "I am." This direct and immediate practice was the essence of his spiritual guidance.

The essence is the awareness or "I am" that exists before thought, judgment, or definition.

Maharaj taught that fear arises from ignorance of one’s true nature and that it dissipates when one realizes the "I am"—the pure awareness beyond the ego.

Maharaj emphasized that the sense of "I am" is the awareness before thoughts and perceptions arise.

He instructed seekers to dwell in the sense of "I am," which includes the immediate experience of the body, but without identifying with it.

"The entire core of Nisargadatta's teaching is his relentless return to 'Dwell in the sense of I Am.'"

"He would say over and over that the I Am, the fact that you exist, is the one thing that you can know for certain in this life.

Rob Wergin

I am healed

He explains that affirmations like "I am healed" must be followed by belief, without negative second or third thoughts undermining the statement.

Pamela Aaralyn

Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene shares a personal reminder of this concept, referring to the mantra on the back of her neck, which says, "Call me hum, I am another you." This serves as a constant reminder that every person and circumstance is a reflection of oneself.


Satan is not real

Many channels are often concerned about low vibrational or dark entities, but I am not afraid.

I am divinely protected, so there is no fear.

Matias de Stefano

Time and Space

When individuals say "I am," they are recognizing that all times and spaces are unified in that statement.

Instead, he refers to the "I Am" as the essence of everything, rejecting the traditional concept of God as an external creator.

QHHT – Atlantis

So after I did that with him, he went to Atlantis, straight to Atlantis, and as I am a medium, a trained medium, not a self-proclaimed without training, I can see — not always, but most of the times — I can see what the client is describing.

Frederick S. Oliver

The Mistake of a Life

I am sorry to admit that such moral obliquity could ever have warped my character, even twelve thousand years ago!

For I am longing for my release, when I may go out into the blessed realms that mine have mine ears seen, heard, and myself been amidst, with Him who openeth and no man shutteth, and shutteth and no man openeth.

I am working and sacrificing that ye may know that Way, and tread it.

I am thine to do with as thou wilt.

But leave me now, for I am almost crazed!

Kiss me once as thou wouldst if I were thine own wife in the sight of the world, as I am in that of Incal, and having died, thou wert about to confide my clay to the Unfed Light."

Frederick S. Oliver

A nation of 85 million people

I am glad.

I thought of Incal, and I said:"Incal, my God, if I am about to do wrong in Thy sight, in disregarding the laws of society and marriage, smite me dead ere I sin."

Frederick S. Oliver

Le Grand Voyage

"Zo Rai, I am sensible thou hast done thy servant a great honor.

I am reminded that he has decided from evidence afforded by erosion and weathering of the rocks in that amazing region, that while the Arizona lake was undoubtedly a lake or a seabed since the Paleozoic time when it was the site of a shallow ocean, nevertheless that lake was certainly "of an age older than the Pliocene, being probably in the Cretaceous epoch." My friend, no.

Frederick S. Oliver

The Waters of Light

I am overjoyed at thy success in life; live then, in thy high place.

She flushed, then said:"Thou knowest that I am studying the science of therapy; what better chance to experiment could an eager student have than thou didst furnish me?""Yea, verily," I answered, but felt that there was a deeper reason than the experimental proclivity, and that the indulgence in the latter was extremely, lovingly cautious!

Frederick S. Oliver

Airship used for fast personal transport

He had said that whosoever should add to or take from his laws, that person should not come into the Kingdom of Incal until "I am come on earth for the final judgment." No one had ever desired to disobey, it would seem, or at least no change had ever been made.


Destroyed cities

Text: "And say, 'Thus shall Babylon sink, to rise no more, because of the disaster that I am bringing upon her, and they shall become exhausted.' Thus far are the words of Jeremiah."

Frederick S. Oliver

Poseid highly honors women

I am, indeed, rather glad that thou art here.

Frederick S. Oliver

Technology vs Spirituality

"It is a very important trust indeed, but one which I am happy to offer thee because thou art capable of filling it to the satisfaction of the council.

"Prince Menax, I am aware that this is a very great honor.

Frederick S. Oliver

Strict religious customs of Poseid

Hence, I am today not less in favor of Sabbath observance, whether it be the seventh day or any other of the seven days of the week, as now constituted, or the eleventh and first, as in Atla.

Frederick S. Oliver

Poseid, 4340 years of peace

It is a great joy thus to have attained the eminences of the spirit which enable me to scan the history of lives from which I passed through the portal of the grave; lives which now I am returned to gaze upon through the eyes of a different personality, a personality strung, greatest one of a chain, like pearls upon a thread, teaching me I AM!

Cuneiform tablets

The Legend of Etana

"My friend, I am not able to go up to heaven, Set me down, let me return to my city."

Revelation 18

Thus shall Babylon sink

Jeremiah 51:25-26: “Behold, I am against thee, O destroying mountain, saith the Lord, which destroyest all the earth: and I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and roll thee down from the rocks, and will make thee a burnt mountain.

To the degree that she glorified herself and lived sensuously, to the same degree give her torment and mourning; for she says in her heart, ‘I sit as a queen and I am not a widow, and will never see mourning.’

Shepherds of humans

English: "I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep."

Literal Translation: "I am the good shepherd.


The Catalogue of Ships

Hear me at once, for I am a messenger from Zeus, who, though he be not near, yet takes thought for you and pities you.