Matias de Stefano

Matias De Stefano Explains Traveling Through Dimensions

YouTube Channel: Emily Apollo

Introduction to Matias De Stefano

In this interview, Matias De Stefano, an Argentinian born in Venado Tuerto, shares his experiences and knowledge about dimensions, the universe, and the spiritual journey of humanity. From a young age, Matias has had memories of past lives, other dimensions, and an inherent understanding of the universe, which led him to embark on a journey of education and sharing his wisdom with the world.

Early Life and Spiritual Awakening

Matias De Stefano was born in a small town in Argentina, into an agnostic family. From a very early age, he was aware of the other dimensions and beings around him, which was natural to him but extraordinary to others. As he grew, he realized he had memories from before he was born, providing him with insights into the universe and the purpose of life.

By the age of 18 to 21, Matias began to organize the vast amount of information he had received throughout his life. Initially, he studied education with the intent to help children going through similar processes of spiritual awakening. However, he realized that adults were more resistant to understanding these ideas, which led him to share his knowledge through workshops and speeches.

Explanation of Dimensions

Matias explains that dimensions are often misunderstood as physical places, but in reality, they are different perspectives or perceptions. The third dimension, where humans exist, is defined by width, depth, and height. As we move through the dimensions, we expand our perception rather than physically moving from one place to another. For example, the fourth dimension adds the element of time, while the fifth dimension relates to a higher level of consciousness and understanding.

The idea of “moving to the fifth dimension” is often misunderstood. Matias emphasizes the importance of mastering the third and fourth dimensions first, explaining that most humans have not fully grasped living in harmony within the third dimension, let alone the fifth.

The Concept of 5D and the Current Human Focus

When discussing the fifth dimension (5D), Matias highlights that many people rush toward the idea of “ascension” without fully understanding or appreciating their current reality in the third dimension. He advises that the focus should not be on escaping to a higher dimension but on understanding and mastering one’s existence in the present.

To achieve this, humans should concentrate on understanding themselves, their history, and their biology. Instead of categorizing historical events and people as good or bad, Matias encourages individuals to see these experiences as steps in the evolution of humanity. He stresses that it is crucial to make peace with the past in order to move forward.

Duality and Coherence

Matias delves into the concept of duality, explaining that it is essential to the creation of life. He clarifies that duality, represented by positive and negative polarities, is not about good versus evil but about balance. These polarities are necessary for existence, much like the poles of a magnet or the dynamic between masculine and feminine energies. He argues that good and bad are human constructs, often shaped by societal norms and survival instincts, and should not be confused with the natural flow of energy in the universe.

Coherence, according to Matias, is about aligning thoughts, feelings, and actions. To live a coherent life is to be in balance with oneself and with the world. This involves not only intellectual understanding but also emotional and physical alignment.

The Nature of the Soul

Matias describes the soul as the energy that holds the body together. He likens it to water, which can exist in solid, liquid, or gaseous forms but remains fundamentally the same. The soul, much like energy, transforms but never ceases to exist. This allows individuals to have memories of past lives because the soul carries the information of all the forms it has taken.

While each person has access to their own past life memories, Matias notes that these memories are often limited to lives that are emotionally or vibrationally aligned with their current existence. However, since all souls are part of a larger collective, or “tree of life,” each person is inherently connected to the experiences of all other souls, even if they do not directly remember those lives.

Integrating Spirituality into Everyday Life

Matias speaks about the challenge of integrating spiritual knowledge with the reality of living in the third dimension. He emphasizes that the ego, often seen as an obstacle in spiritual practice, is actually a tool that helps individuals navigate the material world. The ego, which translates to “I am” in Latin, is not something to be eradicated but something to be understood and used for personal growth and creation.

He suggests that rather than viewing the ego as something negative, individuals should see it as a necessary component of their journey. It provides a framework for understanding one’s position in the world and allows for the expression of creativity and personal potential.

Practical Advice for Spiritual Growth

Matias offers three key practices for spiritual growth:

  1. Diet: Eat in a way that aligns with the energy you want to embody. As light beings, consuming lighter foods such as vegetables and fruits, which absorb light through photosynthesis, can aid in raising one’s vibration.
  2. Breathing: Practice mindful breathing through the nose. Matias advises counting the length of the inhale, the hold, and the exhale, gradually increasing the count to improve the flow of energy and balance the emotions.
  3. Laughter: The simplest and most effective way to raise one’s vibration is through laughter. Joy is the gateway to spiritual enlightenment, and laughter brings us closer to our true essence.


Matias De Stefano’s wisdom touches on profound concepts of existence, dimensions, and the purpose of human life. Through his teachings, he encourages individuals to embrace their present reality, understand their past, and take practical steps to live in coherence with their true nature. His focus on simplicity in spiritual practice, combined with his understanding of the cosmos, offers a grounded approach to navigating both the spiritual and material worlds.

For more information on Matias’ work, visit his daily blog Yo Soy, where he shares insights and meditations. You can also watch his show Initiation on Gaia for an in-depth exploration of dimensions and consciousness.

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