Rob Wergin

I am healed

Top ENERGY HEALER Explains How DIVINE ENERGY Holds Key to Spiritual Transformation | Rob Wergin

The Awakening at the Beach

During a transformative moment on a beach in California, Rob Wergin experienced an overwhelming spiritual encounter. He described feeling as though his body was electrified, and when he turned around, the beach was filled with angels and spiritual beings. Overwhelmed by this experience, he fell to the ground and cried. This event marked a significant turning point in his life.

Early Life and Spiritual Background

Wergin recounted that from an early age, he exhibited healing abilities, starting with animals. Raised in a devout Lutheran household, he was taught to pray and ask for divine intervention. He believed that his spiritual gifts were normal until his parents misunderstood them and subjected him to a Lutheran exorcism. This experience, while traumatic, led to a period of dormancy in his spiritual abilities until his 50s.

Turning Point in Sedona

In 2003, following personal losses and hardships, including a failed suicide attempt, Wergin was instructed by a divine voice to go to Sedona. Although initially confused, he followed the guidance and embarked on a journey that would reconnect him with his healing abilities. In Sedona, his spiritual gifts reawakened, and people began seeking him for healing.

Rob Wergin’s Healing Philosophy

Wergin identifies himself as a “divine conduit” rather than a healer. He emphasizes the importance of being connected directly to divine energy, without intermediaries. According to him, when working with people, he facilitates a connection to a higher, unconditional energy that allows for transformation. He believes that healing is a collaborative process, requiring individuals to exercise their free will and choose whether or not to accept the healing energy.

Healing as Transformation

Wergin’s approach to healing is rooted in the belief that the energy surrounding individuals provides them with the opportunity for transformation. He stresses that healing is not just physical but involves past lives, generational patterns, and spiritual issues. He encourages those seeking healing not to focus narrowly on specific ailments but to be open to broader transformative experiences.

Personal Challenges and Stroke Recovery

In 2003, Wergin experienced a massive stroke while walking his dog. Despite the diagnosis from a renowned neurologist that predicted a lengthy recovery, Wergin declared that he would be released from the hospital the same day. By 5 PM that evening, the doctors found nothing wrong with him, and he walked out fully recovered. He credits this miraculous recovery to his unwavering belief in divine energy and his refusal to accept a negative prognosis.

The Power of Thought and Belief

Wergin advocates for the power of thought in the healing process. He explains that affirmations like “I am healed” must be followed by belief, without negative second or third thoughts undermining the statement. He teaches people how to reprogram their thoughts to align with positive healing energy.

Healing Lineage and Ancestral Patterns

Wergin also focuses on ancestral healing, stating that much of what people experience physically and spiritually stems from unresolved issues passed down through generations. He believes that by healing ancestral wounds, individuals can break free from inherited patterns of illness and suffering.


Wergin encourages people to embrace their personal power and free will in the healing process. He emphasizes that nothing is impossible and that everything can be healed through faith, trust, and belief in divine energy. He invites people to see their life experiences, even the most difficult ones, as opportunities for growth and transformation.

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