Robert Nelson

Birthright (#3 part 9) the Life of Robert Nelson


The discussion resumes at almost one in the morning on August 4th, 2016. This is Part 9 of the third session in the series, covering the life of Robert Nelson, also known as Bob Kelly. The conversation starts by revisiting Nelson’s channeled book “Keys Love Letters with God” and shifts to the late 1970s when Nelson began channeling another entity, Yari, his Atlantean son.

Yari and Atlantis

Around 1977–1978, Nelson began channeling Yari, who was his son from a past life in Atlantis. Nelson explains that Yari was born a few months after he died in Atlantis, which occurred around 8,000 BC, near the end of the Atlantean civilization.

Nelson recalls that during his Atlantean life, he killed his father, a governor in the Atlantean temple government, due to his father’s abusive behavior towards Nelson and his mother. After the murder, Nelson fled and met a priest named Ashkenazi, who taught him a new way of living. However, Nelson was killed before his son Yari was born.

Yari’s Life in Atlantis

Yari grew up in the northern islands of Atlantis after his mother moved there. He was raised by an elderly Atlantean wizard, and as he matured, Yari developed notable skills. After the wizard’s death, the Atlantean government gave Yari two choices: work for them as a spy and coast guard, or be used in laboratory experiments. He chose the former and served in various roles, including spying on foreign ports and repelling unauthorized ships attempting to enter Atlantean waters. Yari also fought against UFOs that interfered with the Atlantean government’s affairs. However, Yari refused to support the government’s war efforts against North Africa, leading to his execution.

Channeling Experiences

In the late 1970s, Nelson began channeling Yari, feeling a strong connection to him. Yari often appeared in visions, and Nelson later learned that Yari was his son from Atlantis. Channeling Yari presented technical difficulties; batteries in tape recorders and camcorders would drain rapidly during sessions, indicating a strong energetic imbalance.

Nelson shares one experience where Yari, displeased with a black headband Nelson was wearing, made it disappear mid-channeling, never to be found again. Yari also shared details about life in Atlantis, explaining that the name “Atlantis” was a later Greek derivative and that the civilization referred to itself as “Atlan.” Contrary to popular belief, Atlantean life was not utopian; there was corruption, and the society was rediscovering ancient technologies.

Location of Atlantis

Nelson places Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean, west of Europe, closer to Britain, France, and Spain. He speculates that parts of Atlantis may have sunk into the Mariana Trench or moved towards the Arctic.

Channeling and Spiritual Guidance

Nelson is selective about whom he channels, emphasizing the importance of channeling God first and foremost. He explains that he has also channeled Archangel Michael but clarifies that angels and archangels are not referred to as “saints,” a title reserved for humans.

Nelson warns against seeking psychic abilities or practicing automatic writing, advising people to pursue meditation and develop their relationship with God. He believes that psychic abilities should come as a byproduct of spiritual development, not as an end goal.

Protection Techniques

Nelson recommends prayer as a protective technique when engaging in psychic activities. He explains that prayer is powerful not in itself but in the relationship it fosters with God. Nelson also suggests visualizing oneself as white light and using chants, such as “God is, I am,” to ensure protection during spiritual practices. He advises against automatic writing, cautioning that it can open people up to negative influences.


Nelson urges caution when engaging in metaphysical practices, advising people to seek a relationship with God first. He explains that true spiritual guides, like Archangel Michael, do not push people or demand worship. Instead, they offer guidance and protection while allowing individuals to live their own lives and make their own decisions.

Nelson concludes by emphasizing the importance of independence in spiritual matters, warning against dependence on technology or spiritual entities that seek control.

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