Matias de Stefano

Time and Space

Philosophical Explanation: Time and Space

Matias explains that the concept of “Here and Now” goes beyond just a physical location or moment. It’s not about living solely in the present but understanding a deeper connection between time and space. The speaker shares a discovery regarding the words “time” and “space,” stating that they share the same root meaning — “to pull.” Matias stresses that time and space are intertwined aspects of a single reality, with time representing the internal process and space as its outward expression.

Day 90: Here and Now – Matias de Stefano

Misconceptions of Time and Space

Matias points out that humans perceive time as the passing of moments, like day and night or aging, but these are merely effects of the Earth’s movements. Time, as humans know it, is just a perception linked to matter. Similarly, space is also a perception, constructed from vibrating strings of energy. The speaker emphasizes that time doesn’t truly exist as we understand it.

The True Meaning of “Here and Now”

To grasp the concept of “Here and Now,” one must transcend ordinary perceptions of time and space and understand that all moments and places are expressed from a single point. When individuals say “I am,” they are recognizing that all times and spaces are unified in that statement. The concept of “Here and Now” is not confined to the present moment or location but encompasses all times and places in the universe.

Responsibility in the “Here and Now”

Matias explains that embracing “Here and Now” carries a great responsibility. Every action taken in the present moment can affect both the past and future. Recognizing this interconnectedness gives a deeper meaning to living in the present.

Practical Use of Time and Space

Although time and space are perceived differently in the cosmos, humans still need these tools to navigate their physical world. The realization of their true nature doesn’t negate their importance in daily life.

Understanding the Concept of God

Matias discusses the concept of God, explaining that the word originates from the idea of the Sun and light, symbolizing brightness and life. He asserts that the concept of God is often misunderstood as a being separate from creation. Instead, he refers to the “I Am” as the essence of everything, rejecting the traditional concept of God as an external creator.

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