Ramana Maharshi

Ramana Maharshi’s Final Truth

The speaker begins by addressing the final truth of the 20th-century sage, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. He acknowledges that this truth is difficult for many people to understand, including spiritual aspirants. It represents the ultimate realization on the spiritual path.

The Concept of Brahmavidya

Ramana’s teachings belong to the tradition of Brahmavidya, which translates to “the science of the absolute” or “knowledge of Brahman.” Teaching Brahmavidya can be challenging, especially for those who are not ready for it. Ramana, however, shared this knowledge with those who approached him.

Ramana’s Final Truth

The speaker quotes Ramana Maharshi’s final truth:
“There is neither creation nor destruction, neither destiny nor free will, neither path nor achievement. This is the final truth.”
This statement challenges the belief in a spiritual path leading to enlightenment. Instead, Ramana exposes the illusion of achievements and paths, shifting focus to the one who believes in these concepts.

The Avadhuta Gita and Non-Dualism

To further explain, the speaker refers to the Avadhuta Gita by Lord Dattatreya. It proclaims:
“I have no birth, no death, and no duties. I have never done anything either good or bad. I am purely Brahman, beyond all qualities. How could either bondage or liberation exist for me?”

From the perspective of Advaita Vedanta (non-dualism), this teaching aligns with Ramana’s final truth. The Jiva (individual self) experiences birth, death, and duties. However, this identity, shaped by socialization and culture, is a fabrication. The Jiva represents the ego or persona, while Brahman is the underlying reality.

Illusion of Free Will and Destiny

The speaker addresses common spiritual questions about free will and destiny, explaining that such inquiries arise from the Jiva. From the non-dualist perspective, only Brahman exists. Maya (illusion) clouds the realization of Brahman by creating the false sense of separation, which leads to the belief in a personal identity.

The Reality of Brahman

Ramana repeatedly emphasized that only Brahman exists. This idea is not unique to his teachings but is also found in ancient Advaita Vedanta and other non-dualist traditions, such as Taoism. The speaker mentions the famous Sanskrit phrase Brahma Satyam Jagat Mithya, meaning “Brahman alone is real; the world is an appearance.” Everything perceived through the senses, including the ego, is an illusion.

The Self and Atman

Ramana’s focus was on the Self (Atman), which he described as undifferentiated consciousness, identical to Brahman. The Self alone exists, and when people identify with physical or psychological traits, they fall under the illusion of Maya. The Atman is beyond time and space, always present and never subject to birth or death.

Conclusion: The Ultimate Realization

The speaker concludes by reaffirming Ramana Maharshi’s final truth:
“There is neither creation nor destruction. There is no universe that was created, nor one that will be destroyed. Only Brahman exists.”

He invites the audience to contemplate this truth and free themselves from the limitations of the Jiva. By doing so, they can reconnect with the oneness of Brahman, which is beyond both free will and destiny. The speaker closes by asking whether the audience has experienced this final truth and leaves them with the mantra Shanti, Shanti, Shanti (peace).

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