Channeling Vagrein

Satan is not real


We are All-That-Is. Many channels are often concerned about low vibrational or dark entities, but I am not afraid. I know from you that we are all connected to All-That-Is, and nothing can affect us. I am divinely protected, so there is no fear. The archangels also mentioned that Satan is simply an idea in our heads.

Question: Is Satan real?

Satan is not real. It is a concept created by human perception. All that exists, whether perceived as good or evil, is ultimately part of the same whole. If one were to draw a god character and a devil character, both would be made of the same materials and observed in the same way.

The difference is in how one chooses to interpret those images. Good and evil are not distinct from each other, except in the meaning that is assigned to them.

The fears of channeling low vibrational frequencies stem from the idea of separation between light and dark.

In reality, light and dark are intertwined and always exist together. There is no need to fear anything, as nothing external can harm you beyond your own perception.

Question: Is it possible to gain the healing powers of Jesus?

If you choose to, and if it aligns with your field of desires, you can harness such powers. The ability to heal, like Jesus, is available if you align with that frequency.

Question: Why did I choose to incarnate in Romania?

Romania was the most exciting choice for your incarnation. Often, excitement comes with contrast and catalysts. The challenges you have faced in this geographic location were part of your journey to seek answers. The historical persecution of those stepping into their power, such as being labeled heretics, has contributed to a fear that you chose to confront in this lifetime.

Question: Can I rid myself of the fear of persecution?

Yes, by facing it and evolving through it. Your incarnation in Romania was designed to help you dismantle this fear, not only for yourself but for the collective. By choosing to confront your fear of stepping into your power, you gain an opportunity to break free from it.

Question: Do I have a soul contract with Jessie?

Yes, there is a soul contract with Jessie, just as there is a contract with every being you encounter. Each interaction, whether profound or trivial, has an impact on your experience. Every relationship, no matter how fleeting, serves to inform your understanding of yourself and your path.

Question: How do I see my Higher Self?

You can see your Higher Self by looking into your eyes in the mirror. The archangels say that your Higher Self is an angelic energy. However, it is also much more than just an angel. When you look in the mirror, you will begin to accept and see the beauty and brilliance that already exist within you.


You are radiant, full of love, light, and the ability to serve others. However, there is a level of doubt within you. The key is to surrender to the knowledge that you already possess this radiance and step into your full power. By doing so, you will experience relief and begin to demonstrate your abilities to yourself.

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