
They describe how consciousness is divided into different densities, each with seven stages of frequency.

Creation, according to the Elohim, is rooted in sacred geometry and frequencies.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Axte Incal – To Know God

Color and Light Manipulation: They recognized that light and color were manifestations of different vibrational frequencies.

Specific frequencies were used to restore balance and to cleanse the body of impurities.

Matias de Stefano

Ancient vs Modern Technology

It was all about vibrations and tuning into the right frequencies, which required a deep connection with nature.

The arrival of this pulse introduces new frequencies of healing and enlightenment, influencing human consciousness and altering our perception of time.

New Frequencies: The pulse brings new healing and enlightening frequencies, impacting our consciousness and environment.

Time Perception: Due to changes in vibrational frequencies, people may perceive days as shorter, feeling like 16 hours instead of 24.

New Vibrational State: Adapting to these new frequencies is essential for personal and collective growth.

The Keys of Enoch


Facilitator of Higher Consciousness: Metatron is involved in facilitating the evolution of human consciousness by aligning it with higher cosmic frequencies.

The Atlanteans were able to step up or slow down energy frequencies between matter and anti-matter cycles.

Healing through Sound: Hathorians used sound frequencies for healing and raising vibrations.

These sound technologies were designed to interrupt harmful frequencies and promote healing.

Healing technologies such as Tibetan singing bowls, crystal singing bowls, and tuning forks can interrupt harmful frequencies.

These sound technologies were designed to interrupt harmful frequencies and promote healing.

Influence on Ancient Civilizations: Hathorian technologies significantly influenced ancient civilizations, particularly in Egypt, where they used sound frequencies to activate crystals within stones and build temples.


Co-Creation of Mū

Lamia exists in a different dimensional space, accessible only to those of the right frequency.

By uncovering parts of themselves, the listener facilitates a collective awakening, allowing more people to access higher frequencies and realities.

The speaker notes that the listener found this era boring due to its lack of action and because they couldn’t physically interact with the environment due to a frequency mismatch.

Frequency and Perception: The speaker discusses how humans' frequencies are rising, allowing them to perceive other dimensions, similar to tuning into a radio station.

The listener’s past role involved removing veils or frequency overlays created by the Atlanteans, which limited perceptions.

Current Incarnation and Purpose: The speaker suggests that the listener's current incarnation is to help humanity remove these frequency overlays, similar to their role in Lamia.

The planet had different colors, frequencies, and a heightened awareness of the etheric fields and auras of all living things.

Satya, a Pleiadian goddess and former priestess of Ellora, speaks about her frequency and vibration, connecting with participants to enhance their divine feminine grace.

Satya: Pleiadian goddess and former priestess in the temples of Ellora, representing goddess frequency and divine feminine grace.

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

Lemuria: Temples of Juvenation

Todd integrates these natural frequencies into his healing practices.

Healing: Nature and anything related to natural frequencies or sounds can be deeply healing.

The choice of Homo sapiens was due to their capacity for a more balanced frequency and rapid consciousness scaling compared to Neanderthals, who were more violent and animalistic.

The knowledge and technology from Atlantis influenced the construction of ancient sites like the Pyramids of Giza, which were built with advanced understanding of geometry and frequencies.

The height, width, and overall design of the pyramid are based on complex calculations that align with astronomical bodies and frequencies.

It was designed to leverage and amplify specific frequencies and was likely used as a form of communication or energy device.

The rooms within the pyramid, such as the King’s Chamber, are designed with exact dimensions that amplify sound and frequencies.

Chanting within the chamber produces amplified sounds due to the room’s design, suggesting it was meant to create and harness certain frequencies, possibly for communication or spiritual purposes.

The design and purpose align more with advanced knowledge of geometry, mathematics, and frequencies, which some believe could be linked to ancient advanced civilizations like Atlantis.

Every mathematical combination and number within the pyramid is associated with a specific feeling and frequency, engaging with the world in particular ways.

The pyramid was possibly used to cultivate and amplify the Earth's frequencies, serving as a form of ancient technology for harnessing and manipulating energy.

The concept that our thoughts and emotions have vibrational frequencies that influence our physical reality was discussed.

Crystalline Attunement - The Atlanteans were able to step up or slow down energy frequencies between matter and anti-matter cycles.

Hathorian technologies Hathorians used sound frequencies for healing and raising vibrations.

Father Seán ÓLaoire

Seven Levels of Existence

Etheric Body: Higher frequency vibrations, observable as auras.

He believes in the existence of extra-dimensional and extraterrestrial beings who operate at higher frequencies or dimensions.

These beings are accessible through altered states of consciousness, and interacting with them requires raising one's vibrational frequency.

The people of Atlantis had advanced knowledge of numerology and geometry, which they used to align with divine and cosmic frequencies.

Sound waves, particularly at certain frequencies, can create resonant vibrations in materials.

In theory, if the resonant frequency of a granite block could be matched with the sound from horns and drums, these vibrations might be able to counteract the force of gravity.

Combined with the precise resonant frequencies generated by the horns and drums, this alignment might reduce the effective weight of the blocks or create a form of magnetic levitation.

Such a feat would likely require a tremendous amount of energy and precise control over the sound frequencies and the magnetic field.

The largest bandwidth of frequencies

Calleman correlates Mayan knowledge with Earth's prehistoric archaeological records and human civilizations, suggesting that geometric waves of higher frequencies have progressively created complex life forms and social structures.

Activated in March 2011, this Wave represents the highest frequency of consciousness.

The theory of raising the frequency of matter, or the stable existence of the fourth overall environment of matter, does not exist at a very general or very primitive level.

Although the amplitude is uniform in pure matter, similar types of fields can be created if the frequency and distance from the field horizon are sufficient.

These layers contain information, for example about the simple structure of matter or changes in frequency, and also contain information systems derived from the development of the object.

Some layers in the field contain simple information about the solid objects that make up your body and their frequencies.

This always generates frequencies to activate and control the sphere of influence {Feldraum}.

First and foremost, the extraterrestrial frequencies must fall, and in general some processes are carried out automatically by the brain.

Long fingers - Transmit light/frequencies from fingers

Receive frequencies