Ginger Bayley

The Day When God Cried: Channeling the Pleiadians – Unicorns – The Cave of Ancients (Part 5)


In this session, Ginger Bayley channels Erik and the Pleiadians as they continue discussing the events surrounding the destruction of Atlantis, the Toba explosion, and the aftermath. This session covers topics such as the remnants of ancient technology, the fate of Atlantis, the survival of humanity, and the presence of extraterrestrial beings who monitor Earth’s development.

Location of the Bunker

The discussion starts with a question about the location of a bunker that imploded during the fall of Atlantis. It is revealed that this bunker, once containing a UFO from the Pleiadians, no longer exists as it was completely destroyed. The remnants are located in the region between eastern Africa and southern Italy, in the ocean.

Impact of the Toba Explosion

The Toba explosion is described as a significant event that reshaped Earth’s surface, causing volcanic eruptions and tsunamis that wiped out much of the human population. The cataclysm led to a polar shift and widespread destruction, including the sinking of Atlantis. Approximately 35-40% of the human population survived, with millions of people perishing.

Survival of Humanoids and Reptilians

It is mentioned that a large percentage of humanoids, including the reptilians, were wiped out. However, interbreeding between humans and reptilians has left traces of reptilian DNA in humans today. The more malevolent factions of reptilians were largely eliminated, as this was seen as part of a divine intervention meant to reset humanity.

Divine Intervention and Technology Loss

The destruction was intended to give humanity a fresh start. It is noted that technology was lost, and humanity has yet to reach the same technological level as before the cataclysm. The Pleiadians, along with archangels, played a role in guiding the survivors, providing divine knowledge to help rebuild civilization. However, God chose not to directly interfere in humanity’s development after the disaster, preferring to allow humans to find their own path.

Near-Destruction of Humanity Again

The session explores the possibility that Earth was nearly reset again, not due to reptilian influence, but because humans were becoming too controlling and losing faith. Erik explains that free will and choice are vital, and while God considered resetting the planet again, he instead sent Jesus to guide humanity.

Geological Evidence of the Catastrophe

The destruction of Atlantis and the associated events are said to be recorded in the geological record. The session indicates that traces of this event can be seen in the landscapes and through evidence found in various world religions.

Monitoring by the Pleiadians

The Pleiadians are revealed to have monitored both human and Earth vibrations before and after the explosion. They continue to monitor the collective consciousness and Earth’s vibrational frequencies using advanced technology. The Pleiadians express concern over the current state of nuclear technology on Earth and are waiting for the right time to intervene, as they aim to prevent another catastrophic event.

Survivors and Divine Guidance

The survivors of the cataclysm were divinely protected and guided by angels. These individuals, who carried Christ-like energy, were led to safety before the event and provided instructions on how to survive and rebuild. Their survival was attributed to their faith and the lack of reptilian influence in their ancestry.

The Fate of Unicorns

The session touches on the fate of mystical creatures, particularly unicorns. It is revealed that unicorns, which possessed energy healing powers, were removed from the earthly plane and shifted to another dimension to protect them from being exploited.


The session ends with gratitude expressed by the Pleiadians and Erik, encouraging viewers to reflect on humanity’s connection to the divine and the lessons from the past. The discussion emphasizes that God does not wish to repeat the events of Atlantis, and that humanity has the potential to evolve and thrive with the guidance of divine and extraterrestrial beings.

Home > The Day When God Cried: Channeling the Pleiadians – Unicorns – The Cave of Ancients (Part 5)

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