Ada Andromeda

The 12,000 Years Process from Atlantis to Now


Ada begins by addressing the significance of remembering Atlantis in the current time. Many individuals are drawn to memories of Atlantis, a period often remembered for its spiritual and societal practices. Ada discusses why so many people resonate with this life and era, and why such memories are surfacing now.

The Fall of Atlantis

Ada explains that the collapse of Atlantis was due to a cosmic intervention. The society at the time lived in alignment with the universe, understanding the power of thoughts, emotions, and energies. However, some individuals misused this power for personal gain, leading to control, greed, and fear. This misuse contributed to natural disasters and the eventual fall of the civilization.

Life in Atlantis

The people of Atlantis lived in harmony with Mother Earth and the universe. There was a deep understanding of energy and how to transmute it through various practices, including connecting to a pillar of light within oneself. This pillar served as a portal between the cosmos and Earth, allowing Atlanteans to channel energies and messages for the highest good of society.

Despite the spiritual advancements, some beings could not align with the principles of energetic unity. Their pursuit of power and control led to the downfall of Atlantis.

The 12,000-Year Cycle

Ada describes the past 12,000 years as a cycle that began with the fall of Atlantis. During this period, those who lived authentically and aligned with the universe have accumulated karmic energy. This karmic energy is now supporting the Earth’s transition into a new phase, similar to how life was during Atlantis.

At this pivotal point in time, Ada emphasizes the importance of living from an energetic point of view. Humanity must relearn how to live in harmony with the universe and Mother Earth, as the Atlanteans once did.

Reliving Past Lives

Ada explains that reliving her life in Atlantis was essential for her spiritual evolution. By reconnecting with the energy of that past life, she was able to integrate and activate a deeper understanding of herself in the present. This process involved releasing limitations imposed by modern society and rediscovering the crystalline energy that existed within her during her time in Atlantis.

The Role of Crystals and Energy

Crystals play a significant role in raising frequencies and energies, but Ada stresses that the true power comes from within. The energy that was cultivated in Atlantis is now being reawakened in many individuals, helping to raise the collective frequency of the Earth.

Cosmic Intervention and Current Challenges

Ada explains that the current time on Earth is marked by a cosmic intervention. Just as in Atlantis, there are forces of control and manipulation, but now people are waking up and reclaiming their energetic sovereignty. The beings that have operated out of fear and control will face the consequences of their accumulated negative karma, while those aligned with the higher frequencies of the universe will continue to rise.


Ada reflects on the importance of recognizing our unique roles in this transition. By tapping into the crystalline energy from within, humanity can return to a way of living that is aligned with the universe and Mother Earth. The knowledge and energy accumulated over the last 12,000 years are now ready to be utilized, empowering individuals to live freely and in harmony.

She ends by thanking the audience for listening and for being part of this collective journey.

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