Atlantis and Time Warps
In Atlantis, crystalline technologies were used to create and manipulate these time warp zones, enabling the civilization to engage in activities that transcended ordinary temporal limitations.
Experimentation in Atlantis
Advanced Crystalline Technology: In Atlantis, the Brotherhood of Light introduced advanced crystalline technology to aid in the evolution of human consciousness.
Atlantis’ crystalline technology
The crystalline structures were used by the Higher Evolution as fundamental building blocks for creating a grid of a larger harmonic system.
The Atlanteans used crystalline structures to facilitate communication with other worlds of intelligence and to upgrade evolution on the planet (Pages 410-411).
Despite their advanced technology, the civilization of Atlantis eventually failed due to the misuse of crystalline technology by the fallen axis Lords of Light.
The knowledge and techniques of crystalline technology are suggested to be rediscovered in future cycles, as humanity evolves and reestablishes connections with higher evolutionary systems.
The reactivation of previous Atlantean fields of crystalline energy is seen as a possibility for future developments (Pages 412-413).
Atlantis' use of crystalline technology represents a pinnacle of ancient scientific and spiritual advancement, which ultimately succumbed to internal conflicts and misuse.
Hathorian Technologies
Crystalline Structures: They created structures and technologies involving quartz and other crystals to aid in healing, communication, and maintaining energy balance.
Leanna, the Atlantean Ambassador
Crystalline Structures: They created structures and technologies involving quartz and other crystals to aid in healing, communication, and maintaining energy balance.
Crystalline Attunement - The Atlanteans were able to step up or slow down energy frequencies between matter and anti-matter cycles.