
Hathorian Technologies

Source: Pamela Aaralyn

Introduction to Hathorian Technologies

Leanna introduces herself and explains that she is from the Venusian standpoint of the Atlantean Council.

The Hathorian race, originating from Venus, embodies the ultimate technology of Grace through the god mind, focusing on raising vibration and expanding Ascension through emotions and the Resonance of Grace.

Key Hathorian Technologies

Sound and Resonance Technologies

Healing through Sound: Hathorians used sound frequencies for healing and raising vibrations. Technologies included:

  • Tibetan singing bowls
  • Crystal singing bowls
  • Crystal bells
  • Tuning forks
  • Overtone singing

These sound technologies were designed to interrupt harmful frequencies and promote healing.

Crystal Technologies

Crystals as Energy Conduits: Hathorians invigorated crystals to be used as conduits for various energies.

Crystalline Structures: They created structures and technologies involving quartz and other crystals to aid in healing, communication, and maintaining energy balance.

Time Travel and Portal Technologies

Stone Travel Technology: This technology allowed for mass transportation through stone circles, utilized by Atlanteans and passed down to Druids and other ancient civilizations.

Portal Technologies: Hathorians used portals for interstellar travel and communication.

Weather Technologies

Weather Control: Hathorians developed technologies to control and mitigate weather patterns to protect and stabilize the environment.

Grace and Emotional Technologies

Grace as a Technology: The essence of Hathorian technology is Grace, which encompasses emotional healing, balance, and the enhancement of spiritual growth.

Christ Consciousness: Hathorians contributed to the development of Christ Consciousness, a state of being that promotes sovereignty, free will, and spiritual ascension.

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