
Introduction to Hathorian Technologies

The Hathorian race, originating from Venus, embodies the ultimate technology of Grace through the god mind, focusing on raising vibration and expanding Ascension through emotions and the Resonance of Grace.

Healing through Sound: Hathorians used sound frequencies for healing and raising vibrations.

Crystals as Energy Conduits: Hathorians invigorated crystals to be used as conduits for various energies.

Portal Technologies: Hathorians used portals for interstellar travel and communication.

Weather Control: Hathorians developed technologies to control and mitigate weather patterns to protect and stabilize the environment.

Grace as a Technology: The essence of Hathorian technology is Grace, which encompasses emotional healing, balance, and the enhancement of spiritual growth.

Christ Consciousness: Hathorians contributed to the development of Christ Consciousness, a state of being that promotes sovereignty, free will, and spiritual ascension.

Introduction to Hathorian Technologies

The Hathorian race, originating from Venus, embodies the ultimate technology of Grace through the god mind, focusing on raising vibration and expanding Ascension through emotions and the Resonance of Grace.

Crystals as Energy Conduits: Hathorians invigorated crystals to be used as conduits for various energies.

Portal Technologies: Hathorians used portals for interstellar travel and communication.

Weather Control: Hathorians developed technologies to control and mitigate weather patterns to protect and stabilize the environment.

Grace as a Technology: The essence of Hathorian technology is Grace, which encompasses emotional healing, balance, and the enhancement of spiritual growth.

Christ Consciousness: Hathorians contributed to the development of Christ Consciousness, a state of being that promotes sovereignty, free will, and spiritual ascension.

Integration with Atlantean and Lemurian Practices: Hathorian technologies were integrated with Atlantean and Lemurian practices, contributing to their spiritual and technological advancements.

Influence on Ancient Civilizations: Hathorian technologies significantly influenced ancient civilizations, particularly in Egypt, where they used sound frequencies to activate crystals within stones and build temples.

Use of Natural Healing Technologies: Leanna advises using Hathorian healing technologies, such as sound instruments and crystals, to promote balance and healing in modern times.

Avoiding Misuse of Technology: Emphasizes the importance of not relying on artificial intelligence and implants for communication and health, advocating for the use of natural Hathorian technologies instead.

Spiritual Practices: Encourages daily spiritual practices that incorporate Hathorian principles of Grace, sound healing, and crystal use to maintain a balanced and harmonious life.

Embracing Grace: Leanna's final message stresses the importance of embracing Grace and using Hathorian technologies to support spiritual growth and healing.

By integrating Hathorian technologies into daily life, individuals can enhance their spiritual growth, promote healing, and maintain balance, drawing from the wisdom and advancements of the Hathorian and Atlantean legacies.

Hathorian technologies Hathorians used sound frequencies for healing and raising vibrations.

Hathorians invigorated crystals to be used as conduits for various energies.

Hathorians used portals for interstellar travel and communication.