
Gods: Jupiter, Mars, Venus



Her symbols include the lion, representing her fierce and warlike nature, and the eight-pointed star, signifying her association with the planet Venus.

The Hathorian race, originating from Venus, embodies the ultimate technology of Grace through the god mind, focusing on raising vibration and expanding Ascension through emotions and the Resonance of Grace.

The Hathorian race, originating from Venus, embodies the ultimate technology of Grace through the god mind, focusing on raising vibration and expanding Ascension through emotions and the Resonance of Grace.

Two: Venus.


The bull

In astrology, Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty.



Credo Mutwa

Women were mining

She is one of the most important deities in the Sumerian pantheon and is often identified with the planet Venus.

She is one of the most important deities in the Sumerian pantheon and is often identified with the planet Venus.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Fourth Root Race

It was a contingent arranged for specially by the Head of the Hierarchy, and seemed to consist of some who in Venus had been pet animals of the Lords 'of the Flame, and were so strongly linked to Them by affection, that without Them they would not have evolved.

They had individualised on Venus, and were brought over here, and He placed them all in the first and second Hays.

Other Schemes, such as Venus and Neptune, also progress through their Chains with corresponding physical globes.

The seven Schemes of our Solar System may, for convenience sake, be named after the globe D of each, this being the globe best known to us; these are : Vulcan, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune (see Diagram I).

The Venusian Scheme is reaching the end of its fifth Chain, and Venus has consequently lately lost her Moon, the globe D of the preceding Chain.1 It is possible that Vulcan, which Herschel saw, but which, it is said, has now disappeared, is in its sixth Chain, but on that we have no information, either direct or mediate.

Each section in a column represents one of the seven kingdoms of nature — three elemental, mineral, vegetable, animal, human.3 Follow Life-Stream 7, the only one which goes through the seven kingdoms within the Scheme; it enters the first Chain at the *It may be remembered that the Moon of Venus was seen by Herschel.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Beginning of the 5th Root Race

They were Alcyone's sons, Uranus and Neptune, and his daughters Surya and Brhaspati ; Saturn and Vulcan, boys, and Venus, a girl, were also selected.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Turanian, in Ancient Chaldaea.

"From the twelfth to the fifteenth days there is unusual danger of rashness in matters connected with the affections, especially for the worshippers of Venus, ' ' and so on.

With regard to Mercury, Venus, the Moon, and Mars, the Chaldsean measurements of relative size corresponded precisely with our own ; but Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, though immensely larger than the inner group, were yet decidedly smaller than they would have been if constructed on the same scale according to our received calculations.

The votaries of Venus appeared in a lovely pure sky-blue, with an underlying thread of light green, which gave to the whole a quivering iridescent effect when the wearer moved.

On such an occasion the worshippers of the Sun filled the vast building to overflowing, while next to the walls marched the bands of Vulcan, next outside them those of Mercury, then the followers of Venus and so on, each planet being represented in the order of its position with reference to the Sun.

Saturn would by no means be permitted to attend one of the schools of Jupiter, or the children of Venus to be taught by a worshipper of Mercury.

Numerous religious or rather ethical precepts were learnt by heart, all indicating the conduct expected from 'a son of Mars,' the planet — or Venus or Jupiter as the case might be — under various conditions that might arise ; and the only literature studied was an endlessly voluminous commentary upon these, full of interminable stories of adventures and situations in which the heroes acted sometimes wisely, sometimes foolishly.



They were Alcyone’s sons, Uranus and Neptune, and his daughters Surya and Brhaspati ; Saturn and Vulcan, boys, and Venus, a girl, were also selected.



“So, all of those realms – as in Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus – have their realms of consciousness also.


The Holy Seven

Venus-related leaders like An-Enlilda and Joseph exemplify love, beauty, and hope.

An-Enlilda, Pittacus of Mytilene, Jamadagni, Duke of Zhou, Joseph, Kasyapa Buddha, and The Master of Jerusalem, along with their associations to Venus, Oraios, the metal Lead, and the virtue Hope, embody themes of love, compassion, beauty, and hope in their respective cultures.

Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty, reflects these figures’ roles in promoting peace, beauty, and love within their cultures.

The influence of Venus underscores their contributions to the aesthetic and ethical values of their societies.



Venus is the second planet from the Sun, known for its brightness when viewed from Earth.

“In Venus we find the love of home, of companions, of friends and close relations…” (24-4)

“As we find in the Venus influences, one that makes friendships; one that has a following in whatever endeavor the entity may make in the experience.” (1437-1)

“In Venus we find the love, patience, kindness, gentleness, as well as the appreciation of beauty, the appreciation of the try…” (3647-1)

The goddess Venus is a central figure in Roman mythology, known as the goddess of love, beauty, desire, sex, fertility, prosperity, and victory.

In Roman mythology, Venus was the mother of the Roman people through her son, Aeneas, who survived the fall of Troy and fled to Italy.

Venus is often associated with symbols that reflect her attributes, including roses, which signify beauty and love; myrtle, which represents marriage; and the dove, which stands for peace and love.

In art, Venus is frequently depicted as a beautiful, often unclothed or partially draped woman, symbolizing her connection to romantic and erotic love.

Venus has had a significant influence on Western art and culture.

Her image and stories appear in numerous artworks, such as Botticelli's famous painting "The Birth of Venus" and many other works by notable artists.

Venus was worshipped in several festivals, including the Veneralia, a festival celebrated on April 1st, dedicated to Venus Verticordia, the protector against vice.

Venus has a thick atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide, with clouds of sulfuric acid, making it the hottest planet in our solar system despite not being the closest to the Sun.

The surface of Venus is rocky and volcanic with a high surface temperature that averages around 465°C (869°F).

Interestingly, Venus has a slow rotation and spins in the opposite direction to most planets in the solar system.

This means that on Venus, the Sun would appear to rise in the west and set in the east.

Its day is longer than its year, with each day lasting 243 Earth days and each year lasting about 225 Earth days.Venus has been a target for several robotic missions, primarily by NASA and the Soviet space program.

Often called Earth’s twin due to their similar sizes, Venus differs dramatically in terms of climate and atmospheric conditions.


Astraphaios is, beyond doubt, the planet Venus, as there are gnostic gems with a female figure and the legend ASTAPHE, whose name is also used in magic spells as the name of a goddess.



“In Venus and Mars we find the artistic temperament, and hence those activities as would have to do with pattern making, or designing of anything made of metal or wood…” (2915-1)



It is the third brightest natural object in the Earth's night sky after the Moon and Venus and has been observed since prehistoric times.

The Venus Project presents a revolutionary vision for a sustainable and equitable world.

In essence, The Venus Project offers a hopeful vision for a harmonious, resilient, and prosperous global society, driven by cooperation, sustainability, and technological advancement.

The Venus Project is more than just an organization; it represents a multifaceted endeavor encompassing a physical center in Venus, Florida, the extensive work of Jacque Fresco and Roxanne Meadows, a sustainability-focused media brand, and a comprehensive philosophy and value system.

Founded in 1994 by Fresco and Meadows and transitioning to a 501c3 nonprofit in 2018, The Venus Project has been a beacon of sustainability and innovative thought, continuing its mission even after Fresco's passing in 2017.

In response to the 2008 Great Recession, The Venus Project emerged as a leading vision for economic and environmental sustainability.

Before The Venus Project, there was Sociocyberneering, a nonprofit founded by Fresco in 1971.

This organization was a precursor, where Fresco developed many of the ideas later integral to The Venus Project.

The Venus Project stands as a testament to the vision and dedication of Jacque Fresco and Roxanne Meadows, offering a hopeful perspective on the future of humanity and the planet.

Jupiter and Venus were good (the Auspicious Ones), while Saturn and Mars were evil (the Nefarious Ones).

Venus figures: Love and beauty.

The cult recognized seven primary astral deities: the Sun, the Moon, and the five known planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Venus, and Mars).

Of these Jupiter and Venus were good (the Auspicious Ones), while Saturn and Mars were evil (the Nefarious Ones).

The circle with a dragon drawn on a blue background behind the stars represents Earth, and the seven The stars are Moon, Mars, Venus, and Jupiter and Saturn.



In the constellation Canis Major, the Procyonians bear a resemblance to beings claiming to have originated from Venus, engaging with contactees during the 1950s and 1960s.

Kukulkan was also linked to Venus, the planet, and his movements were observed and studied by ancient astronomers.

Other important stars in ancient Egyptian beliefs include Sirius, which was associated with the goddess Isis and the annual flooding of the Nile, and the planet Venus, which was associated with the goddess Hathor and fertility.