Italia Oliver

Channeling Ezekiel – Lyran Star Being: The Time Before Lemuria


Italia Oliver begins by introducing herself and encouraging new viewers to subscribe and activate notifications. She explains that this video features an audio channeling session with Ezekiel, a star being from Lyra who lived one of his lives as the biblical prophet Ezekiel. She clarifies that she does not plan these channelings in advance but conducts them when the energy comes through.

Italia admits that she wasn’t fully prepared for this session, apologizing for any shortcomings in the questions, as the process is often spontaneous. Despite not knowing much about the biblical Ezekiel beforehand, she engaged with the session to keep the conversation flowing.

Ezekiel’s Earth Seeding and Life Before Lemuria

In this channeling, Ezekiel discusses Earth’s seeding and its ancient history before Lemuria and Atlantis. He provides an account of how Earth was settled by a small group of beings long before these civilizations existed. Ezekiel also talks about his relationship with Jesus, the significance of the biblical story of “Ezekiel and the wheel,” and offers insights into how humanity can address the fear that permeates the world today. He concludes by explaining how spirit communicates through metaphors.

Channeling Session with Ezekiel

Arrival of the First Beings on Earth

Ezekiel begins by describing himself as a star being from Lyra. He explains that Earth’s seeding took place long before the time of Lemuria and Atlantis. A group of seven beings arrived on Earth to explore its potential for supporting life. These beings, resembling a warrior council, acted as scouts. They established a settlement on Earth and began seeding plants and animals. Over time, this group expanded, and ships from Atlantis arrived to observe the progress.

Seeding of Earth by the Andromedans

Ezekiel elaborates on the role of the Andromedans, who were responsible for the initial seeding of Earth. He mentions that they were the first to introduce life to the planet, starting with plants and animals. The first animal seeded was the giraffe, chosen as a scout species. Over time, other life forms, including the chimpanzee, were created, representing humanity’s closest animal relative.

The seeding process was not opposed by other factions, as the Andromedans held the highest authority in deciding Earth’s future. Ezekiel describes how the scouts evaluated Earth’s resources, such as oxygen, water, and sunlight, which made it a suitable candidate for life. While planets like Mars and Venus were considered, they were ultimately not chosen due to environmental constraints.

Description of the Ships

When asked to describe the ships, Ezekiel explains that they were cylindrical in shape, resembling cigars. However, he emphasizes that these ships are metaphors for the beings’ ability to travel and manifest wherever their thoughts directed them. Although they could use physical ships, they could also appear instantly anywhere through thought.

Relationship with Jesus

When asked about Jesus, Ezekiel describes him as a common man with great strength and wisdom. He emphasizes that Jesus was a universal energy, transcending gender and physical form. Ezekiel explains that Jesus’ significance lies not in the details of his earthly life, but in the energy and consciousness he represents.

Jesus’ Perspective on the Modern World

Ezekiel states that Jesus would feel deep sadness about the divisions and conflicts in today’s world, particularly the focus on physical differences and duality. According to Ezekiel, human beings are trapped in dualistic thinking, which prevents them from embracing love and compassion, the true essence of spirituality.

Overcoming Fear

Ezekiel advises that the best way to combat fear, which he describes as widespread on Earth, is by making conscious choices every day. He emphasizes the importance of individual authority, urging people to make decisions that align with their inner values and not to fall under the influence of external ideologies or dogma. According to Ezekiel, fear can only be overcome by those who are true to their own authority.

The Metaphor of Ezekiel’s Wheel

Ezekiel discusses the metaphorical nature of “Ezekiel’s wheel,” referencing the famous biblical vision. He explains that the wheel, like many other spiritual phenomena, serves as a metaphor for higher truths and the interaction between the material and spiritual worlds. These metaphors are used by higher beings to communicate with humanity in ways that the human mind can grasp.

Ezekiel notes that as humanity becomes more technologically advanced, it moves further away from spiritual awareness, making it more difficult to connect with the spiritual realm. He emphasizes that the metaphors of ships, abductions, and other phenomena are used by spiritual beings to initiate and guide humanity toward higher understanding.

Post-Channeling Reflection

Italia reflects on the session, particularly Ezekiel’s reference to Atlantis predating Lemuria. She wonders if there might have been an earlier version of Atlantis in another galaxy, or whether time itself is nonlinear. Italia considers the possibility that past, present, and future are happening simultaneously, or that there could be alternate dimensions or parallel universes at play.

She also finds significance in Ezekiel’s reference to the eagle, which reminded her of a biblical parable in the Book of Ezekiel, Chapter 17, verses 2–10. This connection underscores Ezekiel’s message about the importance of metaphors in spiritual communication, a theme that was central throughout the channeling.

Italia encourages viewers to explore her other channelings and visit her website for more content and guided meditations. She also invites viewers to reflect on Ezekiel’s messages and apply them in their own spiritual journeys.

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