
The Holy Seven

  • Sun-associated figures like Uanna (Adapa) and Confucius symbolize enlightenment and foundational wisdom.
  • Moon-related characters such as Uannedugga and Solon represent law, ethics, and societal change.
  • Mars-connected leaders like Enmedugga and Chilon embody strategic leadership and conflict resolution.
  • Mercury-associated sages including Enmegalamma and Moses focus on communication and commerce.
  • Jupiter-linked figures such as Enmebulugga and Aaron highlight religious leadership and societal prosperity.
  • Venus-related leaders like An-Enlilda and Joseph exemplify love, beauty, and hope.
  • Saturn-associated wise leaders such as Utuabzu and David represent time, discipline, and enduring legacies.
Sage Number Mesopotamian (Apkallu/Abgal) Ancient Greece India (Saptarishi) China (Confucian Sages) Judaism (Seven Shepherds) Buddhism (Seven Buddhas) Celtic (Seven Wise Masters) Celestial Bodies Main Characters/Attributes Gnostic (Seven Archons) Alchemy (Seven Metals) Christianity (Seven Virtues)
1 Uanna (Adapa) Thales of Miletus Kashyapa Confucius Abraham Vipassi Buddha Master of Masters Sun Wisdom, Leadership Yaldabaoth Gold Prudence
2 Uannedugga Solon of Athens Atri Mencius Isaac Sikhi Buddha The Master of Hungary Moon Law, Ethics Yao Silver Justice
3 Enmedugga Chilon of Sparta Vashishta Zengzi Jacob Visvabhu Buddha The Master of Rome Mars Warfare, Strategy Sabaoth Iron Fortitude
4 Enmegalamma Bias of Priene Vishwamitra Zisi Moses Krakucchanda Buddha The Master of Alexandria Mercury Communication, Commerce Adonaios Tin Temperance
5 Enmebulugga Cleobulus of Lindos Gautama Maharishi Yan Hui Aaron Kanakamuni Buddha The Master of Babylon Jupiter Religion, Prosperity Eloaios Copper Faith
6 An-Enlilda Pittacus of Mytilene Jamadagni Duke of Zhou Joseph Kasyapa Buddha The Master of Jerusalem Venus Love, Beauty Oraios Lead Hope
7 Utuabzu Periander of Corinth Bharadvaja (varies) David Shakyamuni Buddha (Historical) The Master of France Saturn Time, Discipline Astaphanos Mercury (Quicksilver) Charity

Wisdom and Knowledge

Uanna (Adapa) from Mesopotamian mythology, Thales of Miletus from Ancient Greece, Kashyapa from Indian tradition, Confucius from Chinese philosophy, Abraham from Judaism, Vipassi Buddha from Buddhism, the Master of Masters from Celtic folklore, associated with the Sun, and Yaldabaoth from Gnostic tradition — each hold significant roles within their respective cultural and religious contexts.

  • Uanna (Adapa) was considered a sage gifted with extraordinary wisdom by the god Ea (Enki) in Mesopotamian lore. He was a counselor to the first king of Eridu and brought the arts of civilization to humanity.
  • Thales of Miletus is recognized as one of the first philosophers in Greek history and was noted for his wisdom in politics, science, and philosophy.
  • Kashyapa is revered in Hindu traditions as one of the Saptarishi, the seven great sages who are embodiments of wisdom.
  • Confucius is one of the most influential philosophers in Chinese history, whose teachings focused on morality, social relationships, and justice.
  • Abraham is considered a patriarch in Judaism, known for his deep faith and as a recipient of divine wisdom and covenants.
  • Vipassi Buddha is one of the past Buddhas who taught the Dharma, embodying deep spiritual wisdom.
  • Master of Masters often appears in legends as a figure of supreme knowledge and authority.
  • Yaldabaoth in Gnostic texts is depicted as a creator god with great power and knowledge, though in a much more ambiguous moral framing.

Law and Ethical Foundations

Uannedugga, Solon of Athens, Atri, Mencius, Isaac, Sikhi Buddha, the Master of Hungary, along with their symbolic associations with the Moon, Yao (one of the Gnostic Archons), the element Silver, and the virtue Justice, represent another cohesive group of figures whose similarities reflect their profound impact on law, ethics, and societal governance within their respective cultures.

  • Uannedugga is one of the Apkallu, wise sages in Mesopotamian myth who brought knowledge of various arts, including presumably laws and ethics, given their advisory roles to kings.
  • Solon of Athens is famed for his foundational contributions to Athenian law and is one of the earliest figures known for democratic reform, emphasizing justice and fairness in governance.
  • Atri, a sage in Hinduism, is one of the Saptarishis credited with composing several hymns of the Rigveda and known for his wisdom and knowledge of dharma (duty, morality, law).
  • Mencius, a follower of Confucianism, profoundly influenced Chinese thought with his teachings on righteous government and the inherent goodness of human nature, providing a moral foundation to guide rulers and citizens.
  • Isaac, a biblical patriarch, embodies the virtues of obedience and faith but also acts within his narratives in ways that emphasize moral and ethical decision-making.
  • Sikhi Buddha, in Buddhist traditions, represents a past Buddha who taught the Dharma, emphasizing the moral laws that govern human actions and their consequences.
  • The Master of Hungary in folklore and legends might be seen as a paragon of chivalric and national ethics, often linked with leadership that embodies justice and law.

Warfare and Strategy

Enmedugga, Chilon of Sparta, Vashishta, Zengzi, Jacob, Visvabhu Buddha, and the Master of Rome, along with their associations with Mars, Sabaoth, the metal Iron, and the virtue Fortitude, represent figures deeply linked to themes of warfare, strategy, leadership, and resilience.

  • Enmedugga is one of the Mesopotamian Apkallu, sages associated with imparting strategic and specialized knowledge, potentially including military strategies considering their advisory roles to kings in ancient texts.
  • Chilon of Sparta was one of the Seven Sages of Greece, known for his emphasis on military discipline and strength, reflecting the militaristic culture of Sparta.
  • Vashishta, one of the revered Saptarishis in Hindu tradition, is noted for his role as a guru and advisor in several martial and royal contexts, providing strategic counsel in mythological wars.
  • Zengzi, a disciple of Confucius, contributed to Confucian teachings, which while often focused on peace and ethics, also addressed the proper conduct of rulers, including in times of war.
  • Jacob in the biblical context, while not a warrior, showed strategic thinking in many of his dealings and conflicts throughout his life stories.
  • Visvabhu Buddha is another of the past Buddhas who, like all Buddhas, would have taught the Dharma, which includes aspects of overcoming internal and external conflicts through wisdom and strategy.
  • The Master of Rome could symbolically represent strategic and political wisdom, echoing the historical prowess of Roman leadership in warfare and governance.
  • Mars, the Roman god of war, symbolizes aggression, conflict, but also protection and defense—traits that align with the strategic and sometimes militaristic qualities of these figures.
  • The influence of Mars brings out the aspects of courage, assertiveness, and the strategic application of power.
  • Iron is a metal associated with strength, resilience, and endurance—essential qualities in warfare and conflicts.
  • Fortitude is a virtue representing courage in pain or adversity, crucial for leaders and sages when guiding others through times of conflict or when making tough, strategic decisions.
  • Sabaoth, one of the Gnostic archons, often depicted as a warrior figure, symbolizing power and authority. This can be reflective of the combative and protective roles that these figures may play in their narratives.

Communication and Intellectual Leadership

  • Enmegalamma is an Apkallu from Mesopotamian mythology, part of a group of sages known for imparting wisdom and skills, including possibly writing and diplomacy, crucial for communication.
  • Bias of Priene was known among the Seven Sages of Greece for his ethical maxims and sayings, which contributed significantly to the intellectual and moral fabric of Greek society.
  • Vishwamitra is a celebrated sage in the Hindu texts, credited with composing many hymns in the Rigveda and playing a key role in the development of certain social and ritual practices, which involve complex verbal and communicative skills.
  • Zisi, a disciple and grandson of Confucius, is attributed with transmitting Confucian teachings and emphasizing the importance of the “Doctrine of the Mean,” a concept centered around balance and effective communication of ideas.
  • Moses is a central figure in the Abrahamic religions, often considered a prophet who led his people and communicated God’s laws—the Ten Commandments—thus playing a pivotal role in religious and ethical law-giving.
  • Krakucchanda Buddha is recognized in Buddhism as one of the past Buddhas who taught the Dharma, focusing on communicating profound spiritual truths.
  • The Master of Alexandria might represent the synthesis of Greek and Egyptian intellectual traditions, highlighting the role of Alexandria as a historic center of scholarship and communication.
  • Mercury, the Roman god of communication, trade, and travel, symbolizes the capacity to transmit knowledge and negotiate, traits inherent to these figures who often act as mediators, teachers, and leaders.
  • Tin, a malleable metal, symbolizes adaptability and wisdom in use—qualities needed for effective communication and intellectual discourse.
  • Temperance as a virtue relates to self-control and moderation, essential for the balanced and thoughtful communication that these figures exemplify.
  • Adonaios, in Gnostic tradition, often represents another face of divine attributes, potentially associated with governance and order, echoing the structured and ordered way in which these sages disseminate their knowledge and laws.

Religious Leadership and Ethical Guidance

Enmebulugga, Cleobulus of Lindos, Gautama Maharishi, Yan Hui, Aaron, Kanakamuni Buddha, and the Master of Babylon, together with their associations to Jupiter, Eloaios, the metal Copper, and the virtue Faith, represent influential figures known for their spiritual depth, leadership in religious contexts, and their contributions to the prosperity and ethical guidance of their communities.

  • Enmebulugga is one of the Mesopotamian Apkallu, sages who are thought to have brought sacred knowledge and religious rituals, key to the spiritual and social order.
  • Cleobulus of Lindos, one of the Seven Sages of Greece, was known for his maxims and parables, which often carried deep ethical and philosophical insights, crucial for moral development and societal prosperity.
  • Gautama Maharishi, different from Gautama Buddha, is a revered figure in the Indian tradition, known for his contributions to the Rigveda and as a teacher of royal dynasties, emphasizing dharma (righteousness).
  • Yan Hui, Confucius’s favorite disciple, is celebrated for his understanding and practice of Confucian teachings, profoundly influencing Chinese moral and philosophical thought.
  • Aaron, the brother of Moses in the Abrahamic religions, served as the High Priest and played a critical role in establishing the religious practices and leadership among the Israelites.
  • Kanakamuni Buddha is recognized as one of the past Buddhas who taught the Dharma, contributing to the spiritual foundation that promotes ethical living and mental purity.
  • The Master of Babylon might symbolize the amalgamation of wisdom and governance associated with the historical significance of Babylon in developing early religious and legal structures.
  • Jupiter, the king of the gods in Roman mythology, symbolizes authority, law, sky, and thunder, but also protection and prosperity, reflecting the overarching and benevolent influence these figures have on their societies.
  • This connection underscores their role in fostering societal and spiritual well-being.
  • Copper, known for its conductivity and durability, symbolizes the ability to spread and maintain cultural and spiritual continuity, a quality essential in religious leadership.
  • Faith as a virtue is central to the teachings and lives of these figures, each of whom fostered deep spiritual commitment and trust in higher principles or deities among their followers.
  • Eloaios, also known as Elohim in some Gnostic texts, is considered a manifestation of divine attributes, potentially reflecting virtues of wisdom and guardianship, aligning with the protective and guiding roles these figures play in their religious communities.

Compassion, Love, and Beauty

An-Enlilda, Pittacus of Mytilene, Jamadagni, Duke of Zhou, Joseph, Kasyapa Buddha, and The Master of Jerusalem, along with their associations to Venus, Oraios, the metal Lead, and the virtue Hope, embody themes of love, compassion, beauty, and hope in their respective cultures. These figures often serve as moral and spiritual guides, influencing laws and societal norms through their teachings and actions.

  • An-Enlilda is another of the Mesopotamian Apkallu, sages credited with imbuing society with divine wisdom and ethical guidance, potentially including aspects of harmony and beauty.
  • Pittacus of Mytilene, one of the Seven Sages of Greece, was celebrated for his practical wisdom and moderation, qualities that foster love and social cohesion.
  • Jamadagni, a revered sage in Hindu tradition, is a figure associated with miraculous powers and stern justice but also with the compassionate resolution of conflicts.
  • Duke of Zhou is a seminal figure in Chinese history, known for his role in consolidating the Zhou dynasty, emphasizing benevolent rule and moral rectitude.
  • Joseph in the biblical tradition is famed for his personal integrity and his forgiving nature towards his brothers, demonstrating profound love and mercy.
  • Kasyapa Buddha is one of the past Buddhas who taught the Dharma, which includes teachings on loving-kindness and compassion.
  • The Master of Jerusalem could symbolically represent a figure of peace and reconciliation, qualities necessary in such a historically conflicted city, emphasizing the hope for peace and beauty.
  • Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty, reflects these figures’ roles in promoting peace, beauty, and love within their cultures.
  • The influence of Venus underscores their contributions to the aesthetic and ethical values of their societies.
  • Lead, despite its heavy and toxic properties, has historical uses in stability and protection in alchemy and construction, symbolizing the endurance needed to maintain hope.
  • Hope as a virtue is central to the teachings and stories of these figures, each of whom inspires hope through their examples of resilience, mercy, and foresight.
  • Oraios in Gnostic tradition represents another aspect of the divine, potentially embodying the ideals of enlightenment and spiritual insight, qualities that enhance the understanding of beauty and love in a cosmic sense.

Wisdom, Discipline, and Foundational Impact

Utuabzu, Periander of Corinth, Bharadvaja, David, Shakyamuni Buddha (Historical), and The Master of France, alongside their associations with Saturn, Astaphanos, Mercury (Quicksilver), and the virtue Charity, symbolize figures who are known for their profound wisdom, discipline, and their role in establishing long-lasting structures or teachings within their cultures.

  • Utuabzu is one of the Mesopotamian Apkallu, thought to have ascended to heaven and brought divine secrets to earth, representing deep wisdom and esoteric knowledge.
  • Periander of Corinth, one of the Seven Sages of Greece, known for his authoritarian rule but also for his efforts in creating a prosperous and well-ordered city-state through strict governance.
  • Bharadvaja is one of the revered Vedic sages (Saptarishis) in Hindu tradition, who is attributed with writing several hymns of the Rigveda and imparting significant spiritual and ritualistic knowledge.
  • David is a central figure in the biblical tradition, recognized for uniting the kingdom of Israel and establishing a lasting dynasty, reflecting his strategic and disciplined approach.
  • Shakyamuni Buddha (Historical), the founder of Buddhism, profoundly impacted religious thought and practice through his teachings on the nature of suffering, the path to enlightenment, and ethical living.
  • The Master of France could symbolize the archetypal king or leader who embodies statecraft and the disciplined governance necessary for national prosperity.
  • Saturn, the Roman god of time, harvest, and discipline, symbolizes the overarching themes of time management, wisdom acquired over long periods, and the harsher aspects of rule or authority.
  • These figures’ lives and legacies often reflect the stabilizing, enduring, and sometimes restrictive qualities associated with Saturn.
  • Mercury (Quicksilver), known for its fluidity and changeable properties, symbolizes adaptability and the ability to influence many areas, much like the teachings or policies of these figures that have permeated various aspects of life and culture.
  • Charity as a virtue underscores their roles in promoting welfare and compassion within their communities, extending their leadership beyond mere governance to include care for the well-being of their people.
  • Astaphanos, one of the Gnostic archons, can represent spiritual obstacles but also enlightenment, reflecting the dual nature of these figures who both challenge their followers and lead them toward greater spiritual or moral insight.
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