
Paschal Beverly Randolph

Estimates of human origins

the last great cataclysm as occurring between 42,000 and 58,600 years ago, caused by the breakup of a planet in the solar system, resulting in the asteroid belt.

This one we are now on, Taha Earth, was given to grow up to 24 points. Its circumference is 24,000 miles. Land mass: one mile for every year to relate to its ages, cycles of 24,000 years, called one Equinox, or even shadows.

The notable miracles performed by Elijah, Moses, and Jesus, as described in the Bible.



Elijah is one of the major prophets in the Hebrew Bible, particularly noted for his fervent defense of the worship of Yahweh against the Baal cult.

Yahwistic Religion refers to the worship and religious practices centered around Yahweh, the national god of ancient Israel and Judah

Parallels between the Exodus narrative, particularly the figure of Moses, and elements of Egyptian history and mythology

Scholars claim Yahweh’s name may have originated from a desert pagan god.



Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves.

The French orientalist Henrion, gives the following table of the relative heights of several eminent historical personages

In ancient Sanskrit, the magnet was known as “the precious stone beloved of Iron,” and early Hebrew texts refer to it as Kalamitah.

The land destroyed by water was the country in which the civilization of the human race originated.

Paul Wallace

A populated universe

Paul Wallace reveald how biblical texts may depict advanced extraterrestrial beings influencing early human civilizations. He explores themes of hybridization and underwater bases.

Numerology, the study of numbers and their symbolic meanings, has been a part of human history for centuries.

In the biblical book of Numbers, they organized large groups to transport their Ark of the Covenant to the specified location.


The Holy Seven

Seven Sages Across Different Cultures

To eat, was the ruin of mankind

Archons block souls from escaping the material world. The test is whether people act on their passion/flame or fear.

Manna fell from the sky in the morning and collected on the ground like dew.

The secret book of John

Adam in Yaldabaoth’s Paradise

The Apocryphon of John, also called the Secret Book of John is a 2nd-century Sethian Gnostic Christian text attributed to John the Apostle.



Seth died at the age of 912

Adam gave Seth secret teachings that would become the Kabbalah.
In the Abrahamic religions, Seth was the third son of Adam and Eve.

Different methods of initiation used in post-Atlantean mysteries are detailed, including how they evolved up to Christian times.


Golden objects

This list of 70 golden objects out of the Bible includes specific physical objects, symbolic uses of gold, and metaphorical references.

There are some superficial similarities between cats and snakes, such as their eye shape and the ability to make certain sounds



Thoth is a key player in human civilization. He appears many times through different reincarnations. Thoth is key to understanding our history.

The Amorite before them, whose height was like the height of the cedars

The Ark of the Covenant is a biblical artifact described in the Book of Exodus. It is a sacred chest made of wood and covered with gold.


The 200 Grigori

The Grigori are a group of fallen angels described in biblical apocrypha, who mated with women, giving rise to Nephilim.

19th-century explorer Augustus Le Plongeon proposed the lost continent of Mu, believed to be the cradle of ancient civilizations.

Despite Moses’ hesitation and self-doubt, God reassures him of divine support and reveals His name as “I AM.” This chapter sets the stage for the deliverance of the Israelites.


Yahweh YHWH

Yahweh is often shown as a violent and jealous deity, commanding the extermination of entire populations, such as in the story of Saul and the Amalekites in 1 Samuel 15.