Ivan Teller

Atlantean Manipulation and Spiritual Influences


Ivan Teller begins by addressing current global events, emphasizing the influence of ancient civilizations like Atlantis on the present-day world. Ivan Teller notes that there are ongoing spiritual manipulations that continue to affect humanity, originating from civilizations that have long disappeared.

Atlantean Influence

Ivan Teller explains that much of the manipulation humanity experiences today is tied to Atlantean energies. These influences are embedded in various aspects of culture, including physical attractiveness and mental manipulation.

The Atlantean timeline is described as one where many people are caught in delusional beliefs, pulled into spiritual systems that may appear beneficial but ultimately mislead individuals.

Key Characteristics of Atlantean Influence:

  • Emphasis on physical attractiveness and outward appearances.
  • Use of witchcraft and other forms of mental control.
  • Manipulation of spiritual belief systems, making it hard for individuals to break free from their influence.

Ivan Teller further draws parallels between modern professionalism and ancient manipulations, stating that societal expectations around professionalism are often rooted in control mechanisms established by past civilizations.

Spiritual Warfare

The session delves into the ongoing spiritual warfare that has its roots in ancient times. Ivan Teller notes that secret societies and elite groups today often trace their origins to Atlantis. He highlights that spiritual manipulation is advanced, and it influences many aspects of modern life, from the media to religion.

Alien Races and Earth’s History

Ivan Teller discusses the involvement of various alien races in shaping Earth’s history. Ivan Teller mentions feline humanoid beings and their influence on human genetics.

According to Ivan Teller, these beings brought with them their emotional and energetic traits, which contributed to various disruptions in human society.

Key Alien Influences:

  • Felines: Brought heightened emotions and powerful physical traits.
  • Reptilians: Contributed to societal division and control mechanisms.
  • Insectoids: Weaponized through diseases and infections, used as a form of planetary control.
  • Venetians (Venus): Known for their emphasis on attractiveness and love, but also for seduction and manipulation.

Ivan Teller also mentions that the Venetians have both positive and negative aspects, as they are part of some of the same cults that manipulate society. He points out the use of attractiveness in various forms—such as people, music, and art—as tools of seduction and manipulation.

Spiritual Awakening and Challenges

The session explores the difficulties of spiritual awakening in the modern world. Ivan Teller suggests that people often get trapped in spiritual groups or belief systems that ultimately do not serve their growth.

Ivan Teller describes this as a form of hypnosis that keeps individuals disconnected from their true spiritual potential.

Ivan Teller also touches on the complexity of navigating spiritual paths, comparing it to moving through a dark forest without guidance. He emphasizes that breaking free from spiritual manipulation requires inner work and disconnecting from group influences.

The Role of Atlantis in Current Conflicts

The speaker connects the current war in Ukraine to Atlantean energies, describing it as a mutation of sorts where beings are manipulated at deeper, hidden levels. Ivan Teller explains that ancient civilizations like Atlantis have left a profound mark on human conflicts, with spiritual manipulations playing a role in these events.

Science and Global Elite Influence

Ivan Teller critiques mainstream science, likening it to the media in its role as a tool for manipulation. He points out that the global elite continue to exert their influence through both science and media, ensuring that popular figures remain aligned with their agendas.

Genetic Manipulation and Radiation Effects

The session touches on the long-term effects of radiation and genetic manipulation from ancient times. Ivan Teller claims that radiation from past wars has affected human DNA, leading to birth deformities and shorter lifespans for some. He explains that these challenges have been weaponized by past civilizations to control human reproduction and development.

Closing Thoughts

Ivan Teller concludes by discussing the nature of human incarnation and the role of spiritual beings in assisting humanity. He asserts that despite the manipulation and challenges, humanity is on a path of awakening and self-discovery. He also references the role of celebrities as modern gods, suggesting that their trials and tribulations serve as lessons for society.

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