

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest in the Solar System. A gas giant, Jupiter’s mass is more than two and a half times that of all the other planets in the Solar System combined and slightly less than one one-thousandth the mass of the Sun.

Cayce about Jupiter

Here’s what Cayce said about the planets as astrological aspects in Life Readings. Looking up the placement of these planets in your chart can offer a better understanding of these influences in your current life:

“In that relation in Jupiter, makes for the bigness, the noblenesses, as are seen in the entity’s experience…” (6-2)

“In those in Jupiter, of those of the broadness of vision… Nature has made of the entity a leader…” (5-2)

“…in Jupiter we find the high ennobling influences in the experience of the entity; in materiality making for associations ever with those in high places, in power, in authority, that deal with problems in the affairs of great numbers of individuals or peoples, or the masses.” (1285-1)

Jupiters’ key facts

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and one of the most prominent objects in the night sky. Here are some key facts about Jupiter:

Size and Mass
Jupiter is so massive that it is more than twice as massive as all the other planets in the solar system combined. Its diameter is about 11 times that of Earth.

Jupiter is a gas giant, primarily composed of hydrogen and helium. It doesn’t have a well-defined solid surface, and its atmosphere transitions smoothly into liquid and metallic states deeper within.

The planet is famous for its colorful bands and spots. These bands are created by differences in the temperature and composition of Jupiter’s atmosphere, and the colors are due to the various chemicals in it. The Great Red Spot, a giant storm larger than Earth, is one of the most recognizable features of Jupiter and has been observed for over 300 years.

Magnetic Field
Jupiter has a very strong magnetic field, the strongest of any planet in our solar system. This magnetic field is thought to be generated by the metallic hydrogen that swirls in the planet’s middle layers.

Jupiter has a large number of moons, with 79 confirmed moons as of now. The four largest moons—Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto—were discovered by Galileo Galilei in 1610 and are known as the Galilean moons. Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system, even bigger than the planet Mercury.

Although not as prominent as Saturn’s, Jupiter does possess a faint ring system, composed mainly of dust particles.

Orbit and Rotation
Jupiter orbits the Sun once every about 11.86 Earth years. Its day is the shortest of all the planets, rotating on its axis once every slightly less than 10 hours.

Jupiter has been visited by several spacecraft, including the Pioneer, Voyager, and Galileo missions. The Juno spacecraft, which arrived at Jupiter in 2016, is currently studying the planet in detail, providing unprecedented data about its atmosphere, magnetic field, and interior.

It is the third brightest natural object in the Earth’s night sky after the Moon and Venus and has been observed since prehistoric times. Its name derives from Jupiter, the chief deity of ancient Roman religion.

In Sethian Gnosticism, Yao or Iao (Ἰαω) is an archon. In On the Origin of the World, he is one of the three sons of Yaldabaoth, with the other two being Astaphaios and Eloai. In the Apocryphon of John, he is the fourth of the seven archons.

The Nabataean Agriculture

Jupiter, seen as a benevolent and expansive planet, might be recommended for times of planting or cultivating crops expected to yield abundantly.

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