Ginger Bayley

Dimensions and Timelines


Ginger Bayley introduces the session by welcoming viewers and connecting with Erik, her channeled son. Erik mentions he has been preparing notes for the session and briefly mentions personal experiences, including teaching Ginger to skateboard. The discussion quickly shifts to the focus of the day: dimensions and timelines.

Physical Ailments and Energy

Ginger brings up a personal health issue related to her eye, questioning whether it might be caused by a virus or negative energies. Erik indicates that it feels like an attack due to her working with other people’s negative entities, which can sometimes have an adverse effect.

Timeline and Dimension Discussion

The main focus of the session is on timelines and dimensions, two distinct but related concepts. Erik explains that timelines exist within dimensions. To illustrate, he shows an image of a circle on a piece of paper, representing the “all” or “Oneness.” This Oneness, also known as Source, is a foundational concept in understanding dimensions.

Dimensions Explained

Erik emphasizes that dimensions represent different perspectives of the same Oneness. People can experience different dimensions based on their frequency, and it is possible to move between dimensions such as the third and fifth dimensions within a lifetime. Each dimension offers a different experience depending on a person’s vibration or frequency.

He provides an analogy of standing on top of a mountain. Depending on which direction you face, you experience a different view. This turning is akin to shifting one’s frequency, allowing a person to experience different dimensions while still being in the same physical place.

Fifth Dimension and Experience

Moving into the fifth dimension is not about seeing a drastically different physical world but rather experiencing life from a different vibrational perspective. While objects like a coffee cup may appear the same, the experiences and types of people one encounters will be different. The fifth dimension is characterized by a deep understanding of Oneness and unconditional love, leading to a different way of perceiving the world and others.

In the fifth dimension, people begin to release old programs and limiting beliefs accumulated over lifetimes, particularly from childhood. This process allows them to experience life in a way that reflects their true nature as Source energy.

Ascension and Karma

Ascension is described as the process of moving beyond the human cycle of rebirth by clearing unhealed energy, often referred to as karma. This unhealed energy is stored in the chakra system and is released as a person raises their vibration. Ascension allows individuals to experience life as part of the Oneness, understanding the “game” of existence on a higher level.

Parallel Dimensions

Erik confirms the existence of infinite parallel dimensions. While these dimensions are beyond full human comprehension, there are key dimensions that humans can understand, especially in the context of personal evolution. He stresses that dimensions exist simultaneously, meaning that individuals are already existing in multiple dimensions at once, even if they are only aware of one at a time.

Animals and Dimensions

Erik reveals that animals, particularly pets, already exist in the fifth dimension. Their pure souls and lack of complex thought patterns make them more naturally aligned with higher vibrations like unconditional love.

Timelines Explained

Timelines are introduced as personal continuums that people live on, created through their choices and experiences. Most individuals unconsciously create their timelines based on past experiences and programs. Healing trauma, changing thought patterns, and working on self-improvement allows a person to shift to a higher timeline. This shift is seen as a split from the old timeline, leading to new experiences and opportunities that better align with one’s true frequency.

Erik gives the example of someone repeatedly attracting the same type of unsatisfying relationship. This pattern is due to underlying programs and beliefs. By healing the root cause, the individual can shift to a new timeline and attract healthier relationships.

The Concept of the Golden Timeline

Erik introduces the concept of the “Golden Timeline,” which represents the divine timeline that people came to Earth to experience. This timeline aligns with a person’s highest purpose and can be accessed once old programs and limiting beliefs are cleared. He suggests using the 369 method of journaling to affirm alignment with the Golden Timeline.

Handling Difficult Life Transitions

Erik acknowledges that when people are working through challenging transitions, life may feel like it’s falling apart. However, this is a necessary part of dissolving the old timeline to make room for the new one. He reassures viewers that during these periods, they are not stuck but in the process of creating something new. He encourages individuals to trust the process and remain focused on their own healing and growth.


The session concludes with a reminder that the fifth dimension and higher timelines are not places people “arrive” at, but frequencies they embody. The focus should remain on personal growth, transmuting pain, and aligning with one’s true frequency to experience the new Earth. As individuals continue their work, they will naturally move into higher dimensions and timelines that reflect their true nature as part of the Oneness.

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