Ada Andromeda

My Story from Atlantis to Now


Ada introduces her YouTube channel, explaining that it serves as a platform for channeling, sharing experiences, and inner journeys. She emphasizes that her work involves past life regressions, quantum healing, and sound healing. Ada feels it is now time to share her story, which she believes can help others reconnect with their souls and understand the process of unity consciousness on Earth.

Reflecting on Life Changes

Ada reflects on a period 1.5 years ago when her life changed dramatically. Due to the pandemic, she experienced losses in her personal and professional life, forcing her to return to her roots and engage in extensive inner work. This time of meditation and self-reflection led her to a transformative spiritual experience, where she surrendered to the universe and began to connect with her higher self and cosmic energies.

Kundalini Activation and Spiritual Awakening

During this period of isolation, Ada experienced a profound spiritual awakening marked by Kundalini energy, which manifested through cosmic sensations and out-of-body experiences. These experiences became overwhelming, and she eventually sought the guidance of a medium who helped her regain control of her spiritual and physical well-being.

Recalling a Past Life in Atlantis

Ada recalls memories from a past life in Atlantis. In this lifetime, she lived as a man in a highly advanced, harmonious society that had mastered energy and consciousness. However, she witnessed the destruction of Atlantis due to the misuse of power. This experience left a deep imprint on her, and she carried the responsibility of preserving the knowledge and energy of that time into her current life.

The Role of Crystals and Energy

In Atlantis, Ada was involved in channeling energy from a central pillar of light and working with crystal technology. She describes how this knowledge and experience are being revived today, as people reconnect with the energy of the Earth and the universe through inner journeys and spiritual practices.

Clearing Past Energies and Moving Forward

As part of her healing process, Ada worked with quantum healers to clear old energies, including releasing souls that had taken refuge within her during the destruction of Atlantis. This process allowed her to reclaim her own energy and gifts, which she now uses to channel frequencies and guide others on their own journeys of self-discovery and healing.

Final Thoughts

Ada concludes by encouraging others to remember who they are through their own experiences. She emphasizes the importance of reconnecting with one’s inner power and purpose and expresses her belief that the new reality being created on Earth is based on inner truth and alignment with the universe.

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