
Ada Andromeda

My Story from Atlantis to Now

During this period of isolation, Ada experienced a profound spiritual awakening marked by Kundalini energy, which manifested through cosmic sensations and out-of-body experiences.

Robert Nelson

Birthright (#3 Part 4) Robert Nelsons life

Robert learned to control his out-of-body experiences through Kundalini meditation.

Manly Palmer Hall

Initiates of the Flame (1922)

The serpent on the Pharaoh's crown symbolized the raised kundalini energy, representing spiritual mastery.

Aaron Abke

Kundalini Awakening

The episode opens with a discussion about Kundalini energy.

The host asks Aaron to explain what Kundalini energy is, as it has been described as both a path to enlightenment and something that can be dangerous.

Aaron explains that Kundalini energy is a dormant force at the base of the spine.


Bishop Leadbeater

Professor Robert Ellwood wrote that from 1884 to 1888, Leadbeater engaged in a meditation practice that "awakened his clairvoyance." During this period, the Master Kuthumi visited him and inquired if Leadbeater had ever tried a specific type of meditation linked to the mysterious power known as kundalini.