Aaron Abke

Kundalini Awakening

UNCOVER the Hidden Secrets of RA’s The Law of One – This Will Alter YOUR Reality | Aaron Abke

The episode opens with a discussion about Kundalini energy. The guest, Aaron Abke, explains how this energy can affect people if they are not adequately prepared for it. The host welcomes Aaron and expresses admiration for the work he is doing to help others awaken spiritually.

Aaron’s Spiritual Journey

Aaron explains that he was born into an evangelical Christian family and followed in his father’s footsteps, working as a pastor until the age of 23. However, he eventually experienced an awakening that led him to leave religion behind and pursue spiritual growth through Eastern philosophies, particularly Hinduism and Buddhism. This shift occurred around 2016. He went through a challenging period of leaving the church and dealing with personal crises, such as a divorce, which led him to work as a personal trainer in the San Francisco Bay Area.

While there, Aaron experienced a profound spiritual awakening, inspired by listening to Eckhart Tolle during his lunch breaks. This led him to a realization of oneness and an understanding of the universe as a unified consciousness. Although this blissful state lasted for two weeks, he eventually fell back into depression but gained the motivation to return to that state of inner peace.

Kundalini Awakening

The host asks Aaron to explain what Kundalini energy is, as it has been described as both a path to enlightenment and something that can be dangerous. Aaron explains that Kundalini energy is a dormant force at the base of the spine. Once activated, it moves up through the nervous system, transforming one’s neurobiology to handle higher levels of consciousness. This process can bring about profound changes but can also cause psychotic episodes or other disturbances if the individual is not prepared for it.

Meditation and Spiritual Preparedness

Aaron emphasizes the importance of meditation in preparing the body and nervous system for higher states of consciousness. The host shares his experience of longer-lasting peaceful states through consistent meditation practice. Both Aaron and the host agree that spiritual preparation is crucial to handling these energies.

Global Awakening and Interest in Spirituality

The host observes a growing interest in spiritual topics worldwide, and Aaron attributes this to a collective awakening on the planet. In response to global events, people are seeking answers and spiritual growth as a way forward.

The Law of One

The conversation shifts to “The Law of One,” a channeled text from the 1980s that Aaron studies and teaches. He explains that it describes a universal philosophy based on oneness, where all life forms are part of a singular consciousness. Aaron delves into the concept of densities of consciousness, explaining how souls evolve through seven densities, each representing a higher level of awareness and existence. Third density, where humans currently reside, is characterized by self-awareness and the experience of separation. Fourth density focuses on love and unity, and fifth density introduces wisdom.

Beings of Higher Densities and Their Role

Aaron discusses how higher-density beings, such as Jesus and Buddha, may have chosen to incarnate in third density to assist humanity. These beings undergo the same veil of forgetting as other humans but eventually reawaken to their true purpose.

The Nature of the Universe

The host asks Aaron about the universe from the perspective of consciousness. Aaron explains that the universe is an experiment in which the Creator learns about itself. Each galaxy, star, and planet is an experiment with its own unique parameters, all part of a grander exploration of possibilities.

Free Will and Karma

Aaron discusses the importance of free will in the universe’s design. Souls in third density must choose between positive (service to others) and negative (service to self) paths. Karma serves as a balancing force, ensuring that actions have consequences, and that souls can evolve through their experiences.

The Mind-Body-Spirit Complex

Aaron explains that humans are not simply bodies but are composed of a mind-body-spirit complex. The spirit represents consciousness, the mind serves as the intermediary, and the body allows consciousness to interact with the physical world. All three aspects must be balanced for spiritual growth.

Spiritual Balancing

The discussion touches on spiritual balancing, which involves working with the body’s energy centers or chakras. Aaron describes how imbalances in the chakras can lead to emotional or physical issues, and spiritual balancing techniques help to clear these distortions.

Closing Thoughts

The conversation concludes with a brief discussion on reincarnation and how patterns in life reflect universal truths. Aaron emphasizes that truth should be approached with openness and that personal experience will reveal the truth over time.

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