Turin King List

Turin King List The list begins with mythological rulers, including gods and demi-gods, who are said to have ruled Egypt for thousands of years.

15,000 years

Turin King list

The Turin Royal Canon, also known as the Turin King List, is an ancient Egyptian papyrus that provides a list of Egyptian kings and is considered one of the most important sources for the chronology of ancient Egypt.

The Turin Royal Canon is believed to date from the reign of Pharaoh Ramesses II during the Nineteenth Dynasty, around the 13th century BC.

Chronological Accuracy: The Turin Royal Canon is considered one of the most accurate ancient king lists because it provides the lengths of reigns for many kings and attempts to include all known rulers, even those with very short reigns.

Alternative History: Hancock references the Turin Royal Canon to support his theories of advanced prehistoric civilizations.

The Turin Royal Canon provides a unique glimpse into how the ancient Egyptians viewed their past, blending mythology with historical record-keeping, and remains a subject of interest for those exploring alternative histories and ancient mysteries.

The Turin Royal Canon, also known as the Turin King List, is believed to cover a span of time that reaches back into the mythical past, extending into historical periods.

Overall Span: Combining both the mythical and historical sections, the Turin Royal Canon could be interpreted to cover a span of over 15,000 years, with the earliest periods being largely mythological in nature.


Pre-dynastic Rulers

The "Spirits of the Dead" (also called "Shem-Su-Hor" or "Followers of Horus") are mentioned in ancient Egyptian texts and king lists, such as those compiled by Manetho and in the Turin Royal Canon.

Turin Royal Canon: This papyrus, also known as the Turin King List, includes a section that lists the pre-dynastic rulers as "Followers of Horus."

The Turin Royal Canon, also known as the Turin King List, is a papyrus document that provides a list of kings and is one of the most significant sources of information on the chronology of ancient Egypt.

Despite the challenges, scholars have attempted to piece together some of the names from the Turin Royal Canon and other sources.

The following list includes some of the rulers traditionally associated with the "Followers of Horus" based on the Turin King List and other archaeological and historical evidence.

Fragmentary Nature: The Turin Royal Canon is significantly damaged, making it difficult to read many of the names accurately.

From 900 to 120 years

Human lifespan declines

In the Turin King List, the figure connected with the Great Flood is Zep Tepi, also known as the "First Time." This term doesn't correspond to a single king but rather to a mythical epoch in ancient Egyptian chronology that is said to have preceded the Great Flood.