Flood Stories from Around the World
Toltec (Mexico):One of the Tezcatlipocas (sons of the original dual god) transformed himself into the Sun and created the first humans to show up his brothers.
The Bronze Age in Europe
The Toltec root for water is Atl; the Peruvian word for copper is Anti (from which, probably, the Andes derived their name, as there was a province of Anti on their slopes): may it not be that the name of Atlantis is derived from these originals, and signified the copper island, or the copper mountains in the sea?
Genesis contains a history of Atlantis
Lord Kingsborough says: "The Toltecs had paintings of a garden, with a single tree standing in the midst; round the root of the tree is entwined a serpent, whose head appearing above the foliage displays the face of a woman.
In one form of the Tower of Babel legend, that of the Toltecs, we are told that the pyramid of Cholula was erected "as a means of escape from a second flood, should another occur."
American Evidences of Intercourse with Europe Or Atlantis
"From the distant East, from the fabulous Hue Hue Tlapalan, this mysterious person came to Tula, and became the patron god and high-priest of the ancestors of the Toltecs.
"Of the Nahua predecessors of the Toltecs in Mexico the Olmecs and Xicalaucans were the most important.
The Deluge Legends of America
The native Mexican historian, Ixtlilxochitl, gave this as the Toltec legend of the Flood:
"It is found in the histories of the Toltecs that this age and first world, as they call it, lasted 1716 years; that men were destroyed by tremendous rains and lightning from the sky, and even all the land, without the exception of anything, and the highest mountains, were covered up and submerged in water fifteen cubits (caxtolmolatli); and here they added other fables of how men came to multiply from the few who escaped from this destruction in a "toptlipetlocali;" that this word nearly signifies a close chest; and how, after men had multiplied, they erected a very high "zacuali," which is to-day a tower of great height, in order to take refuge in it should the
"The Toltecs, consisting of seven friends, with their wives, who understood the same language, came to these parts, having first passed great land and seas, having lived in caves, and having endured great hardships in order to reach this land; .
Here we see that the depth of the water over the earth, "fifteen cubits," given in the Toltec legend, is precisely the same as that named in the Bible: "fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail." (Gen., chap.
The Toltecs traced their migrations back to a starting-point called "Aztlan," or "Atlan." This could be no other than, Atlantis.
Here we find that the land that was destroyed was the "first land;" that it was an island "beyond the great ocean." In all early age the people were happy and peaceful; they became wicked; "snake worship" was introduced, and was associated, as in Genesis, with the "fall of man;" Nana-Bush became the ancestor of the new race; his name reminds us of the Toltec Nata and the Hebrew Noah.
The Story of Atlantis
The Toltecs of Mexico traced themselves back to a starting-point called Atlan or Aztlan; the Aztecs also claimed to come from Aztlan (see Bancroft's Native Races, vol.
The result was that at the period we are dealing with—the first map period—there was no pure blood left in the south, and as we shall see it was from these dark races who inhabited the equatorial provinces, and the extreme south of the continent, that the Toltec conquerors subsequently drew their supplies of[22] slaves.
The first of these was in process during the Rmoahal days, about 3,000,000 years ago, while the second took place in the Toltec ascendency about 850,000 years ago.
At this first map period they also—as just stated—peopled the northern coasts, whilst a mixture of Tlavatli and Toltec race inhabited the western islands, which subsequently formed part of the American continent.
We now come to the Toltec or 3rd sub-race.
Indeed so dominant and so endowed with vitality was this race that intermarriages with the following sub-races failed to modify the type, which still remained essentially Toltec; and hundreds of thousands of years later we find one of their remote family races ruling magnificently in Mexico and Peru, long ages before their degenerate descendants were conquered by the fiercer Aztec tribes from the north.
It lay near the west coast of Atlantis about latitude[24] 30° North, and the whole of the surrounding country, embracing the bulk of the west coast of the continent, was peopled with a pure Toltec race.
But as we shall see when dealing with the political organization, their territory eventually extended right across the continent, and it was from their great capital on the eastern coast that the Toltec emperors held their almost world-wide sway.
The great central regions of the continent lying west and south of the Tlavatli mountainous district was their special though not their exclusive home, for they shared these lands with the Toltecs.
It was the Toltec race who developed the highest civilization and organized the most powerful empire of any of the Atlantean peoples, and it was then that the principle of hereditary succession was for the first time established.
This was the golden age of the Toltec race.
It was a moral question which from the very earliest times divided the Atlantean Race into two hostile camps, and what was begun in the Rmoahal times was terribly accentuated in the Toltec era.
The white emperor driven northward re-established himself in a city originally founded by the Tlavatli on the southern edge of the mountainous district, but which was now the seat of one of the tributary Toltec kings.
We shall eventually find a Semite dynasty of sorcerers enthroned in the "City of the[31] Golden Gates," but no Toltec power rose to eminence during the second map period.
There were considerable Toltec populations still, but little of the pure blood remained on the mother continent.
On the island of Ruta however, in the third map period, a Toltec dynasty again rose to power and ruled through its tributary kings a large portion of the island.
Little more remains to be said about the Toltecs.
Exclusive race-dynasties were at an end, but kings of Toltec blood occasionally rose to power both in the north and south, the northern kingdom being constantly encroached upon by its southern rival, and more and more of its territory annexed.
Having dealt at some length with the state of things under the Toltecs, the leading political characteristics of the four following sub-races need not long detain us, for none of them[32] reached the heights of civilization that the Toltecs did—in fact the degeneration of the race had set in.
Being continually worsted in war with their Toltec neighbours, knowing themselves to be greatly outnumbered, and desiring above all things increase of population, laws were passed, by which every man was relieved from the direct burden of maintaining his family.
For it should be realized that when the Atlanteans reached their zenith in the Toltec era, the proportion of population to the square mile[34] on the continent of Atlantis probably equalled, even if it did not exceed, our modern experience in England and Belgium.
We now come to the Toltecs.
It was chiefly to the west that their emigrations tended, and the neighbouring coasts of the American continent were in the second map period peopled by a pure Toltec race, the greater part of those left on the mother-continent being then of very mixed blood.
It may here be noted that while the Mexican empire was for centuries great and powerful in all that is usually regarded as power and greatness in our civilization of to-day, it never reached the height attained by the Peruvians about 14,000 years ago under their Inca sovereigns, for as regards the general well-being of the people, the justice and beneficence of the government, the equitable nature of the land tenure, and the pure and religious life of the inhabitants, the Peruvian empire of those days might be considered a traditional though faint echo of the golden age of the Toltecs on the mother-continent of Atlantis.
The average Red Indian of North or South America is the best representative to-day of the Toltec people, but of course bears no comparison with the highly civilized individual of the race at its zenith.
Although the first settlement in that country was not in the strict sense of the term a colony, it was from the Toltec race that was subsequently drawn the first great body of emigrants intended to mix with and dominate the aboriginal people.
The golden age of the Toltecs was long past.
Dominated all through the centuries by their more powerful Toltec neighbours, it was yet reserved for a small branch of the Turanian stock to conquer and replace the last great empire that the Toltecs raised, for the brutal and barely civilized Aztecs were of pure Turanian blood.
The Semite emigrations were of two kinds, first, those which were controlled by the natural impulse of the race: second, that special emigration which was effected under the direct guidance of the Manu; for, strange as it may seem, it was not from the Toltecs but from this lawless and turbulent though vigorous and energetic sub-race that was chosen the nucleus destined to be developed into our great Fifth or Aryan Race.
It must naturally be with the periods of culture that the following remarks will deal, chief among which stands out the great Toltec era.
But the characteristic feature of the Toltec house was the tower that rose from one of its corners or from the centre of one of the blocks.
During the first map period Toltec was the universal language, not only throughout the continent but in the western islands and that part of the eastern continent which recognized the emperor's rule.
The Tlavatli tongue was the basis used by the Turanians, who introduced such modifications that an entirely different language was in time produced; while the[45] Semites and Akkadians, adopting a Toltec ground-work, modified it in their respective ways, and so produced two divergent varieties.
All through the ages, however, the Toltec language fairly maintained its purity, and the same tongue that was spoken in Atlantis in the days of its splendour was used, with but slight alterations, thousands of years later in Mexico and Peru.
The schools and colleges of Atlantis in the great Toltec days, as well as in subsequent eras of culture, were all endowed by the State.
In such an empire as the Toltec, agriculture naturally received much attention.
Among the domesticated animals of the Toltec days were creatures that looked like very small tapirs.
The Toltec carts appear to have been drawn by creatures somewhat resembling small camels.
Selfishness obtained the upper hand, and war and discord brought the Golden Age of the Toltecs to a close.
In the days of the Toltec greatness there seems to have been no real poverty—even the retinue of slaves attached to most houses being well fed and clothed—but there were a number of comparatively poor houses in the lowest belt to the north, as well as outside the outermost canal towards the sea.
The following remarks will attempt to deal merely with the leading characteristics which differentiate their habits from our own, and these will be chosen as much as possible from the great Toltec era.
Polygamous customs were prevalent at different times among all the sub-races, but in the Toltec days while two wives were allowed by the law, great numbers of men had only one wife.
It was with the increase of population and civilization in the early Toltec times that land first became worth fighting for.
The systems of land tenure which ensued in different parts of the empire on the breaking up of the great Toltec dynasty were many and various.
With the wider diffusion of knowledge in the days of the Toltecs, and more especially with the establishment later on of an initiated priesthood and an Adept emperor, increased opportunities were offered to the people for the attainment of a truer conception of the divine.
In the great Toltec empire of Mexico the sun-worship of their forefathers was still the national religion, while the bloodless offerings to their beneficent Deity, Quetzalcoatl, consisted merely of flowers and fruit.
Understanding Cosmic Ascension
Alan Steinfeld and the Hurtaks discuss how cultures around the world, including Tibetan and Toltec traditions, have recognized different forms of Ascension.
August 2024 Update
75,025 B.C.: Final catastrophe submerges the remnants of Atlantis, ending the Toltec civilization’s dominance.
Toltecs: The third sub-race, responsible for founding the earliest forms of statecraft and governance.
The Colonies of Atlantis
Dêsiré Charnay, a prominent explorer, noted that the Toltecs were fair, robust, and often bearded.
The Toltecs practiced a pure and simple religion, engaged in farming, weaving cotton, and cultivating fruits.
Similar sun deities and sun festivals (e.g., Rama in Hinduism, Rana among the Toltecs, Raymi in Peru, and Rayam in Yemen) indicate a widespread Atlantean influence.
Genesis Contains a History of Atlantis
Lord Kingsborough says: "The Toltecs had paintings of a garden, with a single tree standing in the midst; round the root of the tree is entwined a serpent, whose head appearing above the foliage displays the face of a woman.
American Evidences of Intercourse with Europe or Atlantis
Quetzalcoatl was a high-priest and god of the Toltecs, credited with various cultural advancements such as gem-cutting, metal-casting, and the invention of the Mexican calendar.
The Annals of the CakchiQuels
The occurrence of the Aztec name of the City of Light, Tulan (properly, Tonatlan), in these accounts, as they were rehearsed by the early converted natives, naturally misled historians to adopt the notion that these divine culture heroes were “Toltecs,” and even in the modern writings of the Abbé Brasseur (de Bourbourg), of M.
The term "City of Light" or "Tulan" in the context of Mesoamerican mythology and history often refers to Tollan, also known as Tula, which was the capital of the Toltec civilization.
The Toltecs were a pre-Aztec civilization in central Mexico, and their capital, Tollan, is thought to have been a major urban center and a place of cultural significance.
The whole alleged story of the Toltecs is merely an euhemerized myth, and they are as pure creations of the fancy as the giants and fairies of mediæval romance.
In the first volume of this series I have discussed their appearance in the legends of Central America, and need not refer to them here more than to say that those who have founded on these names theories of the derivation of the Maya tribes or their ruling families from the Toltecs, a purely imaginary people, have perpetrated the common error of mistaking myth for history.
The Deluge Legends of America
Toltec Flood Story: Describes a flood covering the earth and a close chest (toptlipetlocali) in which survivors escape.
Migration from Aztlan: The Toltecs migrated from Aztlan (Atlantis), a beautiful land, after a great flood.
The Fourth Root Race
Development of the Toltec Sub-race: The Toltec sub-race, known for its splendor and imperial nature, is established.
Formation of the City of the Golden Gates: The City of the Golden Gates is founded by the Toltec sub-race.
Rise of the Toltec Sub-race:
Ruling Race: The Toltec sub-race becomes the ruling race due to its superiority.
Conquests and Civilizations: The Toltec establish an empire, subduing various regions and integrating different populations.
75,025 B.C.: Final catastrophe submerges the remnants of Atlantis, ending the Toltec civilization's dominance.
After the race-type was fully established, He thus had the materials for the rich red-brown of the Toltec, the third sub-race, the most splendid and imperial of the Atlantean peoples, which ruled the world for tens of thousands of years.
Some of these came into the Tlavatli sub-race, and some later into the Toltec, when it was evolved ; and then He again incarnated in the latter, and founded the City of the Golden Gates, the first of many successive cities of that name.
The Toltec was at this time the ruling Race, by virtue of its great superiority.
Even in the City of the Golden Gates, only the aristocracy and the middle class were Toltec ; the lower classes were of mixed blood, and were largely composed of men and women taken captive in wars with other sub-races, and reduced to servitude by their conquerors.
Unconscious as he was of the tie between them, he was yet influenced by it, and treated the tribe kindly: instead of carrying them off as slaves, he introduced various improvements and incorporated the tribe into the Toltec Empire.
Sirius took several births in the Tlavatli sub-race, and then passed into the Toltec.
Beginning of the 5th Root Race
The pyramids were built, and the Toltecs ruled Egypt.
Their religion was different from that of the Toltecs living in the plains, and the Manu took advantage of this to isolate the sub-race.
Suffice it that a splendid Toltec civilisation was flourishing in Egypt when our emigrants passed along its borders, and the Egyptian Ruler, following the Toltec tradition that other races existed in order that the Toltecs might exploit them, tried to bribe them into remaining in his land.
Some succumbed to the temptation and remained in lower Egypt, in defiance of the Manu's command, to become, a little later, slaves to the dominant Toltecs.
Atlantean Peruvian Civilization
Toltec, in Ancient Peru
In the thirteenth millennium B.C., the civilization of Peru closely resembled that of the Toltec Empire at its peak.
so closely resembled that of the Toltec Empire in its zenith, that, having closely studied that period, we utilise it here as an example of Atlantean civilisation.
Egypt and India in their Atlantean periods, offered other examples, but, on the whole, the chief features of the Toltec Empire are best reproduced in the Peru which is here described.
The Civilisation of Atlantis
The Toltec land system, detailed in chapters on Peru, fostered general well-being and the absence of poverty through universal primary education.
This system was believed to be the best for the people during the prime of Toltec civilization.
In the days of the Toltec greatness there seems to have been no real poverty — even the retinue of slaves attached to most houses being well fed and clothed — but there were a number of comparatively poor houses in the lowest belt to the north, as well as outside the outermost canal towards the sea.
The land system of the Toltecs will be described in the chapters on Peru, and the absence of poverty and the general well-being of the population were largely due to the provision therein made for universal primary education.
Government was autocratic, and in the palmy days of Toltec civilisation under the Divine Kings, no system could have been happier for the people ; but as the unchecked powers They wielded passed into the hands of younger souls, abuses crept in and troubles arose ; for here, as everywhere, decay began in the corruption of the highest.
We have chosen two daughter civilisations which grew up in later days, far from the great centre of the fourth Root Eace — one descended from the third sub-race, the Toltec, the other from the fourth subrace, the Turanian — in order to give a more vivid and detailed picture of the level reached by the Atlanteans.
The Destruction of Atlantis
Lord Kingsborough says: "The Toltecs had paintings of a garden, with a single tree standing in the midst; round the root of the tree is entwined a serpent, whose head appearing above the foliage displays the face of a woman.
The Tlavatli Race
Simultaneously, a fusion of Tlavatli and Toltec races inhabited the western islands.
The Rmoahal Race
The first, was during the Rmoahal era around 3,000,000 years ago, and the second in the Toltec era, around 850,000 years ago.
Atlantis experienced two major glaciations: the first during the Rmoahal era about 3,000,000 years ago and the second in the Toltec era around 850,000 years ago.
Genesis and Atlantis
Lord Kingsborough says: "The Toltecs had paintings of a garden, with a single tree standing in the midst; round the root of the tree is entwined a serpent, whose head appearing above the foliage displays the face of a woman.
In one form of the Tower of Babel legend, that of the Toltecs, we are told that the pyramid of Cholula was erected "as a means of escape from a second flood, should another occur."
Temple of Cholula
The temple complex was built by the ancient Mesoamerican civilization of the Olmecs and later expanded by the Maya and Toltecs.
the Toltec (a term which Theosophists use as a synonym for the Atlantean ancestors of the American Indians)
Enclosed garden
At this first map period they also--as just stated--peopled the northern coasts, whilst a mixture of Tlavatli and Toltec race inhabited the western islands, which subsequently formed part of the American continent.