

200,000 BCE to 9,564 BCE

In ancient times, there was a race called the Atlanteans who lived in a land known as Atlantis. The Atlanteans emerged around 4.5 million years ago in Africa. They started as a group called Chankshusha Manu, a subrace of the Lemurians, and eventually became the Atlanteans. These Atlanteans had Mongolian features and over time, their descendants migrated to different parts of the world, forming various races like the American Indians and Asians.

Man: Whence, How and Whither, A Record of Clairvoyant Investigation, published in 1913

In chapter IX, the authors wrote about Atlantis that “explosions of gas, floods, and earthquakes” razed Ruta and Daitya, the great islands left from the cataclysm of 200,000 B.C., and only the island of Poseidonis remained, the last vestige of the once grand continent of Atlantis.

These islands were lost in 75,025 B.C. Poseidonis survived to 9,564 B.C., when it was also devoured by the ocean.

The authors assert in chapter X of the book:

“The immense growth of wealth and of luxury gradually undermined the most splendid civilization that the world has yet seen. Knowledge was prostituted to individual gain, and control over the powers of nature was turned from service to oppression. Hence Atlantis fell, despite the glory of its achievements and the might of its Empires.”


The City of the Golden Gates

During their peak, the Atlanteans lived in a splendid civilization. Their capital, The City of the Golden Gates, was incredibly advanced with a population of two million. They had airships, a socialist economic system, and organized warfare tactics.

Atlantis was destroyed in a cataclysmic event

However, their downfall began when some of them started practicing dark magic and became selfish. This led to conflicts and eventually, Atlantis was destroyed in a cataclysmic event around 9,564 BC due to earthquakes.

Throughout this period, there were battles between those who practiced dark magic and those who opposed it. The latter, known as white magicians, were guided by ancient masters who warned them about the impending disaster. These white magicians managed to escape Atlantis in ships before it sank completely.

After the catastrophic sinking of Atlantis, the survivors dispersed across the globe, carrying fragments of their advanced knowledge and culture with them. Some settled in distant lands, eventually giving rise to civilizations that echoed the greatness of Atlantis in various ways.

In the aftermath, the world entered a new era. The scattered Atlanteans, with their knowledge of advanced technologies and spiritual wisdom, influenced the cultures they encountered. The legacy of Atlantis lived on, albeit in fragmented forms, shaping the beliefs, technologies, and mythologies of different civilizations throughout history.

The fourth root race

The concept of the “fourth root race” is a central tenet in theosophical and esoteric teachings. According to this belief system, human evolution occurs in distinct stages or root races.

The fourth root race, often referred to as the Atlantean race, is said to have inhabited the legendary continent of Atlantis millions of years ago. The Atlanteans, as a part of this root race, are thought to have possessed advanced spiritual and technological knowledge.

The fourth root race, the Atlantean, according to Theosophy arose approximately 4,500,000 years ago in Africa from the fourth subrace of the Lemurians in a part of Africa that had been colonized by that subrace in the area now inhabited by the Ashanti.

The first Atlantean subrace was the result of the last, or seventh Lemurian subrace, Chankshusha Manu, which migrated first to the south of the Atlantean continent and, from there, migrated further north.

The esoteric name of Atlantis is Kusha. The Atlantean root race had Mongolian features; they began with bronze skin and gradually evolved into the red American Indian, brown Malayan, and yellow Mongolian races, because some Atlanteans eventually migrated to the Americas and Asia. The seven subraces of the Atlantean root race were

  • the Rmoahal
  • the Tlavati (Cro-Magnons)
  • the Toltec (a term which Theosophists use as a synonym for the Atlantean ancestors of the American Indians)
  • the Turanian
  • the original Semites (i.e. Phoenicians)
  • the Akkadians
  • the Mongolian, which migrated to and colonized Central Asia, East Asia, and Southeast Asia.

Ignatius Donnelly research

In the late nineteenth century, “Atlantology,” the study of Atlantis lore, flowered with the publication of Atlantis: The Antediluvian World, by Ignatius Donnelly, an American Congressman. Donnelly said the existence of Atlantis could explain unusual similarities between widely separated cultures, such as the ancient Egyptians and the Indians of Central and South America. From his research, Donnelly concluded that:

— Atlanteans comprised at least two races, a small and dark-brown, reddish race similar to Egyptians, Berbers and Central Americans, and a large, white race similar to the Greeks, Goths, Celts and Scandinavians. There were many battles for supremacy.

— Atlanteans believed in reincarnation and embalmed their dead.

— There was an established order of priests who oversaw a simple religion.

— The continent itself had 1,500-foot high volcanic mountains, the tops of which were perpetually covered with snow; elevated table-lands where the royalty lived; a lower “great plain”; four rivers flowing from a central point to the four points of the compass; tropical and temperate zones; and fertile soil.

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