
The Great Bear, also known as the Big Dipper, is one of the most recognizable asterisms in the night sky.

The city of the sun god, Tulan or Tonatlan, as the place of their origin, of the land Zuiva and of the Nonoalcos

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Fourth Root Race

Over a million years, the Manu meticulously bred the new race, achieving the red-brown Toltec sub-race known for its splendor.

In Theosophical literature, the concept of chains and globes is central to understanding the evolution of life within a solar system.


The Rainbow

The teachings emphasize that besides the seven visible colors, there is an eighth color: clear Crystal Light. This concept aligns with the traditional teaching that all things come in multiples of four, up to 32, based on the sacred number four.

All things undergo a birth process and were brought into existence for us in the third world.

Paul Wallace

A populated universe

Paul Wallace reveald how biblical texts may depict advanced extraterrestrial beings influencing early human civilizations. He explores themes of hybridization and underwater bases.



A phoenix is a mythical bird known for its cycle of death and rebirth, featuring prominently in various mythologies, particularly those of ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome

Iblis worshipped from above for more than 70,000 years, until he was raised to the station of Ridwan. After he was the guardian of Paradise for 1000 years.

Father Duran, in his MS. “Historia Antiqua de la Nueva Espana” A.D. 1585, quotes from the lips of a native of Cholula

In the beginning, when all was stillness, silence, and water. There was no light, no land, no plants, no people, and no animals.

Across five countries—Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico—there are numerous Maya sites, totaling in the hundreds.

Why is the Red Sea so named? If a
sea is called Black or White, that may be due to the dark coloring of the water or to the brightness of the ice and snow.



The Soffhir were deeply attuned to the natural energies of the universe, harnessing the power of ley lines and energy vibrations for various purposes.



In ancient times, there was a race called the Atlanteans who lived in a land known as Atlantis.

Genesis 2

Enclosed garden

And the YHWH Elohiym established an enclosed garden eastward in Eden, and there they put the humans.