
Ignatius Donnelly

Genesis contains a history of Atlantis

According to the Quiche tradition, there were four men from whom the races of the world descended (probably a recollection of the red, black, yellow, and white races); and these men were without wives, and the Creator made wives for them "while they slept."

Ignatius Donnelly

The Question of Complexion

They recognized four races of men--the red, yellow, black, and white men.

They themselves belonged to the "Rot," or red men; the yellow men they called "Namu"--it included the Asiatic races; the black men were called "Nahsu," and the white men "Tamhu." The following figures are copied from Nott and Gliddon's "Types of Mankind," p.

In the same way we find that the ancient Aryan writings divided mankind into four races--the white, red, yellow, and black: the four castes of India were founded upon these distinctions in color; in fact, the word for color in Sanscrit (varna) means caste.

The Egyptians, while they painted themselves red-brown, represented the nations of Palestine as yellow-brown, and the Libyans yellow-white.

The present inhabitants of Egypt range from a yellow color in the north parts to a deep bronze.

There can be no doubt that red, white, black, and yellow men have united to form the original population of America.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Deluge of the Bible

The other three races--yellow, black, and red--have no place in the Bible list of nations sprung from Noah." As, therefore, the Deluge of the Bible destroyed only the land and people of Noah, it could not have been universal.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Destruction of Atlantis described in the deluge legends

"Let us observe, however, that probably the diluvian tradition is not primitive, but imported in America; that it undoubtedly wears the aspect of an importation among the rare populations of the yellow race where it is found; and lastly, that it is doubtful among the Polynesians of Oceania.

Frederick S. Oliver

Life in Caiphul (5-1)

From this pleasant surprise my attention was attracted to the brilliancy of the walls about us, which seemed to flame with red, blue, green, yellow and all other tinted flashes of fire, so that I can find no simile more fitting than comparison to the sunlit dews on the myriad webs of morning lawn-spiders.

Clara Iza von Ravn

Selestor’s Men of Atlantis

A liquid yellow as the light of morn was once distilled from out its heart, and drunk alone by sages, kings.

Those yellow forms thou namest first came to shape, and soon a nation formed, in that dim morn when in the time of dearth Atlantis drew her bread supply from plains now rank with growth of trees—with bloom that cloys the sense, where serpents twine amid the broad, lush leaves, and beasts prowl greedily among coarse reeds which stand where once great grains of maize did grow.

Ah, yellow slant of eye, the hordes we see, but glorious in their youth in that past day, when swarthy-browed the plunderers bold first set their feet on sands that teem with men who shrink from new conditions; bravery of soul of order that will suffer, yet not draw the sword on foe.

of scales the fish might deftly grow, embroidered with each name all set in gems of azure, yellow, too, I see the noble captains of the host affect—the color of the shifting light on corn, the yellow symbol, too, of holiness—the flower's heart—the center of an orb—the pigment pure that mellows flesh in tint.

Thus Asia—land of yellow peopling forms—had turned her mood unto that island fair, the home of her ancestry.

Each statesman holding in the hand which showed his monarch's ring—a gift all prized—a goblet fair of that rare fluid, yellow shot with rose, a wine distilled with care.

His locks were yellow as the light on corn, his form as pine the straightest, his mien a king's indeed, but—Olaf—!

Swift rowed the invaders; Olaf of the north at head of fleet to right; to left, the yellow men, and black and strong as tiger old and hardened in his fights rode men of Zambesi beside.

Atlantis with her eagles, yellow bloom of lilies at her prow, came swiftly; heeded not the stroke of missiles at her left and right.

W. Scott-Elliot

The Story of Atlantis

Ethnological Types.—Atlantis as we shall see is said to have been inhabited by red, yellow, white and black races.

These four, though differing considerably from each other, have been called "yellow," and this colour may appropriately define the complexion of the Turanian and Mongolian, but the Semite and Akkadian were comparatively white.

Wiliam R. Sandbach

The Oera Linda Book

Irtha bore three daughters—Lyda, Finda, and Frya—the mothers of the three distinct races, black, yellow, and white—Africa, Asia, and Europe.

Finda was yellow, and her hair was like the mane of a horse.

Among the various kinds of corn some is as yellow as gold.

Stewart Pearce

The angels of Atlantis

Jofiel is introduced as the holy liberator who has imparted creation through the yellow ray.

This yellow ray symbolizes fundamental liberation and is key to the message.

Jofiel encourages the audience to meditate on the yellow ray and its impact.

The yellow ray brings inspiration, joy, and a connection to the solar deity.

However, the angel explains that the bright yellow may darken, symbolizing a human association with fear and cowardice.

Jofiel describes the Garden of Eden as the origin of the yellow ray in human consciousness.

The angel encourages the development of a strong will through the yellow ray, urging people to avoid indifference and compromise.

The yellow ray expands love, joy, and liberation throughout the universe, just as the universe itself expands.

Jofiel advises the audience to let this yellow light heal inner conflicts, dissolving any sense of separation.

The yellow ray can lift individuals into a state of ecstasy, joy, and freedom, broadening their consciousness.

Penny Kelly

Profundities from the Akashic Records

It used to be much more yellow.

Some say it’s shifting back toward yellow, but I haven’t seen that yet.

Frederick S. Oliver

Axte Incal, Axtuce Mun (4-1)

The first color produced is red, and thence, by a constantly augmenting vibratile energy, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, each spectrum-band being due to an exact and definite increase in the number of the vibrations.

Frederick S. Oliver

Caiphul (2-1)

The monsters were made with an eye to artistic proportion; their bodies were of carved gray, red or yellow sandstone, their eyes of sard, carnelian, jasper or other colored silicious stone, while fangs for their yawning mouths were made from gleaming white quartz, set on each side of the entranceway.

Australia - 40,000 years ago

Wilgie Mia – Ancient ochre mine

The different coloured ochres relate to the different parts of Marlu’s body: the red ochre is his blood, the yellow ochre is his liver, and the green ochre his gall.

Ochre has played a crucial role in Australian history, with Wilgie Mia producing significant quantities of both red and yellow pigments.

Frederick S. Oliver

Atlantis, Queen of the Wave (1-1)

Yellow, precious gold!

As I paused, filled with delight at the idea that on both sides of me my eyes rested on virgin rock never exposed to the gaze of any man since earth began, I noticed that which set my pulses bounding with wild joy--right by my side, but a little in front, was a vein of yellow, ocherous-looking rock in which I saw many maculations of whitish, harder rock, which appearance was due to quartz bodies torn apart by the same shock which formed the cleft.


Timeline of the Four Worlds

Chinese: Pangu created the world by separating heaven and earth; Nuwa created the first humans from yellow clay.

North American (Navajo): The Third World was yellow and populated by mammals.

Chinese: Huangdi (Yellow Emperor), Qin Shi Huang.


The Great Bear – Big Dipper

It is considered part of the Northern Celestial Hemisphere and is associated with various myths and legends, including those related to the Yellow Emperor.

According to some versions of the myth, the Yellow Emperor's mother saw a great flash of light from the Big Dipper, which led to his conception, emphasizing his celestial and divine origin.


Huang Di – The Yellow Emperor

The Yellow Emperor, also known as Huangdi, is a legendary figure in Chinese history and mythology.

Here are some key points about the Yellow Emperor:

Cultural Contributions: The Yellow Emperor is credited with a variety of important cultural and technological innovations, including the invention of the compass, the establishment of governmental structures, the development of traditional Chinese medicine, and the creation of the Chinese calendar.

Battle with Chiyou: One of the famous myths involving the Yellow Emperor is his battle against Chiyou, a tribal leader.

Emblem of Unity: The Yellow Emperor symbolizes the unity of the Chinese people.

Huangdi's Classic of Internal Medicine: This ancient text, attributed to the Yellow Emperor, is one of the foundational works of traditional Chinese medicine.

Temples and Festivals: There are numerous temples dedicated to the Yellow Emperor across China.

The Yellow Emperor remains a powerful symbol of Chinese heritage, representing the beginnings of Chinese culture and the continuous lineage of Chinese civilization.

the Yellow Emperor, or Huangdi, is said to have had a divine and somewhat mysterious origin.

The Yellow Emperor is traditionally said to have been born in Shouqiu, which is located in present-day Qufu in Shandong Province.

He is said to have united various tribes and clans through both his prowess in battle and his wise governance, ultimately becoming the Yellow Emperor.

Reign: He is considered to have been a grandson of the Yellow Emperor.

Reign: Also known as Gaoxin, he is another grandson of the Yellow Emperor.

Our Predeluvian History

Huang Di – The Yellow Emperor - the Great Bear (Big Dipper)

Ignatius Donnelly

American Evidences of Intercourse with Europe or Atlantis

The ancient Egyptians recognized four races: red, yellow, black, and white.

The Aryan writings also categorized humanity into white, red, yellow, and black races, with the red Kshatriyas being a significant group.

In America, the original population included red, white, black, and yellow men.


The Annals of the CakchiQuels

Gold and silver were classed under the general name puvak, and distinguished as white and yellow; iron and copper were both known as hih, and distinguished also by their color.

Ignatius Donnelly

Conclusions of the Great Flood story

The other three races—yellow, black, and red—have no place in the Bible list of nations sprung from Noah."

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Fourth Root Race

Subba Rao distinguished the Lemurians as blueblack, the Atlanteans as red-yellow, and the Aryans as brown-white.

The Seven Globes

first Chain for the second — the next ring of coloured circles — this blue stream divides on arriving there; its least advanced part, which is not ready to go on into the second Elemental Kingdom, breaks off from the main stream and goes again into the first Elemental Kingdom of this second Chain, joining the new Life-stream — coloured yellow and marked with an arrow which enters on its evolution in that Chain, and being merged in ix ; the main blue stream goes on into the second Elemental Kingdom of this second Chain, receiving into itself some laggards from the second Elemental Kingdom of the first Chain, assimilating them, and carrying them on with itself; it will be noticed that only a blue stream leaves this Kingdom, the foreign elen ents having been completely assimilated.


The Rainbow

In the evening, we use yellow cornmeal, symbolizing the pollen provided by men for the reproduction of life.


This is the yellow world

Everything in our environment is three-dimensional, and this is the yellow world—the yellow corn pollen path existence.

The color yellow is associated with the Sun and the pollen of all life forms, just like corn pollen.

Paul Wallis

A populated universe

Jesus’s story is part of a huge family of stories within the Bible.[1:03:08] It doesn’t stop there—go to the stories around the mother of the Yellow Emperor in China, or the Pasi Buddha, the 22nd incarnation of Buddha before Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, or to the stories around the mother of Laozi.[1:03:26] Again, close encounter, anomalous experience of light shining upon them from an object in space, and then they have a baby who’s very significant and highly intelligent.[1:03:40] Some people might say, "Look, these people needed a story like that.

There’s no answer to that other than that’s exactly how these artificial inseminations are described in the Eastern tradition.[1:05:08] The Pasi Buddha, the Yellow Emperor, Laozi—the texts describe it that way.



It is said to originate from the sun and embodies the five fundamental colors: black, white, red, yellow, and green.

Other descriptions depict it as a large bird with majestic, brightly glowing plumage in red, orange, and yellow, resembling a bonfire.

Iblis -> Azazil

In a female guise, Iblis takes the form of a dark-skinned woman, garbed like a belly dancer, with yellow eyes and a third eye on her forehead, her body seemingly radiating flames.

Genesis and Atlantis

According to the Quiche tradition, there were four men from whom the races of the world descended (probably a recollection of the red, black, yellow, and white races); and these men were without wives, and the Creator made wives for them "while they slept."

Kʼiche people

Popol Vuh – Creation story

Now that the Sun and Moon were in the sky and illuminated the Earth, the deities created the final form of human beings using white and yellow corn.