Penny Kelly

Profundities from the Akashic Records

Ahonu and Aingeal Rose present “Profundities from the Akashic Records,” held online June 5, 2013.

But you know how, Penny, in the beginning when I was saying that sometimes when people listen to you and other teachers, they say, “That person is just awful. That’s not possible.” I know, but over time, people come to realize that we’re in a world of all possibilities, which we really are.

I remember one of the experiences I had before I was anywhere near awake or aware of the bigger picture. When I think back to how ignorant I was… No, he was just in his lower chakra.

I’m not sure if I’ve told you this story before, but I’ll tell you quickly. I was running a bed and breakfast in Ireland, and a Dutchman came and, while sitting down for breakfast, he said to me, “Do you know you have a vortex on your land?” I said, “What’s a vortex?”

What came to my mind was, “We’ve got a crazy guy here. Let’s give him breakfast and get him out of here.” He said, “I’m going to go out and check it out and let you know what happens.”

He left, and I was intrigued. I went with my nephew, and we walked around our five acres. It was beautiful land in Wicklow, the Garden of Ireland. We arrived at a part where I felt this wall of energy. It was very foreign to me, very alien. It felt like walking into a veil—it wasn’t visible, but it was there energetically. When you walked through it, it was gone.

We talked amongst ourselves and walked back, and sure enough, there was a sensation of being pulled down. Excited, we said, “Let’s walk around more.” We walked over the land, crisscrossing it so we wouldn’t miss any part. Eventually, we came to another spot with the same wall of energy, but this time, it felt like an energetic wind coming up.

I remember it so clearly. It reminded me of that image of Marilyn Monroe standing on the grate with hot air lifting her skirt—a sensation of energy lifting us up. There was no physical explanation for it. Then we found a third vortex, where the energy was going both ways—up and down.

The Dutchman came back later and confirmed the three vortexes on our land. He also said there were others nearby, possibly in the woods. We went into the woods and, sure enough, we found another place with the same energy sensation. It turned out to be the exact spot where Catholics, punished by the British, secretly said mass at what was called the Mass Rock. The ancient peoples were very aware of these places.

When you talk about portals, be aware—they could be everywhere and anywhere. We’ve lost that sensitivity, and with bad diets and lower energies, it’s harder to sense these things.

It’s important to understand that we’ve lowered our frequencies, and it’s an effort to raise them up. It’s not magical thinking. People ask, “How do you do that?” I don’t know—I just do it. It’s natural, automatic. We start out as children knowing how to do these things, but we either get distracted or stop and never start again.

There’s something to that idea of being “born again”—returning to childlike perception and not being cynical.

Penny, along with this potential micronova, what about the other changes on the planet? What’s going on with the sun right now? People are feeling the energies of the sun.

Yeah, the charge is accumulating now. The sun will swell as we get closer to the date. Right now, if you have an eclipse, the whole sun gets blocked out. During a micronova, or just before, when the sun has swollen, the moon won’t be big enough to block the whole sun, and it will look like a white rim around the moon, like a white sidewall tire.

Another sign is that the sun changes color. It used to be much more yellow. Some say it’s shifting back toward yellow, but I haven’t seen that yet. It looks whiter now. The light seems more intense, like stage lighting—glaring and awful. I notice it constantly, even when the sky is cloudy.

You belong in Aruba, or somewhere tropical! I keep asking, “Where’s my ship? Come on!” Or Ecuador. Have you been to Ecuador? Vilcabamba, the valley of the ancient ones. People live to be 160 years old there. The temperature is steady all year round—about 27°C during the day and 18°C at night.

Sorry, I get the same feeling. My family calls me Baba. They’ve adored him since they were little. They made up a name for me—Mae Mae, which I love.

Many people over the years have asked, “Where’s the safest place to be?” Aingeal Rose in the Akashic records answered, “The safest place is with your family.” That makes sense, but the problem is, not all my family wants to live in the same place.

I’ve looked a few times, and every time Brazil comes up as thriving. The US and Western Europe look chaotic, with a lot of destruction. Brazil seems to be the center of the world in the future.

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