Flood Stories from Around the World
The four Holy Ones made black, blue, yellow, and glittering hoops and threw them in each compass direction, and the water receded.
This Comet is unlike any other
The Tal Anori emphasize the importance of using one’s heart as a guiding compass during this transformative phase.
The Bronze Age in Europe
We shall see, as we proceed, that the magnetic needle, or "mariner's compass," dates back to the days of Hercules, and that it consisted ofa bar of magnetized iron floating upon a piece of wood in a cup.
The Deluge Legends of America
Here we have, too, the four quarters of Atlantis, divided by its four rivers, as we shall see a little farther on, represented in a dance, where the dancers arrange themselves according to the four cardinal points of the compass; the dancers are painted to represent the black and red races, while "the first and only man" represents the white race; and the name of the dance is a reminiscence of Baal, the ancient god of the races derived from Atlantis.
Selestor’s Men of Atlantis
Each army strove to face the vantage point of compass or yet the breeze that blowed with potency.
The Story of Atlantis
The Tlavatli colonists seem to have spread out towards every point of the compass.
1905 – A Dweller on Two Planets
Their teachings often stress that actions should be guided by a moral compass aligned with spiritual truths, recognizing that the soul’s evolution depends on living in accordance with these principles.
Abuna Yemata Guh
For centuries, Chinese feng shui experts have used a Luo Pan compass to determine the position of ley lines.
This compass operates with a magnetic needle influenced by magnetic north, indicating that it is not based on assumptions or existing archaeological sites.
Huang Di – The Yellow Emperor
Cultural Contributions: The Yellow Emperor is credited with a variety of important cultural and technological innovations, including the invention of the compass, the establishment of governmental structures, the development of traditional Chinese medicine, and the creation of the Chinese calendar.
The antiquity of some of our great inventions
The notion that the mariner's compass might have been known to the Atlanteans might seem fanciful.
The compass was believed to have been invented by an Italian named Amalfi in A.D.
868, the Northmen employed the compass ("The Landnamabok," vol.
The Chinese used the magnetic compass as early as 2700 B.C., where Emperor Wang-ti had a magnetic figure on carriages to point south.
Hercules, an Atlantean deity, was associated with the magnetic stone, referred to as the "Stone of Hercules." Greek mythology tells of Hercules using a magnetic cup to sail the ocean at night, a possible reference to using a magnetic compass.
Ancient coins from Tyre depict symbols reminiscent of navigational tools, possibly indicating an understanding of the magnetic compass.
The Pyramid, the cross and the Garden of Eden
And why, in both countries, should they stand with their sides square to the four cardinal points of the compass?
Turanian, in Ancient Chaldaea.
We shall gain a more correct image if, instead of thinking of the ordinary cruciform church with nave, chancel and transepts, we picture to ourselves a great circular domed chamber like the reading-room of the British Museum, and then imagine four huge naves opening out of it towards the four quarters of the compass; for all the arms of its cross were of equal length.
A populated universe
It’s monstrous behavior, and if you have to worship the entity that you’ve now credited with that behavior, you’ve just done something to your own conscience in that moment.[5:44] If you worship a God who will do genocide, you have to justify genocide, and you’ve done something to your own moral compass.
Either you’re going to maintain your own moral compass and probably leave the church, or you’re going to stay in the church and learn to distrust all your own thoughts and feelings.
It doesn’t mean they don’t have contrary feelings; it doesn’t mean that their moral compass has been totally extinguished.
We might have been told to shut up and stop asking questions; we might have learned to ignore our own judgment and suppress our own moral compass, but it’s all still there.
They might hear things they’re perfectly happy with, but a lot of the time they come home, and I think, "Wow, their theological compass is pretty good, and they can spot when the teacher is saying something that even the teacher doesn’t really believe."[17:04] The other day, in fact, my daughter said, "I didn’t think our teacher quite had this right when he talked about this text." I said, "What did you think?" She said what she thought.
Pike predicted a third world war
“Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilisation, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.
— The continent itself had 1,500-foot high volcanic mountains, the tops of which were perpetually covered with snow; elevated table-lands where the royalty lived; a lower “great plain”; four rivers flowing from a central point to the four points of the compass; tropical and temperate zones; and fertile soil.