Laura Coe

Time for Atlanteans was not linear

Next Level Soul Podcast: Atlantis’ true origins | Laura Coe

Laura Coe’s discussion in the podcast about Atlantis and ancient civilizations is more focused on the conceptual and philosophical aspects rather than specific historical details. Here are the key points she covers without diving into precise names, events, or timespans:

Conceptual Framework

Laura emphasizes that the people of Atlantis had a different worldview from ours. They understood the world through a multi-sensory experience, which allowed them to be more in tune with their energetic presence and perform extraordinary feats.

Perspective on Time

Laura mentions that time for Atlanteans was not linear, making it challenging to pin them down in a specific timespan. She suggests that they existed thousands of years before our written history but explains that their perception of time differed significantly from ours.

Fall of Atlantis

She describes the fall of Atlantis as a result of its inhabitants’ lack of understanding of their true nature and reckless use of power. The civilization was “shut down” due to its inability to fulfill its collective soul plan, leading to an environmental collapse that made it uninhabitable.

Transfer of Knowledge

Laura touches on how some knowledge from Atlantis was preserved and passed on through individuals who survived or were divinely inspired to share their understanding. Remains and artifacts sparked interest and led to further exploration and discovery.

Metaphysical Insights

The discussion focuses more on the metaphysical implications of Atlantis’s existence, such as the lessons humanity can learn from their mistakes, the interconnectedness of all things, and the spiritual evolution of the collective consciousness.

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