A great solar flash
Kerry discussed dolphins as beings of higher consciousness, connected to Sirius, who hold the energy of collective unity.
The old world is crumbling
The Lion’s Gate is a well-known spiritual event that occurs around August 8th, linked to the alignment of the Earth, the Sun, and the star Sirius.
Orion, Sirius and the Pleiades
Pleiadeans in the Bible
The Book of Job, considered one of the oldest parts of the Bible, mentions regions of space, including Sirius, Orion, and the Pleiades, as having a dynamic influence over Earth.
Atlantis and the Rise of the Gods
Arcturians and Orion People: New beings from Arcturus, Orion, and Sirius arrived to rectify the Annunaki's influence, presenting themselves as protectors and new messengers of the divine.
Some sources also associate Blue Avians with the star system of Sirius or other significant celestial bodies within our galaxy.
They have detailed knowledge of the Sirius star system, including Sirius A and its invisible companion Sirius B, which is a white dwarf star.
The Fourth Root Race
At this time arrived on Earth a ship-load of egos, in a group of whom — which kept much together — we are specially interested, as it contained many old friends, Sirius, Orion, Leo and others; some of these were ear-marked on their arrival by Vaivasvata Manu — the Manu of the fifth Eace — as part of His future materials.
Sirius took several births in the Tlavatli sub-race, and then passed into the Toltec.
It may be noted, as bearing on the closeness of ties set up between individuals and enduring for hundreds of lives, that from this time forward a set of persons within the large groups of 1,200-and 700years' people — a set which we may, for the sake of distinction, dub 'the Clan' — while visiting almost every country in the world, kept generally together, and Sirius, Especially, was rarely found to marry outside this little group.
Herakles turned out to be a fighting sort of person, clinging closely to Mars ; Sirius a more peaceful one, following Mercury continually; Alcyone is also of that ilk, with Mizar.
Beginning of the 5th Root Race
Mars and Corona gallantly resisted the Egyptian onslaught, while a side party, with Herakles — a young unmarried man — among them, mistaking the direction of the enemy, was annihilated by the Egyptians ; Vaivasvata Manu came up with reinforcements and turned the fortunes of the day, driving back the Egyptians ; a side party of them, in turn, was attacked by a larger force, among which Sirius, the father of Herakles, was prominent, furious at finding his son among the dead ; knowing the country, they shepherded the Egyptians into a crater-like depression, with steep sides covered with loose rocks; these rocks they joyfully hurled down on their surrounded foes, and the last we saw of Sirius on this occasion was his ride down the steep slope on an avalanche of stones, waving his spear, and shouting a war-song of an uncomplimentary nature, to become part of the gory mass of crushed men and heavy stones which filled the lowest part of the crater.
Sirius had two of these buns in his cloth when he rode down the hill-side of death.
Mars, a grandson of the Manu, was the head of the community, and, with his wife Mercury and his family — among whom were Sirius and Alcyone — lived in a pleasant house, surrounded by a large garden and fine trees.
Mars, a grandson of the Manu, was the head of the community, and, with his wife Mercury and his family — among whom were Sirius and Alcyone — lived in a pleasant house, surrounded by a large garden and fine trees.
There are other gods besides the seven; the text describes the fixed stars such as Sirius as gods, and refers to the Mesopotamian god Tammuz as well as to Nasr, a pre-Islamic Arabian deity.
Beings from the Sirius star system, often referred to as Sirians, are believed to have a special connection with Earth's oceans and marine life.
Angelic Hierarchy
Mū Civilisation
These people were thought to have come from the junction of Makali’i (the Pleiades), Mata-Roro (Draco), Hōkūle’a (Arcturus), and A’ā/Newe (Sirius), immigrating to Earth as early as twenty million years ago, continuing until 200,000 years ago.
Sirians: Allegedly from the Sirius star system, they are frequently depicted as having played a role in Earth's ancient civilizations.
Specific civilizations mentioned include the Sasani, Pleiadian, and those from the star system Sirius.
Dogon People in Mali who since ancient times and as part of their beliefs claim people came from the star we call Sirius in the Cygnus of which the Sun is part of.
Other important stars in ancient Egyptian beliefs include Sirius, which was associated with the goddess Isis and the annual flooding of the Nile, and the planet Venus, which was associated with the goddess Hathor and fertility.
Beings from the star system Sirius often referred to as "Sirians," are thought to have played a significant role in the development and guidance of ancient Earth civilizations.
Sirius and Ancient Egypt: Ancient Egyptians had connections with beings from Sirius.
The Sirius star system is important in ancient Egyptian mythology.
The heliacal rising of Sirius, known as the "Dog Star," marked the flooding of the Nile River, a vital event in the agricultural calendar of ancient Egypt.
In esoteric interpretations, this connection is sometimes expanded to indicate direct interaction with extraterrestrial beings from Sirius.
Sirius and Atlantis: Extraterrestrial beings from Sirius are believed to have been involved in the advanced civilization of Atlantis.
Similar communities of advanced beings exist in other star systems such as Sirius, Andromeda, Orion, Pleiades, Lyra, and Antares.
In Mesopotamian mythology, the constellation associated with "raging hounds" is Sirius, also known as the Dog Star.
The Babylonians and other ancient cultures believed that the appearance of Sirius in the sky heralded the approach of the hot and dry summer months, and they associated the star with heat and drought.
In Babylonian astrology, Sirius was also believed to be associated with the goddess Ishtar and was thought to have an influence on matters related to love and fertility.