Elohim Channeling – Entering 4th Dimension

Elohim Channeling – Entering 4th Dimension

Gabrielle, a retired medium in Germany, channels a message from the Elohim, who introduce themselves as the “Breath of God” and “forgiving forces in service to the infinite Creator.”

The Solar System’s Movement

The Elohim explain that the solar system is located in one arm of the Milky Way galaxy, which is rotating. As the solar system moves, the universe, built on sacred geometry, facilitates changes in consciousness.

Entering a New Quadrant

The solar system is entering a new quadrant of the galaxy, which brings heightened consciousness. The sun, a conscious being, emits rays that work on human DNA and consciousness, aiding the transition into higher dimensions. These changes can be noticed through mediumship and the development of psychic abilities.

Dimensions and Densities

The Elohim explain the concept of dimensions, specifically the fourth dimension, which some people are already experiencing. They describe how consciousness is divided into different densities, each with seven stages of frequency. Many people are beginning to perceive things beyond the material world, marking the early development of psychic skills.

Service to Self vs. Service to Others

The message contrasts those in service to self, who focus on domination and exploitation, with those in service to others, who embody unity. The Elohim state that the old powers on Earth, in service to self, will soon lose influence as the solar system moves through higher vibrational areas of the galaxy.

Ego and Surrender

The Elohim emphasize that the ego was meant to help navigate the material world but should not control one’s life. By surrendering control, individuals align with the divine plan, which is perfect and always working. They encourage surrender to Source, leading to a better future.

Inner Technology

Humans are described as having innate psychic abilities, such as telepathy, which can be developed with practice. The Elohim encourage focusing less on external technology and more on the inner technology of the soul, which is part of the divine plan within each person.

The Role of Lesser Races

The Elohim mention that lesser races, in service to self, have interfered with human development, seeking to exploit Earth’s resources. Despite this interference, they cannot alter the divine plan within each individual.

Creation and Sacred Geometry

Creation, according to the Elohim, is rooted in sacred geometry and frequencies. They explain the concept of creation using the metaphor of music, where two notes create harmony when played together, much like the creative process.


The message concludes with a call for individuals to realize their potential as co-creators with Source. The Elohim encourage surrendering the ego to unlock spiritual growth and psychic abilities. They leave a message of hope, promising a bright future and a warm welcome when individuals return to their true spiritual home.

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