Ancient medicinal plants

First Encounter with Spiritual Entities

David Cobb shared an experience in which he encountered a spiritual being. This event took place at his ranch, where he met a group of 12 Elders, who shared ancient wisdom with him over the course of several nights. These Elders conveyed the importance of becoming self-sustainable, emphasizing that reliance on modern systems like money and time was not the way forward.

Early Childhood Experiences

At the age of five, David had his first spiritual experience when he saw his deceased grandfather. He received a message to deliver to his father and later found out his grandfather had just passed away. This event marked the beginning of his family’s recognition of his ability to connect with the spiritual realm.

Health Issues and Spiritual Encounters

David recounted a period of serious health problems that began around 14 years ago. He experienced multiple hospitalizations and allergic reactions to medicine. During this time, he encountered a 10-foot-tall spirit who indicated that he would return to David. After this encounter, his health declined further, and doctors were unable to help him.

Several nights later, the spirit returned, initiating a series of spiritual journeys in which David and the spirit would fly to his ranch. There, the spirit performed cleansing rituals, removing energetic remnants from past civilizations.

Spiritual Teachings

For 13 nights, the spirit and 12 Elders shared their teachings with David. They emphasized ancient wisdom and the importance of writing down the knowledge they imparted. Each night, David would be given a chapter of a book to write. This process continued for 13 nights, resulting in a complete spiritual manual.

Night of Rights and New Mission

On the seventh night, the Elders held a special ceremony where David was given responsibilities over a section of land. He was tasked with protecting this land, making medicine, and caring for the environment. The Elders taught him how to use ancient medicinal plants, claiming these plants held the key to the survival of all living beings.

Spiritual Wisdom and Healing

David explained that the wisdom he received had a high frequency, which was difficult for the human body to process. This caused him physical illness whenever he tried to work with the spiritual knowledge. He also learned that all illness has a purpose, often indicating that an individual is deviating from their life path. In his case, the illnesses forced him to embrace his new mission of writing, healing, and protecting the planet.

Reincarnation and Life Lessons

David discussed the concept of reincarnation, stating that individuals often incarnate with memories from multiple past lives. These memories guide their current life experiences and help them finish lessons from previous lives. He shared his own past life experiences as a farmer, librarian, and film producer, explaining how these roles contributed to his current purpose.

Connection to the Universe

David elaborated on the interconnectedness of the universe, describing how planetary influences affect human consciousness. He mentioned that the Earth has moved into a part of the universe where higher energies are impacting the planet, pushing humanity to evolve spiritually.

Final Spiritual Encounter

At the end of the 13 nights, the spirit told David that their communication would not continue, but that other ancient spirits would assist him in his journey. David realized that his role as a healer required him to undergo his own healing before helping others.

Lessons on Sustainability

David emphasized the importance of becoming self-sustainable. He noted that 100 years ago, the majority of the population was self-sufficient, but today, less than 3% of people are. He argued that humanity must return to growing its own food and living in harmony with nature in order to achieve spiritual enlightenment.

The Role of Nature in Healing

According to the teachings David received, consuming food grown in harmony with the Earth has profound effects on one’s health. He stressed the importance of reconnecting with nature and healing both the body and spirit through self-sufficiency.


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