Tom Massari

Channeling Abram

POWERFUL Channeling With Tom Massari – Teacher OF Channelers Like Darryl Anka ( BASHAR )

Jeff Mara introduces his guest, Tom Massari, an author and experienced channeler. He begins by highlighting Tom’s influence, particularly in teaching some of today’s top channelers, including Daryl Anka, known for channeling Bashar.

Tom’s First Experience with Channeling

Location: Los Angeles, 1971
Event: Tom recalls the first time he experienced channeling. While living in Los Angeles after moving from Chicago in 1971, he was a drummer in a rock band. He was visiting his girlfriend’s house, which was where the experience occurred. Tom describes an unusual feeling of presence in one of the bedrooms, leading him and a friend to attempt communication with a spirit. They received answers through feelings, which prompted Tom to feel a field of energy surround him, and he began reciting Shakespeare. This episode left him bedridden for two weeks.

Channeling Abram

In a private session shortly after his initial experience, a being named Abram introduced himself. Tom explains that over the years, he learned to channel Abram, a personality who has been with him ever since.

Possession and Negative Entities

Tom emphasizes his disbelief in the concept of possession or negative entities during channeling. He asserts that he has never encountered a negative experience while channeling and believes that protective energy practices are unnecessary.

The Mechanics of Channeling

Timeframe: 52 years of channeling experience
Event: Tom explains how the channeling process works for him. He notes that Abram and he link their consciousness, allowing Abram to speak while Tom enters a sleep-like state. Abram does not enter Tom’s body but communicates through a merged consciousness.

Encounter with Abram

Event: During the interview, Tom enters a channeling state, and Abram speaks. Abram begins by engaging with Jeff and highlights the power of choice in emotions. Abram recalls meeting Tom between lifetimes and shares how they agreed to work together in this lifetime.

Life on the Other Side

Event: Abram describes the afterlife as a continuation of consciousness, where people experience greater awareness and merge with all things around them. He explains that life on the other side involves familiar activities, such as driving or having families, but with heightened awareness and interconnectedness.

Near-Death Experiences

Abram addresses near-death experiences, noting that they are real and that the “other side” is more vivid than physical life. He also comments on the illusion of time, describing it as energy, not a fixed reality.

Connection with Earth and Nature

Abram emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive relationship with the Earth. He mentions that Earth is currently “angry” due to the destructive actions of humanity, leading to natural disasters. He advises people to plant trees and care for the Earth to restore balance.

Extraterrestrial Life and Humanity’s Origins

Abram asserts that humans did not originate on Earth. According to him, all humans are extraterrestrials from various parts of the universe. He also claims that extraterrestrial beings are currently living among humans, and some humans have already encountered them without realizing it.

The Future of Humanity

Next 6 months: Abram offers insight into the potential future, predicting that some people may start to take responsibility for their actions and change their behaviors. He emphasizes that real shifts in consciousness must begin internally before they manifest externally.

Karma and Reincarnation

Abram refutes the common belief in karma as repayment for past actions. Instead, he describes karma as a chance for perfection. He also clarifies that reincarnation is a choice and that individuals can reincarnate on Earth or other planets based on their desire for experiences.

Tips for Personal Growth and Shifting Consciousness

Abram suggests that to shift one’s consciousness, one must first stop judging and controlling others. He explains that judgment is learned behavior, and by letting go of judgment, individuals can foster personal and collective growth.

Meditation and Discovering Life Purpose

Abram provides advice on how individuals can discover their pre-birth purpose. He recommends meditation and visualizing oneself as pure energy before physical birth, which could help people reconnect with their life design.

Tom’s View on Channeling

After the session with Abram, Tom reflects on the difficulty of teaching channeling. He stresses the importance of setting aside emotions to allow the channeling source to speak freely without interference. Tom believes that true channeling requires being born with the ability, comparing it to other natural talents like music.

Tom’s Work and Projects

Tom discusses his book, “Conversations with an Alien via Automatic Writing”, which explores conversations between a physicist and a gray alien. The book addresses topics such as time, space, extraterrestrial existence, and other dimensions of reality. He describes the writing process as guided by Abram through automatic writing.


Tom ends the conversation by reflecting on how his life has changed through channeling and his work as a composer. He encourages people to embrace simplicity, avoid judgment, and live in harmony with nature and others.

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