Astral Projection Techniques

The Sinister Truth Behind Why You Can’t Remember Your Dreams ✨ Buddhist Teachings


Have you ever woken up feeling like you had an amazing dream, but within seconds, the dream vanished from your mind as if it had never existed? In this video, a little-known truth about why you cannot remember your dreams is revealed. Forgetting dreams may seem normal, but Buddhist teachings suggest there is more behind this phenomenon. The aim is to change the way one understands dreams and, more importantly, the mind and spirituality.

Importance of Forgotten Dreams

Imagine if those forgotten dreams were important messages from the subconscious, alerting individuals to something crucial in their lives. Buddhism suggests there is a spiritual and emotional block preventing access to these valuable messages. This video explores these teachings and offers ways to change this reality.

Astral Projection: The Soul’s Journey

While asleep, the body rests, but the soul may engage in something much more extraordinary: astral projection. This involves the soul separating from the physical body and traveling to other dimensions and realities. Unlike regular dreams, where images are creations of the subconscious, astral projection is a real experience of spiritual detachment.

During astral projection, it is possible to visit extraordinary places, meet spiritual beings, and access knowledge beyond the physical world. Thousands of people worldwide report their out-of-body experiences, which are often described as intensely real, with a sense of full consciousness in another place.

Blockages Preventing Astral Projection

For most people, astral projection happens spontaneously without control. Daily stress, fears, and worries prevent the soul from detaching from the physical body. There is also a fear of the unknown, which creates a blockage that prevents conscious projection. Overcoming these blockages is possible by understanding and addressing them.

Signs of Astral Projection

A sudden falling sensation during sleep that startles someone awake is one of the most common signs that the soul was beginning to separate from the body, only to return abruptly. Controlling and exploring these realms safely and consciously is achievable through practice.

Why Astral Projection is Forgotten

Despite astral projection being real, most people do not remember their experiences due to mental and environmental blockages. Fear of the unknown triggers the subconscious to pull back and erase the memory as a self-protective measure. Additionally, spiritual blockages caused by low-vibration influences, such as stress and fear, create a fog that prevents clear memories.

Reversing the Blockages

There are ways to reverse these blockages and remember spiritual journeys. Techniques include cleansing meditation, positive affirmations, and using protective crystals like amethyst. By preparing both the mind and environment, the doors to these memories can be opened, allowing access to forgotten spiritual experiences.

Techniques for Astral Projection and Dream Recall

  1. Guided Meditation: Practicing meditation before sleeping helps calm the mind and raise spiritual vibrations, making it easier to recall astral experiences.
  2. Dream Journaling: Keeping a journal by the bedside strengthens the connection between the conscious mind and the subconscious, helping retain details that would otherwise be lost.
  3. Crystals: Amethyst and clear quartz amplify spiritual energy and protect against negative influences, creating a conducive environment for spiritual detachment.
  4. Affirmations: Using affirmations like “I remember my dreams and spiritual journeys clearly” before sleep programs the subconscious to retain these memories.

Lucid Dreaming and Reality Checks

Lucid dreams are those in which an individual becomes aware of the dream and can control its course. Reality checks during the day, such as looking at one’s hands or rereading a text, can train the brain to recognize inconsistencies in dreams, leading to lucidity.

Astral Projection Techniques

The “body separation method” involves visualizing the astral body rising from the physical body before sleep. Consistent practice can lead to actual separation, allowing the soul to explore other dimensions. The Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD) method combines lucid dreaming and astral projection through repetition and intention-setting before sleep.

Benefits of Remembering Spiritual Journeys

Remembering and exploring spiritual journeys can have profound impacts, including:

  • Self-Knowledge and Growth: Accessing deeper levels of wisdom for emotional healing and breaking negative patterns.
  • Emotional and Spiritual Healing: Meeting spiritual beings or versions of oneself in other dimensions to understand and release emotional blockages.
  • Renewed Sense of Purpose: Recognizing the soul’s infinite nature helps overcome the fear of death and live with more intention.
  • Connection with the Universe: Exploring spiritual journeys deepens the understanding of the interconnectedness of everything, creating inner peace and unity.
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