
Matias de Stefano

Purpose and Consciousness

De Stefano also touches on the philosophical underpinnings of existence, introducing the idea that there may be an inherent "mistake" in the universe—a concept that is abstract and complex, suggesting that our understanding of reality might be based on a fundamental error that we are only beginning to comprehend.

Ra's teachings focus on the nature of existence, the universe, and spiritual evolution.

Everything in the universe is part of a singular, infinite consciousness, often referred to as the Creator.

G.I. Gurdjieff

The world’s beginnings

Endlessness: The universe is created by a being referred to as "His Endlessness" which represents a divine, all-encompassing consciousness.

This being desires to maintain the harmony of the universe and ensures that everything within it serves a specific purpose.

By creating the universe, His Endlessness aims to generate a multitude of beings that can ultimately evolve to possess self-awareness and consciousness, thereby reflecting His divine qualities.

The Ray of Creation: The universe is structured according to the "Ray of Creation," a hierarchical system that organizes all existence into a descending scale from the highest level of divine consciousness to the lowest forms of matter.

Human beings, in particular, are created with the potential to evolve into conscious beings capable of understanding their place within the universe and aligning themselves with cosmic laws.

It is the origin of all energy and life in the universe.

Level: The universe as a whole, containing countless galaxies and solar systems.

Description: This law reflects the inherent interconnectedness and unity of all existence within the universe.

Function: The law of unity underscores the principle that all phenomena are interrelated, and the actions or changes in one part of the universe can affect the entirety.

Level: Galaxies or clusters of stars, functioning as the energy centers of the universe.

Description: This law ensures the structured organization and arrangement of galaxies and stars within the universe.

Function: It allows for the continuous evolution and transformation of matter and energy within the universe, leading to the creation of new stars, planets, and other celestial phenomena.

Function: This law governs the processes of energy exchange and transformation, ensuring that energy is neither created nor destroyed but transformed into different forms, supporting the ongoing processes of creation and evolution within the universe.

Interconnectedness: The six laws illustrate the interconnected and interdependent nature of galaxies and star systems within the universe.

Dynamic Balance: The laws emphasize the importance of balance and harmony in maintaining the structure and dynamics of the universe.

They underscore the dynamic and ever-changing nature of the universe.

By aligning themselves with higher cosmic laws, individuals can transcend their mechanical nature and achieve greater awareness and harmony with the universe.

It is the fundamental mechanism by which change and development happen in the universe.

Gurdjieff's cosmology, is a fundamental principle that explains how processes develop in the universe.

He describes how spirituality enabled them to perceive and interact with the universe, which allowed them to accomplish feats such as moving large stones with thought or healing through music.

They had to embody multiple disciplines to create structures that were in harmony with the laws of the universe.

Higher Dimensional Physics: Kryon's description implies a deeper understanding of physics and the universe, where consciousness and quantum phenomena play crucial roles.

Future Scientific Exploration: As human science advances, it may begin to explore these possibilities, potentially leading to breakthroughs in how we perceive and interact with the universe.

In Hesiod's "Theogony," the ancient Greek poet offers an extensive genealogy of the gods, detailing the origins and development of the universe.

This ongoing connection suggests that humans are not alone in the universe.

J. J. Hurtak


Creator of Light: He is described as the Creator of Light in the outer universe, responsible for transmitting the light of creation and maintaining the balance and harmony within the universe.

These envelopes are essential for the manifestation and organization of creation within the cosmos, serving as templates for the divine architecture of the universe (Page 320).

Symbol of Divine Order: Metatron symbolizes the divine order and structure of the universe, representing the harmonious integration of spiritual and physical realities.

Persian Astrology

Mitra, The Lord of Light

It is described as the cosmic father that energizes and sustains all life, providing light, warmth, and order in the universe.

The universe is perceived as a solar system bubble created by the Sun's forces, where life is experienced.

Vishnu: In some traditions, also considered one of the Adityas, representing the preserver of the universe.

From Primordial Chaos to Structured Order: The Titans represent the raw, untamed forces of nature, while the Olympians bring structure, governance, and order to the universe.

Primordial State: The universe began with the creation of primordial beings, including the Asuras (demons) and Devas (gods), who frequently clashed.

Result: The establishment of Dharma and a structured cosmos, with the Devas taking on roles that maintain balance and order in the universe.

Primordial State: The universe began with the primordial waters, represented by Tiamat (saltwater) and Apsu (freshwater).

Attributes: Omnipotence, wisdom, paternal authority, creator of the universe

YHWH is the supreme deity in the Hebrew Bible, the creator and ruler of the universe.

The concept of Yggdrasil as the cosmic tree likely dates back over 1,000 years, reflecting the Norse understanding of the universe's structure and balance, which parallels the equinoxes' themes of balance between light and dark.

Icon of Energy and Potential: It embodies the cosmic pillar of energy and consciousness from which the universe originates and into which it will dissolve.

Aztec mythology

The 5 Suns

This apocalyptic vision emphasizes the belief in a cyclical universe where creation and destruction are inevitable and recurrent.

Conflict: Bruno's cosmological theories, which proposed the infinite universe and multiple worlds, contradicted Catholic doctrine.

Attributes: Brahma is responsible for the creation of the universe and all living beings.

Attributes: Vishnu's role is to preserve and maintain the order of the universe.

Role: The Supreme Goddess, Mother of the Universe

Vishnu is one of the principal deities of Hinduism, and he is considered the preserver and protector of the universe within the Hindu Trimurti, which includes Brahma (the creator) and Shiva (the destroyer).

Preserver of the Universe: Vishnu's primary role is to maintain balance and order in the universe.

Vamana (The Dwarf): Subdues the demon king Bali by covering the universe in three strides.


Creation Myth:Nu represents the chaotic cosmic ocean from which the universe was created.

Vishnu is one of the principal deities of Hinduism, and he is considered the preserver and protector of the universe within the Hindu Trimurti, which includes Brahma (the creator) and Shiva (the destroyer).

Preserver of the Universe: Vishnu's primary role is to maintain balance and order in the universe.

Vamana (The Dwarf): Subdues the demon king Bali by covering the universe in three strides.

Unified Origin: Both monotheism and polytheism stem from a singular idea that the universe is one mind or being, expressing itself in various forms.

Nature as Code: Nature serves as the first code to comprehend the universe, with various elements (water, fire, earth, air) representing divine aspects.

The universe was [first] like an egg.

This threefold pattern is perhaps reflected in the trio of males regularly named on Hawaiian genealogies of beginning and active in creation stories relating to the ordering of the universe and the origin of mankind.

This is scarcely straight personification but rather a doctrine of souls corresponding to and animating material bodies and grouped in succession in time as a means of reaching a system of classification corresponding to the Hawaiian approach to the universe and to society as a whole.

It represents the principle of natural order that regulates and coordinates the operation of the universe and everything within it.

Each Aditya represents different facets of natural and moral laws, ensuring that the universe functions smoothly and ethically.

Ṛta appears most frequently as representing abstract concepts such as "law", "commandment", "order", "sacrifice", "truth", and "regularity", but also occasionally as concrete objects such as the waters, the heavens or the sun as manifestations of the operation of Ṛta in the physical universe.

Represents the cosmic order that maintains harmony and balance in the universe.

Logos, in Greek philosophy, particularly in Stoicism, represents the rational principle that governs the universe.

She is crucial for maintaining the balance of the universe and is often depicted with a feather, symbolizing truth and order.

Tao, or Dao, is the fundamental principle that represents the way and order of the universe in Taoism.

The divine order or command that governs the universe, emphasizing submission to God's will and the natural order.

The moral and ethical law governing the conduct of individuals and the universe, ensuring order and harmony.

These entities and concepts, similar to Rta, emphasize the importance of cosmic order, natural law, and harmony in maintaining the balance and proper functioning of the universe and society.

We need to teach our children to understand the universe and how society coexists.

Topics include the law of seven, origins of the Astral body, and the Universe's manifestation.

The law of seven (Heptaparaparshinkokh) organizes the universe's manifestations.

Paschal Beverlly Randolph

The first man Hephestus

“The earliest polarization of religious consciousness ; Kosmos or Universe, and the Soul or Personality.

Paschal Beverly Randolph

Cyclical Time in Ancient Legends

This idea, found in various legends, asserts that the universe undergoes regular cycles of creation and destruction, influenced by divine will or destiny.

So, the golden children, Melonites, were given 24 accomplishments to master within the 24,000 years to be welcomed home as part of the galactic system of Tapalak worlds from this one universe.

As you gaze up and see Pyre the sun, the moon, and the motion of the solar system universe, all circular motion, the mobility of roundness.

That is the birth of one universe and its elements, all controlled by nature.

Paa Taraq

Their 3 Abodes

This will become the greatest conspiracy of all, for he is Satan, the best of all conspirators in the universe.