Persian Astrology

Mitra, The Lord of Light

The Bible of Mithra

Mithraism, an ancient belief system centered around the worship of Mithra, the Lord of Light, emphasizing its relevance and potential as a spiritual path for modern times. Here are the key points:

Mithraism, or the science of light, is presented as an ancient yet intuitive form of cosmology that can address contemporary challenges. It is described as a path that enriches personal life and provides spiritual empowerment.

The speaker highlights common existential questions about our origins, purpose, and afterlife. The two main societal responses to these are science and religion, both of which are deemed intellectual and insufficient for achieving true self-realization.

Science is seen as limited to intellectual pursuits and unable to satisfy spiritual curiosity. Religion is characterized as ideological, focused on moral commandments, and similarly unable to answer deep spiritual questions or provide experiential knowledge.

Self-realization is described as an experiential state beyond intellectual understanding. The process is likened to experiencing love or tasting food, emphasizing that true understanding comes from direct experience.

In Mithraism, the journey toward self-realization is metaphorically described as “swallowing the Sun“. This process involves an internal transformation where one’s consciousness shifts from personal to universal, embodying the light of the Sun.

The Sun is central in Mithraic belief, seen as the main source of life and consciousness. It is described as the cosmic father that energizes and sustains all life, providing light, warmth, and order in the universe.

The speaker argues that humans are intrinsically linked to the Sun through invisible channels that animate our consciousness, likening this connection to electricity powering a machine.

Mithraism involves cleansing spiritual barriers to experience the core of existence, similar to clearing a clogged artery. It emphasizes working with natural cycles and rhythms, allowing for flexibility in spiritual practice.

The universe is perceived as a solar system bubble created by the Sun’s forces, where life is experienced. Humans are seen as both a part of this system and as expressions of it, with consciousness connected to the Sun.

The belief is that life comes from light and returns to light. Upon death, consciousness returns to its source, akin to water returning to the ocean.

Mithraism advocates for adapting to life’s cycles, allowing each person to find their unique path to self-realization through various practices that suit different times and circumstances.

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