Edgar Cayce

Crystal Technology & Spiritual lessons

Use of Crystal Technology

Crystals as Energy Sources

According to Cayce, the Atlanteans harnessed crystals not only for healing but also as powerful energy sources. These crystals, particularly one referred to as the “Great Crystal” or “Fire Stone,” were capable of concentrating and distributing energy for various purposes, including powering machinery, lighting, and even air travel. The energy emitted by these crystals was clean and renewable, and the Atlanteans had developed methods to control and direct this energy efficiently.

Communication and Transportation

Crystals were also used in communication devices and transportation. Cayce mentioned that the Atlanteans used crystals in conjunction with other technologies to transmit information across vast distances, similar to modern telecommunications. In transportation, the crystals provided energy for vehicles that could travel not only across land and sea but also through the air and potentially through different dimensions.

Atlantean Temples and Crystal Grids

In religious and spiritual practices, crystals were arranged in grids within temples to create powerful energy fields. These grids were used to enhance meditation, connect with higher realms, and facilitate spiritual growth. Temples dedicated to healing and spiritual learning were often centered around large crystal structures that served as focal points for energy work.

The Downfall Linked to Crystals

Cayce warned that the misuse of crystal technology contributed to the downfall of Atlantis. As the society grew more materialistic, the once-sacred crystals were increasingly used for selfish purposes, leading to catastrophic consequences. The overuse and misuse of these powerful tools led to the destabilization of the continent’s energies, which ultimately triggered natural disasters that destroyed Atlantis.

Spiritual Lessons from Atlantis

The Principle of Oneness

A central spiritual lesson from Atlantis, as conveyed by Cayce, is the principle of oneness. The Atlanteans originally understood that all life is interconnected and that humanity’s actions have far-reaching consequences. This sense of unity was reflected in their society’s early stages when they lived in harmony with each other and with the natural world. However, as they began to exploit their knowledge and powers for personal gain, this principle was forgotten, leading to their eventual downfall.

Karma and Reincarnation

The readings emphasize the concept of karma, particularly how the actions of the Atlanteans had repercussions that extended beyond their immediate lifetimes. Cayce suggested that many souls who lived during the time of Atlantis have reincarnated in modern times to resolve karmic debts and to relearn the lessons of responsibility and spiritual integrity. This cyclical nature of learning and growth is a key spiritual lesson, emphasizing that unresolved issues from past lives must be confronted and healed.

The Balance Between Material and Spiritual

Another significant spiritual lesson from Atlantis is the importance of maintaining a balance between material advancements and spiritual wisdom. The Atlanteans initially excelled in this balance, using their knowledge to enhance both their physical and spiritual lives. However, as they became more focused on material power and technological prowess, they neglected their spiritual development, leading to ethical lapses and the misuse of their abilities. This imbalance eventually led to their destruction, serving as a warning to modern society about the dangers of prioritizing materialism over spirituality.

The Role of Free Will

Cayce’s readings also highlight the role of free will in the spiritual evolution of individuals and societies. The Atlanteans were given great knowledge and power, but their ultimate fate was determined by how they chose to use these gifts. The misuse of free will, leading to greed, corruption, and destruction, serves as a powerful lesson that with great power comes great responsibility. Humanity today faces similar choices, and the spiritual lessons from Atlantis urge us to use our free will wisely, in alignment with higher spiritual principles.

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