
The Festival of Judgement

The Festival of Judgement, as described by Plato in “Critias,” was an important ceremonial and political event in the society of Atlantis. It encapsulated the cultural, religious, and legal traditions of the Atlanteans. Here is a detailed account of this festival:

Setting and Context

Timeframe: The Festival of Judgement occurred every five or six years, alternating to ensure that both odd and even numbers were included. This periodicity underscored the significance of maintaining balance and harmony in Atlantean society.

Participants: The event was attended by the ten kings of Atlantis, each ruling a different part of the island. These kings were descendants of Poseidon, who was revered as the patron deity of Atlantis.

Rituals and Ceremonies

Sacred Oath: The kings would gather in the Temple of Poseidon, a grand and richly adorned structure that housed a golden statue of Poseidon and his chariot. Here, they would swear a sacred oath to uphold the laws and principles laid down by their ancestor.

Bowl Ceremony: As part of this oath-taking, a special ritual involving a sacred bowl took place. This bowl was made of precious metals and inscribed with mystical symbols and words. The kings would use this bowl to draw and mix the blood of a sacrificed bull with wine.

Sacrifice of the Bull

The bull sacrifice was a critical component of the festival. Bulls were captured using nooses and ropes to show respect for the animal and the sanctity of the act. The blood from the bull was collected in the sacred bowl, and a portion was poured over the altar in the temple.

Drinking of the Blood-Wine Mixture

After the blood was mixed with wine, the kings would drink from the bowl. This act symbolized their unity, their shared commitment to the laws, and their connection to Poseidon. It was a reaffirmation of their loyalty and their divine right to rule.

Judgement and Deliberation

Following the religious ceremonies, the kings would conduct their legal and political duties. They would sit in council to deliberate on various matters affecting their realms. This included resolving disputes, making laws, and ensuring that justice was served across Atlantis.

Enforcement of Laws

The kings had the authority to enforce the laws and decrees made during the festival. Their decisions were considered final and binding, reflecting the will of Poseidon and the collective wisdom of the rulers.

Symbolism and Significance

Divine Connection

The festival emphasized the divine origin of the kings and their special relationship with Poseidon. By performing these rituals, they demonstrated their reverence for the gods and their dedication to maintaining divine order.

Unity and Harmony

The act of coming together, swearing oaths, and performing rituals reinforced the unity among the ten kings. It was a reminder of their shared heritage and common purpose.

Moral and Ethical Standards

The Festival of Judgement also highlighted the moral and ethical standards expected of the rulers. By adhering to the laws and participating in the sacred rituals, the kings set an example for their subjects, promoting integrity and justice within the society.

Architectural and Artistic Elements

Temple of Poseidon

The Temple was a marvel of Atlantean architecture, richly decorated with gold, silver, and other precious materials. The statue of Poseidon, along with various carvings and inscriptions, added to its grandeur.

Sacred Bowl

The bowl used in the ceremonies was not just a ritualistic object but also an artistic masterpiece, showcasing the craftsmanship and cultural sophistication of the Atlanteans.

Plato’s “Critias” 119d-e:

This passage describes the ritual oath taken by the kings of Atlantis, including the use of the sacred bowl and the bull sacrifice. The kings gather in the Temple of Poseidon to swear their commitment to the laws.

Plato’s “Critias” 120e-121c:

These sections provide further details on the rituals, including the capture of the bull, the mixing of its blood with wine, and the ceremonial drinking by the kings. This part emphasizes the religious and symbolic significance of the acts.

Plato’s “Critias” 121d-122a:

Here, Plato elaborates on the legal and political aspects of the Festival of Judgement. The kings use this occasion to deliberate on laws and governance, ensuring justice and maintaining order in Atlantis.

In summary, the Festival of Judgement was a multifaceted event that combined religious rituals, political deliberation, and legal enforcement. It played a crucial role in maintaining the social order, reinforcing the divine right of the rulers, and ensuring the unity and harmony of the Atlantean society.

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