Matias de Stefano

Ancient vs Modern Technology

Ancient vs Modern Technology

In your past lives, was there technology more advanced than what we have now? What was the relationship with technology?

Matias: The technology in those times was based on sound. While today we have light or energy-based technology, back then, sound was the primary technology. Sound was used to move stones, heal people, and allow them to live longer. It was all about vibrations and tuning into the right frequencies, which required a deep connection with nature.

The Secret to Telepathy

Were people able to communicate through telepathy in those times?

Matias: Yes, but only when they were in the right tune. The key to telepathy is transcending the lie. Our current culture has been built on lies, which makes it difficult to communicate telepathically. The more truthful you are with yourself and what you send out as signals, the more open your antenna for telepathy becomes.

The Reality of Death

As someone who remembers so many lives, what is your relationship with death?

Matias: Death is like having a very intense, almost drug-like experience. You can have a bad trip or a good one, depending on whether you allow yourself to relax and go through all the realities of other dimensions or hold on tightly to this one. We are trapped in this gravity, and when we die, we enter other dimensions, which is a constant rebirth. It doesn’t ever end until you complete yourself and become the Creator, at which point you start to create again.

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