Edgar Cayce

The Atlantis Readings Series

In Chapter 1 of “Atlantis,” Edgar Cayce delves into a specific series of readings that explore the lost continent of Atlantis, offering detailed accounts of its existence, development, and eventual destruction. The chapter is part of a larger body of work where Cayce’s readings—conducted in a trance state—describe various aspects of Atlantis, focusing on its history, culture, and significance.

Initiation of the Atlantis Series

The chapter begins by explaining that the readings were requested by a study group known as Norfolk Study Group #1, which was part of the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.). The group was particularly interested in understanding the history and influence of Atlantis on the world. Cayce’s readings were specifically tailored to address their queries, marking the start of a dedicated series focused on this ancient civilization.

Existence and Significance of Atlantis

Cayce asserted that Atlantis was not merely a myth but a real continent that existed thousands of years ago. He placed its location between the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean Sea. According to the readings, Atlantis played a crucial role in early human history and was a highly advanced society, far ahead of its time in terms of technology and spiritual understanding.

Advanced Technology and Knowledge

The readings describe Atlantis as a society that had mastered advanced technologies, including the use of crystals for energy, airships for travel, and even devices that could harness and manipulate atomic energy. This knowledge allowed the Atlanteans to achieve feats that seem miraculous by today’s standards, such as controlling the weather and defying gravity. However, Cayce also indicated that this technological prowess eventually contributed to their downfall.

Spiritual Decline and Internal Struggles

Cayce noted that despite their advanced knowledge, the Atlanteans eventually succumbed to internal strife and spiritual decay. The once harmonious society became divided, with factions forming that sought to use their technological power for personal gain rather than the common good. This moral decline led to the misuse of their knowledge, which in turn triggered a series of catastrophic events.

The Destruction of Atlantis

The readings describe multiple cataclysms that led to the sinking of Atlantis. These included massive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and a dramatic rise in sea levels. Cayce suggested that these events were not natural but were caused by the Atlanteans themselves, who had lost control of the powerful forces they had once mastered. The destruction was gradual, occurring over several millennia, with the final remnants of the continent sinking around 10,000 years ago.

Reincarnation of Atlanteans

An important aspect of Cayce’s readings is the idea that many souls who lived in Atlantis have reincarnated in modern times. He suggested that these individuals are often drawn to certain fields, such as technology, mysticism, or spiritual healing, because of their past lives in Atlantis. The readings imply that these reincarnated souls are now being given a second chance to use their knowledge wisely.

Cayce’s readings also include prophecies about the future, suggesting that the knowledge of Atlantis would resurface in the modern era. He predicted that certain parts of Atlantis might physically rise again, and that humanity would rediscover and apply the wisdom of the Atlanteans. This resurgence was tied to a new era of enlightenment and technological advancement for humanity.

Specific Insights from the Readings

  • 364-1 Reading: Cayce introduces the concept that Atlantis was not just an isolated civilization but had connections with other ancient cultures. He mentions the possibility of rediscovering artifacts that would prove the existence of Atlantis, particularly in regions like Bimini.
  • 364-2 Reading: This reading highlights the importance of spiritual purity and the dangers of misusing powerful knowledge. Cayce emphasizes that only through a spiritual cleansing could one properly access and utilize the Atlantean knowledge.
  • 364-3 Reading: Cayce provides more details about the daily life of Atlanteans, their practices, and their eventual moral decline. He also describes how their advanced technologies, which were once used for the benefit of all, became tools of power and destruction.
  • 364-4 Reading: The reading goes into the timeline of Atlantis, detailing how the civilization existed for tens of thousands of years before its ultimate destruction. It also covers the geological changes that occurred during the various phases of Atlantis’s demise.
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