Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce

Atlantis’ Readings

Thus I recreated in Greece all the best from the culture of Atlantis — hoping to preserve it in the memory of people on the Earth for many centuries.



Uranus was discovered by William Herschel in 1781. It was the first planet found with the aid of a telescope.



Neptune making for those of the MYSTIC, especially influencing this entity in the respect that those forces as come from that as may be termed odors



Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second smallest in our solar system, after Mercury



In Steiner’s cosmology, “Ancient Saturn” is not the physical planet we know today, but rather the first stage in the evolutionary sequence of the Earth.

Channelers profiles of Edgar Cayce, Lee Carroll (Kryon), Darryl Anka (Bashar), Jane Roberts (Seth), Esther Hicks (Abraham), JZ Knight (Ramtha), Allison DuBois, Eileen Garrett, Paul Selig (The Guides), and Chico Xavier

Fast we fled toward the sun of the morning, until beneath us lay the land of the children of Khem. Raging, they came with cudgels and spears lifted in anger seeking to slay and utterly destroy the Sons of Atlantis.

Arcturians are highly advanced beings from the solar system of Arcturus, aiming to share their knowledge and wisdom with Earth’s inhabitants.