Michael LaFlem

Le Flem discovers new hidden evidence of Atlantis’ lost civilization

Source: Next Level Soul Podcast


In this episode of the Next Level Soul Podcast, host Alex engages in a deep conversation with historian Michael Le Flem about the lost civilization of Atlantis. The discussion explores Le Flem’s extensive research into historical records, channeled accounts, and clairvoyant sources that align with the Atlantis narrative. They cover the historical origins of Atlantis, the corroboration of modern discoveries with ancient texts, and the implications of channeled information from figures like Edgar Cayce and Frederick Spencer Oliver.

Origins of Atlantis

Michael Le Flem explains that his interest in Atlantis began as an adjunct history professor, where he had more freedom to explore unconventional subjects like Graham Hancock’s works in his curriculum. He discusses the challenges of teaching alternative historical perspectives in academic environments, highlighting that his independent research eventually led him to focus on Atlantis. Le Flem emphasizes that his research aims to investigate the possibility of Atlantis without drawing firm conclusions, instead presenting evidence for others to consider.

Channeled Accounts and Historical Sources

Le Flem highlights the importance of channeled sources in understanding Atlantis, especially the work of Frederick Spencer Oliver, who in the late 19th century claimed to have channeled the story of his past life in Atlantis. Oliver’s book, A Dweller on Two Planets, details advanced technologies, social structures, and events from 11,160 BCE. According to Oliver, Atlantis had technology far ahead of its time, including holographic smartphones, underwater crafts, and aluminum-made aircraft. Le Flem notes the striking similarity between Oliver’s channeled descriptions and modern technological advancements.

Edgar Cayce, another significant figure in the Atlantis narrative, provided numerous readings on Atlantis. Cayce’s readings often spoke of advanced technologies and global migrations after the destruction of Atlantis. Le Flem points out how Cayce’s timelines and technological descriptions align with both Plato’s accounts and modern archaeological findings.

Plato’s Account of Atlantis

Plato’s writings on Atlantis are the most widely known historical references to the lost civilization. According to Le Flem, Plato’s dialogues describe a technologically advanced society centered around a large island, likely near the Azores. Plato’s story, passed down through Egyptian priests and recorded by the Greek lawmaker Solon, depicts Atlantis as a powerful civilization that fell into decline after misusing its technological power. This narrative, Le Flem suggests, aligns with Cayce’s and Oliver’s channeled accounts of technological disasters leading to Atlantis’ destruction.

Advanced Technologies and Archaeological Corroborations

One of the key points discussed is the advanced technology described in both Oliver’s and Cayce’s accounts. Le Flem highlights how Oliver described technologies that did not exist in 1886, such as flying machines, directed energy weapons, and advanced materials like aluminum. This suggests that Oliver might have been channeling authentic historical information. Le Flem draws parallels between this information and discoveries like the Piri Reis map, which shows an accurate depiction of Antarctica without ice, further challenging conventional historical timelines.

Le Flem also references archaeological sites like Göbekli Tepe and Gunung Padang, which have been dated to periods far earlier than previously thought possible for advanced civilizations. These discoveries challenge the mainstream historical view that humanity was in a hunter-gatherer stage at the time Atlantis was believed to have existed.

The Role of Channeling in Historical Research

The conversation also touches on the broader implications of channeling as a source of historical knowledge. Le Flem discusses how channelers like Cayce provided highly detailed and accurate information about both ancient civilizations and individual medical diagnoses. He suggests that channeling may tap into a collective source of knowledge, often referred to as the Akashic Records or “superconscious mind,” which could explain how these figures knew about advanced technologies long before they were discovered.


Le Flem’s work offers a nuanced exploration of Atlantis, blending conventional historical research with channeled sources and modern scientific discoveries. While he refrains from drawing definitive conclusions about Atlantis’ existence, he presents compelling evidence that suggests the lost civilization could have been real, supported by both ancient texts and modern archaeological findings. He encourages listeners to keep an open mind, emphasizing that history is filled with mysteries yet to be fully understood.

Further Information

For those interested in exploring more of Michael Le Flem’s work, his book Visions of Atlantis is available in both English and Spanish, as well as in audiobook format. More information can be found on his website, Michaelleflem.com.

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