

Edgar Cayce about Saturn

“Saturn’s influences have made for rather those test periods, and those experiences where the mental attitude necessary had to be expressed or manifested in order for the entity to remain steady.” (322-2)

“Saturn has made for a great many changes that have been eminent, though not often made in the entity’s experience. The desire to do this and the desire to do that, and the attempt to make this association and that association, in all its various activities, arise from those innate urges from the sojourn of the entity in same.” (914-1)

Rudolf Steiner’s Saturn

In Rudolf Steiner’s lecture “Saturn” is described in a unique, esoteric manner, quite different from the conventional astronomical understanding of the planet. Steiner’s concept of “Saturn” refers to an ancient phase of cosmic evolution, part of his broader anthroposophical cosmology. Here’s a summary of what he explains about “Saturn”:

Ancient Saturn as a Stage of Evolution

In Steiner’s cosmology, “Ancient Saturn” is not the physical planet we know today, but rather the first stage in the evolutionary sequence of the Earth. This stage precedes the Ancient Sun, Ancient Moon, and our current Earth stages.

Constitution of Ancient Saturn

According to Steiner, Ancient Saturn consisted solely of warmth. It was a state or condition characterized by a kind of spiritual warmth, different from our current physical understanding of heat. This warmth is described as the only ‘substance’ or element present in that phase.


Spiritual Significance

Steiner emphasizes that Ancient Saturn’s existence and nature can be understood through clairvoyant investigation, rather than physical observation. It represents a stage of spiritual and cosmic development, where the physical aspects we associate with planets today did not exist.

Role of the Elohim

The Elohim, or high-ranking spiritual beings in Steiner’s spiritual hierarchy, were active during this phase. Their activity in the Ancient Saturn stage laid the foundations for the subsequent stages of cosmic evolution.

Warmth and Soul-Spiritual Essence

Steiner connects the concept of warmth on Ancient Saturn with a soul-spiritual essence. He suggests that to understand the nature of Ancient Saturn, one needs to think of warmth not just physically but as something more akin to a soul quality or spiritual presence.

Genesis and Ancient Saturn

Steiner also relates the concept of Ancient Saturn to the Book of Genesis in the Bible. He interprets the early verses of Genesis as an esoteric account of the Ancient Saturn stage, where the spiritual essence of the Elohim spreads out as warmth.

Anthroposophical Understanding

It’s important to recognize that Steiner’s description of Ancient Saturn is part of his anthroposophical worldview, which integrates spiritual science, esoteric knowledge, and a unique interpretation of Christian theology.

In summary, Steiner’s concept of “Saturn” is a spiritual and metaphysical one, integral to his understanding of the Earth’s and humanity’s spiritual evolution.

It is a phase of existence that is more related to spiritual development and consciousness than to physical planetary bodies in the conventional sense.

The Nabataean Agriculture

Saturn, often associated with melancholy and coldness, could be considered influential in the planting of crops that favored cooler weather or required long gestation periods.

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