Rob Gauthier

How a Soul Uses DNA to Create Physical Form In Utero – An Ancient Pleiadian Perspective

DNA as a Physical and Metaphysical Construct

Rob Gauthier begins by explaining that DNA, commonly understood as a physical structure responsible for genetic inheritance, also holds energy and metaphysical significance. While science recognizes DNA’s role in creating physical traits and genetic patterns, Rob Gauthier emphasizes that DNA encompasses more than just genetics. It contains energetic and metaphysical elements embedded within its structure.

Genetic Inheritance and the Role of Consciousness

DNA is passed down from both parents through the sperm and the egg. The genetic material is expressed through dominant and recessive traits. However, Rob Gauthier introduces a different perspective, suggesting that Consciousness plays a significant role in the selection of these traits. This process occurs at the moment when Consciousness attaches to the physical form shortly after conception.

At this stage, multiple consciousnesses may “lay claim” to the fertilized egg, each contributing to a collective imprint. Ultimately, one Consciousness will take precedence and enter the physical form. Rob Gauthier emphasizes that while genetic traits come from both parents, the Consciousness attaching to the embryo influences how these traits manifest.

Free Will and Genetic Selection

Rob Gauthier highlights the role of free will in this process, stating that Souls can influence which sperm and egg combination will form their physical body. In some cases, Souls may choose a different sperm from the one that would have been selected through natural processes. This can occur when certain circumstances, such as changes in relationships, affect the free will of the parents. Despite these variations, the Soul’s blueprint for its physical form remains intact.

Soul’s Imprint on Genetic Development

After the egg is fertilized, the Consciousness continues to influence the development of the embryo. This process occurs between the fourth and twelfth week of gestation when the Soul’s energy imprints more deeply onto the developing form. By this stage, the basic genetic modifications have already been made, including the determination of the embryo’s sex and the formation of its physical structure.

Fine-Tuning Physical Traits

Rob Gauthier explains that while humans may perceive the development of physical traits as random, the Soul consciously selects specific details for the body it will inhabit. This process is compared to character creation in a video game, where features like eye color, body shape, and other physical attributes are chosen. The Soul’s imprint guides the development of these traits as the fertilized egg continues to grow and develop into a physical form.

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