Robert Nelson

Andromedans 10th Pt.2/3.Antarctica. Stars. German SSP. CERN. Anti-Gravity.

Antarctica’s Alien Bases and Energy Sources

In recent years, there has been a notable increase in activity in Antarctica. Multiple reports have emerged about politicians visiting the region, raising questions about their purpose. According to alternative sources, the reason for this attention is the presence of ancient alien bases hidden beneath the ice.

These bases are reportedly vast, some covering areas of up to 24 hectares, and have multiple levels. The alien technology found there includes an unknown energy source that provides light and warmth, despite the extreme conditions under the ice. This energy is unlike anything produced by conventional fossil fuels, utilizing natural ley lines and sacred geometry.

Black Goo Phenomenon

A substance referred to as “black goo” has been discovered in various locations on Earth. Described as an oil-like material with malevolent properties, black goo is believed to possess a conscious, evil force.

There have been conflicts over its control, including rumors that the Falklands War involved access to black goo. Reports also suggest that the 2010 Gulf oil spill may have involved this substance, though these claims remain unconfirmed. The black goo is known to seek reconstitution when separated and is believed to influence the minds of those who come into contact with it.

Stars and Black Holes

The discussion shifts to astrophysics, particularly the relationship between stars and black holes. Contrary to the traditional understanding of stars as fusion reactors, it is proposed that each star has a black hole at its core. The outer layer of the star is maintained by various energy forces interacting with the black hole. As these forces diminish, stars undergo changes, eventually collapsing into different states, such as red dwarfs. Black holes, despite their small size, play a critical role in controlling the life cycle of stars.

Misconceptions About the Sun

The commonly accepted model of the Sun as a fusion reactor is challenged. Instead, it is suggested that the Sun’s energy is driven by a black hole at its center, with both fusion and fission reactions occurring simultaneously. This dynamic allows stars to persist over long periods. The black hole at the center of the Sun controls the energy distribution, and its activity determines when a star collapses or changes state.

Black Hole Dormancy

Black holes, according to this discussion, can go dormant when they have absorbed sufficient matter. During these periods, they stop pulling in material and may release energy or matter into different dimensions or universes. This dormancy is cyclic, and black holes may reawaken after a period of inactivity.

CERN and the Hadron Collider

The conversation touches on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, which was reportedly shut down for several years due to concerns over its potential dangers. There is speculation that the collider was being used to open a portal to other dimensions. Some believe that this could allow entities or knowledge to pass between dimensions, potentially benefiting humanity with new scientific discoveries. However, concerns were raised that such experiments might also allow negative entities to enter our reality.

German Secret Space Program and Anti-Gravity

The topic moves to anti-gravity technology, which was supposedly developed as early as the 1920s in Germany. According to the discussion, mediumistic communication revealed the technology to German engineers, who managed to build functional anti-gravity craft. These early attempts at space exploration were carried out by secret societies in Germany, and by the late 1930s, they allegedly had bases in space. While these bases were not always successful, they represented a significant technological leap.

The secrecy surrounding such advanced technology is compared to the Manhattan Project, where the development of the atomic bomb remained hidden until its first use. Similarly, compartmentalization within governments and military organizations has kept the existence of anti-gravity technology and space exploration under wraps.

Home > Andromedans 10th Pt.2/3.Antarctica. Stars. German SSP. CERN. Anti-Gravity.

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