
Elder son of Adam and Eve, the first murderer and the first fratricide, from Hebrew Qayin, literally “created one,” also “smith,” from Semitic stem q-y-n “to form, to fashion.

Sabine Baring-Gould

The death of Adam

At 930 years old, Adam encountered the Angel of Death, who appeared as a goat. Adam protested, claiming he was promised 1000 years, but the Angel reminded him of his gift of 70 years to David.

Mankind is actually the successor of other intelligent creatures such as jinn and hinn



Seth was born before Lamech. Seth is a son of Adam and Eve.

The secret book of John

Adam in Yaldabaoth’s Paradise

The Apocryphon of John, also called the Secret Book of John is a 2nd-century Sethian Gnostic Christian text attributed to John the Apostle.



Irad is the son of Enoch, the grandson of Cain, and the father of Mehujael.

Abel from the Bible and Osiris from ancient Egyptian mythology share several thematic and narrative similarities, even though they come from very different cultural and religious backgrounds



Seth died at the age of 912

Adam gave Seth secret teachings that would become the Kabbalah.
In the Abrahamic religions, Seth was the third son of Adam and Eve.

Secret Book of John

Abel: Ruler of water and earth

Abel is a Biblical figure in the Book of Genesis within Abrahamic religions. He was a younger brother of Cain, and the second son of Adam and Eve

Saklas is a name often associated with Gnostic teachings, particularly within certain sects that describe the creation and structure of the universe in mythic terms.

In Genesis lifespan decreases after the Deluge. Before the flood some people lived for several hundred years

Elohim is plural, It’s a mistake that it is translated to ‘God’. There is a link to the Anunnaki


Yahweh YHWH

Yahweh is often shown as a violent and jealous deity, commanding the extermination of entire populations, such as in the story of Saul and the Amalekites in 1 Samuel 15.

The Nephilim are mysterious beings or people in the Hebrew Bible who are described as being large and strong.

Book of Mormon


The text of The Book of Mormon is a religious record of ancient peoples in the Americas, primarily the Nephites and the Lamanites.

Adam traditionally is the first human in Judeo-Christian scripture. Adam is a symbolic figure representing the beginnings of the human race

Helena Blavatsky

Root Races

Helena Blavatsky discusses the concept of “root races” in her writings, particularly in “The Secret Doctrine”

The Aessir landed on planet Earth in search of gold. The Aessir were similar to humans, while advanced, in many ways, they were still tribal.

Genesis 4

Cain and Abel

The Humans saw the presence of a distinguishing mark on Eve when the Ishshah (Hybrid) became pregnant, and delivered the presence of the distinguishing mark on Cain and said, I have gotten a human servant from YHWH.

The Aessir started to have children with humans (or homo sapiens).