
The Kabbalah also incorporates the four elements—fire, water, air, and earth—into its structure.

The transcript also delves into Gabriele’s encounters with elemental beings during her healing work.

She describes meeting a "body elemental being" responsible for the physical health of one of her clients, further illustrating the multidimensional nature of healing.

Similarly, she describes the role of elementals—beings representing elements such as fire, water, and earth—throughout the universe, explaining that they help maintain physical realities and have been present in many star systems, including Earth.

Elementals are a concept primarily rooted in Western esoteric and alchemical traditions.

The idea of elementals is most famously associated with the works of Paracelsus (1493-1541), a Swiss physician and alchemist who wrote about these beings as part of his broader understanding of nature and its hidden forces.

Elementals derive from ancient Greek and Roman ideas of the four classical elements, which were thought to constitute all matter.

Elementals are often regarded as intermediaries between the human world and the natural forces that govern the physical and spiritual realms.

In some esoteric traditions, practitioners attempt to communicate or work with elementals to influence the natural world or enhance personal power.

The invocation or control of elementals is a feature of some magical traditions, where these beings are seen as guardians or rulers of the forces they embody.

Elementals, in this context, were sometimes thought to assist the alchemist in mastering the fundamental forces of nature, both physically and spiritually.

Semi-Autonomous: Elementals are not always portrayed as entirely independent beings.

Moral Neutrality: Unlike angels or demons in other spiritual traditions, elementals are often seen as morally neutral.

Local Spirits: In folklore, many cultures believed that elementals were localized spirits that inhabited particular landscapes.

The idea of elementals continues to influence modern occult practices, such as Wicca, neopaganism, and certain New Age beliefs.

They are often invoked in rituals that involve elemental magic or nature-based spirituality.

Additionally, elementals have found their way into popular culture, especially in fantasy literature, films, and video games, where they are depicted as beings with control over natural forces.

The dimensions or planes in which elementals are often believed to exist

Elementals are thought to primarily exist on this plane, as it is closely connected to natural energies and the elements that they embody.

Elementals in the etheric plane are seen as more tangible and accessible to human perception, though still not visible to the physical eye in normal circumstances.

Elementals may also exist here, particularly in their role as spirit-like beings representing the essence of natural forces.

On the astral plane, elementals may interact more directly with the human mind, especially through dreams, visions, or magical practices.

They can appear in symbolic forms representing their elemental attributes (e.g., a gnome for earth or a sylph for air).

In some esoteric traditions, elementals are thought to have a presence on the mental plane, where they can represent the intellectual and conceptual aspects of the elements they govern.

For example, the mental plane is where abstract concepts of earth, water, air, and fire are formed, and elementals may be seen as archetypal forces that influence the way humans understand and interact with these natural principles.

Some traditions specifically refer to an "elemental kingdom" or "devic realm", a spiritual dimension dedicated to nature spirits, including elementals.

In this kingdom, elementals serve as caretakers of natural forces and processes, maintaining the balance and flow of energy between the physical and spiritual realms.

In advanced spiritual traditions, elementals may also be thought to exist on higher planes, such as the causal plane or even beyond, in realms of pure spiritual energy.

On these planes, elementals may take on more abstract, formless representations and embody universal principles related to creation and transformation.

Elementals are generally believed to exist simultaneously in their own subtle dimensions and have a close relationship with the physical world.


The Lens

When applied to nature, Kryon asserts that the lens will reveal elements previously regarded as mythical, such as Elementals, which are said to move between dimensions.

The elemental beings, however, followed a separate evolutionary line that remained unified with the plant and animal kingdoms.

Originally, the split between human and elemental consciousness was about 50/50.

However, as human consciousness became more physical, the elemental consciousness dwindled.

Over time, the human DNA template reduced, resulting in fewer elemental beings in the material world.

Gayomart's body is described as luminous and radiant, made from the purest matter, embodying the Earth's elemental purity.

Titans: Less directly involved with humanity, their myths are more focused on the elemental and primordial aspects of the world.

From Elemental Forces to Human Ideals: The Olympians embody human-like traits and ideals, making them more relatable and influential in human culture and society.


Inner Earth

Elemental Connection:

The speaker has a strong elemental connection due to their inner Earth origins.

Overall, this discussion is rich in spiritual and metaphysical themes, exploring ideas of past lives, elemental connections, and the unity between different realms of existence.


The book of the Angels

Celestial bodies and elemental forces are depicted as being in conflict, further disturbing the natural balance.

Life Streams: The divine Life-Streams progress through the elemental, mineral, vegetable, animal, and human kingdoms in successive Chains.

Each section in a column represents one of the seven kingdoms of nature — three elemental, mineral, vegetable, animal, human.3 Follow Life-Stream 7, the only one which goes through the seven kingdoms within the Scheme; it enters the first Chain at the *It may be remembered that the Moon of Venus was seen by Herschel.

SThe "elemental" kingdoms are the three stages of life on its descent into matter — involution — and the seven kingdoms might be figured on a descending and ascending arc, like Chains and globes :

1st Elemental Human

2nd Elemental Animal

3rd Elemental Vegetable

first Elemental Kingdom, and there develops during the life-period of the Chain; it passes into the second Elemental Kingdom on the second Chain, and develops therein during its life-period; it appears in the third Elemental Kingdom on the third Chain, and enters the Mineral on the fourth; it then successively develops through the Vegetable and Animal Kingdoms on the fifth and sixth Chains, nnd attains the Human in the seventh.

Let us take the blue circle at the top lefthand, pointed out by the arrow; it represents the first Elemental Kingdom on the first Chain.

irrhese seven Life-Stroaras and the six additional ingresses for the lowest Elemental Kingdom in the remaining six Chains, thirteen in all, are the successive impulses which make up, for this Scheme, what Theosophists call the * second Life-wave,' i.e., the form-evolving current of Life from the Second LOGOS, the Vishnu of the Hindu, the Son of the Christian, Trinities.

first Chain for the second — the next ring of coloured circles — this blue stream divides on arriving there; its least advanced part, which is not ready to go on into the second Elemental Kingdom, breaks off from the main stream and goes again into the first Elemental Kingdom of this second Chain, joining the new Life-stream — coloured yellow and marked with an arrow which enters on its evolution in that Chain, and being merged in ix ; the main blue stream goes on into the second Elemental Kingdom of this second Chain, receiving into itself some laggards from the second Elemental Kingdom of the first Chain, assimilating them, and carrying them on with itself; it will be noticed that only a blue stream leaves this Kingdom, the foreign elen ents having been completely assimilated.

The blue stream flows on into the third Chain, divides, leaves its laggards to continue in the second Elemental Kingdom in the third Chain, while the bulk goes on to form th?

third Elemental Kingdom of this third Chain ; again it receives some laggards from the third Elemental Kingdom of the second Chain, assimilates tlem, and carries them on with itself, an undiluted blue stream, into the Mineral Kingdom of the fourth Chain; as before, it leaves some laggards to evolve themselves in the third Elemental Kingdom of the fourth Chain, and receives some from the Mineral Kingdom of the third Chain, assimilating them as before.

second, the orange, circle, representing the second Elemental Kingdom in the first Chain — and having therefore, one stage of life in a Chain behind it, or, in other words, having entered the stream of evolution as the first Elemental Kingdom in the seventh Chain of a previous Scheme (see the top left-hand circle with arrow in the seventh Chain in our Diagram) — reaches the Human Kingdom in the sixth Chain and passes on.

Two points remain: the sub-elemental and the superhuman.

The Life-Stream from the LOGOS ensouls matter first in the first, or lowest, Elemental Kingdom; hence when that same stream from the first Chain enters the second Elemental Kingdom on the second Chain, the matter which is to be that of the first Elemental Kingdom on that second Chain has to be ensouled by a new Life-Stream from the LOGOS, and so on with each of the remaining Chains.1

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Turanian, in Ancient Chaldaea.

Now the Chaldaean theory was that each of these types of matter in the astral body of the LOGOS, and in particular the mass of elemental essence functioning through each type, is to some extent a separate vehicle — almost a separate entity — having its own special affinities, and capable of vibrating under influences which might probably evoke no response from the other types.

The influences may have, and indeed must have, other and more important lines of action not at present known to us ; but this at least forces itself upon the notice of the observer, that each such sphere produces its own special effect upon the manifold varieties of the elemental essence.

composed of this living and vivified matter which we now call elemental essence, any unusual excitation of any of the classes of that essence, or a sudden increase in its activity, must undoubtedly affect to some extent either his emotions or his mind, or both ; and it is also obvious that these influences must work differently on different men, because of the varieties of essence entering into their composition.

First they believed in the existence, in connection with each planet, of an undeveloped, semi-intelligent yet exceedingly potent entity, which we can perhaps best express in our Theosophical terminology as the collective elemental essence of that planet, regarded as one huge creature.

We know how, in the case of a man, the elemental essence which enters into the composition of his astral body becomes to all intents and purposes a separate entity, which has sometimes been called the desire-elemental; how its many different types and classes combine into a temporary unity, capable of definite action in its own defence, as for example against the disintegrating process which sets in after death.

If in just the same way we can conceive of the totality of the elemental kingdoms in a particular planet energising as a whole, we shall have grasped exactly the theory held by the ancient Chaldaeans with regard to this first variety of planetary Spirit, for which 'planetary elemental' would be a far more appropriate name.

It was the influence (or perhaps the magnetism) of this planetary elemental which they tried to focus upon people suffering from certain diseases, or to imprison in a talisman for future use.

It is often associated with the four elements (earth, water, air, fire) and the four cardinal directions (north, south, east, west).

Frank Ontario

The 12 Elohim

Within their structure, they include Elemental Builders responsible for various natural elements and have dominion over entities like Gnomes, Salamanders, Sylphs, and Undines.

Described as small, hairy, and bipedal, they are said to live in the dense forests and could be related to elemental spirits of nature, similar to the concept of dwarves or elves in other mythologies.

Advanced Elemental TechnologiesThe spaceship boasts extraordinary offensive capabilities, such as emitting intense heat, fire, and light, akin to flames and sparks shooting from its mouth and smoke pouring from exhausts.


Root Races

The nether Lords of the Fires (the Gnomes and fire Elementals) are preparing their magic Agneyastra (fire-weapons worked by magic).

But the Lords of the Dark Eye ('Evil Eye') are stronger than they (the Elementals) and they are the slaves of the mighty ones.

The speaker affirms that humanoid forms are relatively common in certain regions of space due to similar elemental compositions and environmental conditions in star clusters.