Gabriele Heikamp

The Soul on The Other Side of the Veil

In this video, Gabriele and her friend engage in a Q&A session covering topics related to spirituality, parallel lives, and energy healing.

The conversation also touches on experiences from Gabriele’s hypnosis practice, personal spiritual insights, and views on the interconnectedness of past, present, and future lives. The session emphasizes the influence of thoughts, emotions, and soul guidance on individual experiences.

Parallel Lives and Time

According to Gabriele, time is not linear but rather an illusion. She explains that past, present, and future occur simultaneously, but due to human limitations, individuals can only perceive time in fragments.

This concept is central to understanding the phenomenon of parallel lives, where multiple versions of an individual exist across different dimensions, affecting each other.

Emotional experiences such as trauma or pivotal life events can reverberate through these parallel lives, connecting various lifetimes.

Impact of Emotions and Trauma

The discussion explores how emotional experiences, particularly traumatic ones, are shared across parallel lives. Gabriele explains how strong emotions from one lifetime may influence another, using the example of a past life where she felt emotions unrelated to her current circumstances.

These experiences demonstrate how parallel lives are interconnected, and events in one can have an impact on others.

Hypnosis and Incarnations

Gabriele shares insights from her practice of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), in which clients sometimes access memories of future lives or parallel incarnations.

One example is of a client who described a future incarnation in a spaceship. She notes that accessing these lives during hypnosis provides valuable understanding of how they influence the present.

The spiritual realm offers guidance on these matters, although Gabriele admits that the human mind struggles to grasp such concepts fully.

Influence on Past and Future

Gabriele believes that individuals can influence their past and future lives through consciousness and intention.

She explains that during moments of heightened awareness or meditation, one can send comfort to a parallel self in a different lifetime, potentially easing difficult experiences. Similarly, emotions or sensations that seem unconnected to the present might be echoes from a parallel or past life.

Elemental Beings and Energy Healing

The transcript also delves into Gabriele’s encounters with elemental beings during her healing work. She describes meeting a “body elemental being” responsible for the physical health of one of her clients, further illustrating the multidimensional nature of healing.

These beings, according to Gabriele, can assist in diagnosing and treating ailments by revealing energetic imbalances in the body.

Death, Cremation, and the Etheric Body

The discussion shifts to topics related to death, cremation, and the afterlife. Gabriele shares her belief, based on spiritual teachings, that cremation facilitates the soul’s transition by freeing it from earthly attachments.

She contrasts this with burial, where the etheric body remains connected to the decaying physical body. Cremation, in her view, allows for a smoother passage into the spiritual realm.


The session concludes with Gabriele expressing hope that viewers can connect with their spiritual guides and receive the divine guidance necessary for personal growth. Both participants wish blessings of love and light for all those watching.

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