Debbie Solaris

The Earth Experiment

FIFTY8 Interviews Debbie Solaris / PART I The Beginning of The Earth Experiment

Debbie Solaris introduces the session, discussing the ancient civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria. She explains her intent to explore the Akashic Records to understand these societies, their separation from higher selves, and the connection to Twin Flames.

The Importance of Atlantis and Lemuria

Debbie expresses gratitude for being invited and notes that Atlantis and Lemuria frequently appear in her Akashic readings. She believes many involved in Earth’s Ascension Project have had past lives in these civilizations. She highlights the significance of Egypt, stating that it served as a converging point for starseeds after the fall of Atlantis and Lemuria, though that topic is reserved for another time.

The Separation of Divine Feminine and Masculine

Solaris explains that the split between Mother God and Father God consciousness is a recurring theme across multiple star civilizations. This concept was introduced on Earth by extraterrestrials, resulting in two distinct civilizations representing the Divine Feminine (Lemuria) and Divine Masculine (Atlantis).

The Earth Experiment

She discusses how extraterrestrial groups initiated an experiment on Earth to replicate the templates from star systems such as the Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda, and Arcturus. Earth, known as the “living library,” became the testing ground for spiritual concepts. Atlantis, representing Father God energy, attracted souls oriented toward the Divine Masculine, while Lemuria represented Mother God energy.

Twin Flames and Integration of Energies

Solaris touches on the concept of Twin Flames, emphasizing the need for balance between masculine and feminine energies for personal and collective ascension. She notes that many people in her readings have connections to both Atlantis and Lemuria, possibly as a means to integrate these energies within their souls.

Avalon and its Origins

Debbie mentions that when energies are balanced, the Avalon timeline is restored. She traces the origins of Avalon to the Lyra system, describing it as a paradise planet and noting that many people have fond memories of it. Attempts to recreate Avalon occurred during the Arthurian times in the British Isles, influenced by figures like Merlin, who she believes was a starseed or extraterrestrial visitor.

Lessons from Past Civilizations

Debbie reflects on the cyclical nature of civilizations, citing examples like Atlantis, Lemuria, and the Roman Empire. She emphasizes the importance of integrating the dark aspects of oneself, explaining that failure to do so leads to external destruction, as seen in these ancient societies.

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